Page 82 of Commit To Violence



"Stupid mutha fucka shot that bitch in front of the cops, and they smoked his ass."

Hank laughed and refilled his drink. "That’s fucked up."

"For who? Shit is fucked up for that nigga, maybe. But the shit’s workin’ out perfect for us. Shit, we was gonna have to kill that nigga and that dumb-ass cry baby Jay Easy anyway."

"That nigga was pathetic. Cryin ’ like a fuckin’ girl over that bitch," Hank laughed. "‘Rain left me for that nigga. She hurt me, hurt me bad’," Hank said, imitating Jay Easy.

"I wanted to put a bullet in that nigga’s brain right then," Bo said laughing.

"If you had, we wouldn’ta made all that money sellin’ all that caine he stole from Rain to Cruz," Hank said.

"You know, Hank, shit is workin’ out better than I planned." Bo walked to the door of his office and looked out into the garage.

"With Stark, Moon and Rain dead, sooner or later Black is gonna find out that Stark was supplyin’ Rain."

Bo spun around quickly. "What you mean sooner or later? I’ma tell him myself in the mornin’ at Kenny’s funeral," Bo laughed. "See, I had the shit figured right from the jump. When I found out that Stark was supplyin’ Rain, I knew for a fact that once Nick found out about it, he would kill Stark; if for no other reason than to keep that shit from Black. That nigga would lose his mind if he found that shit out."

"Yeah, bad enough Nick was fuckin’ around with Rain on Wanda. Shit, Freeze told me that Black said he would kill Nick over Wanda. But if Black found out that the bitch was dealin’, shit," Hank said.

"Black would kill her and Nick."

"I heard how Black did Banks when he found out that nigga was dealin’."

"Shit, Nick and Freeze beat the shit outta him then they burnt the nigga with acid, before Black said the nigga was guilty of treason, put a bag over his head and shot him."

"Them niggas didn’t play in those days."

"That was then. Now them niggas soft as paper. Tryin’ to go legit, shiiit. Let Wanda’s bitch-ass blow that smoke up they ass."

"I don’t know about all that now. It wasn’t soft how Black dealt with the three young niggas that tried to kill him and Bobby in that drive-by. And what about Mylo and that other DEA agent?"

"How long ago was that? Since then, them niggas been laid back gettin’ soft. Back in the day, Black would never get involved with a nigga like Stark. I don’t give a fuck what that pussy-ass Angelo wanted. Back in the day, Black woulda shot that cracker in the head for sayin’ something like that to him. Now, that nigga rolled over and got in bed with them mutha fuckas to keep the peace."

"Well, either way, Bo, you had the shit figured. Only thing you didn’t figure right was Kenny," Hank said.

"Yeah." Bo dropped his head. "I just knew he’d be down for it. I thought that since Kenny didn’t like Nick, he would back me in this shit." Bo had planned to kill Nick since the day Black came to the garage and told him that he had picked Nick to takeover for Freeze, over him.

"But you was wrong there."

"Kenny knew Freeze dying was Nick’s fault, but what I didn’t count on was Kenny being so loyal to Black. When he said that shit to me I had to kill him."

"Told you that nigga wasn’t ever gonna turn on Black. They go too far back."

"But, fuck it now, shit’s done."

"You oughta call Cruz. Tell him the good news."

Bo walked back to his desk and picked up the phone. "Now that Stark is dead, Cruz can make his move." He sat down and dialed a number. Cruz was a big part of Bo’s plan. He had promised Cruz control of Stark’s market once he was dead.

Once again, Hank looked on while Bo held the phone and listened. Only this time he wasn’t smiling.

Bo hung up the phone and poured himself another drink and shot it quick.

"What’s wrong?"