Page 26 of Commit To Violence

"Lighten up, Monika. Take some deep breaths," Bobby said and kept walking. As the sun began to set, they made it to the fence.

"Okay," Monika said. "We camp here until it’s time to make our move."

"I’m gonna checkout the area and set up a defensive perimeter," Nick said and walked off.

"The rest of you get some rest. We go at O-four-thirty," Monika said.

Bobby looked at Black and then to Monika. "Yes, sir," he said and saluted.

"Fuck you, Bobby."

"Anytime you’re ready."

At O-four-thirty the team put on night-vision goggles, put silencers on their weapons and approached the fence.

"How do we know if your man did his job?" Bobby asked.

Nick picked up a small piece of wood and threw it at the fence. When nothing happened, Travis cut the fence and they went through.

Once they reached the clearing they got ready to make their move. "Nick," Monika said and got out her binoculars.

Nick broke out a Barrett 82A1 50BMG Semi-auto Rifle and took aim at the guard tower. With one shot, he took out the guard manning the tower. "Good shot," Monika said.


p; "Thanks," he said and took aim at the other tower.

Now that the towers were neutralized, they separated into two teams.

"Nick, you and Travis head for the barracks and rendezvous with us at the main house," Monika ordered. "Black, Bobby, you’re with me."

Nick looked at his watch. "Give us five minutes before you move," he said, and Travis followed Nick to the barracks.

When they reached the barracks, Travis stood guard while Nick planted C-4 charges and remote detonators around the building. Then Travis saw the motor pool. "How much more C-4 you got?"

"Enough. Why?"

Travis pointed. "Motor pool."

"Good looking out. Come on," Nick said. Once the charges were set, Nick and Travis made their way to the rendezvous point.

Meanwhile, Monika, Black and Bobby approached the main house and were surprised that they didn’t encounter any foot patrols. Shortly thereafter, they were joined by Nick and Travis, and the team entered the house. After walking through the first floor, they met at the staircase. Black and Monika were about to check the second level.

"Nick, watch the back. Bobby, you take the front of the house. Travis, you stay here," Monika said.

As Bobby made his way toward the front of the house, he heard a noise. "Somebody’s coming in," he said. Monika moved quickly to the door while the others took cover. Bobby positioned himself on the other side of the door and waited.

One woman came in the house. Bobby grabbed her and covered her mouth. Monika shoved a gun in her face. "¿Yo no le doleré, comprenderá?" Monika said quietly in Spanish, letting the woman know that she wasn't going to hurt her.

"Si," the frightened woman said quickly.

"¿Dónde está Cristóbal?"

"Arriba," the woman said and pointed upstairs.

"Muéstrenos," Monika ordered the woman to show them and pushed her toward the steps.

The woman led Monika and Black up the stairs to a bedroom at the end of the hall. The woman pointed to a door. "Adentro."