Page 63 of Commit To Violence

"What I don’t need is your ass tryin’ to tell me what the fuck I gotta do," Nick yelled and hung up the phone.

He held the phone in his hand because he knew it wouldn’t take Rain long to call back. When the phone rang again he answered it. "What do you want?"

"I told you. We got shit to do today and you fuckin’ around."


"What you mean what?"

"What we gotta do?"

"Shit, mutha fucka, you already know what we gotta do."

"It waited this long, another couple of hours ain’t gonna make no difference. I’ll get wit’ you later."

"Wait!" Rain yelled.


"Nick, listen to me for a second. I got some important shit goin’ on over here right now. I need your help with it. You the only one that can handle this," Rain pleaded.

"When shit was goin’ your way you didn’t need my help, now I’m the only one who can handle it?"

"Yes. Now come on. Get over here as fast as you can. It’s real fuckin’ important."

"What’s goin’ on over there?"

"I don’t wanna say over the phone. It’s just that deep. But I’m for real ’bout this. You need to come handle this shit for real."

"All right. I’ll be there."

"How long you gonna be?"

"I’ll be there when I fuckin’ get there!"

"All right, nigga. You ain’

t gotta yell and shit. Just hurry your ass up. This shit is important," Rain said and Nick hung up the phone.

When he got to Rain’s apartment she was naked when she answered the door. He walked past her like Rain being naked was no big deal.

"What was so important?"

"What is your problem? Why you givin’ me all this fuckin’ attitude?"

Nick grabbed Rain by the arm and pulled her to him. "I asked you what was so fuckin’ important that you needed me to deal with right away?"

Rain jerked her arm away from him. "You don’t see nothin’ important here?"

Nick looked around. "All I see is you."

"Shit. That’s what’s important."


"I ain’t seen your ass all day. I need some of that dick."

"That’s all you wanted? To fuck?"