Page 24 of Commit To Violence

"No," CeCe said and took Kevon’s gun from his waist. "You stay here and save your strength. I’ll get the car."

"You know how to use that?"

"No, but it will come to me," she said and ran out into the pouring rain toward the limo.

Black kept his gun raised and watched as CeCe made it to the limo. She stopped in front of the limo and looked back at him. Then she moved around to the side, and then around to the other side. CeCe opened the driver’s side door and stepped back quickly. When Black saw her running back toward the house, he knew that something was wrong.

"The driver is dead. All four tires are flat, and there’s a big hole in the front."

"Cristóbal. That was what that shooting was," Black said and CeCe helped him back inside.

"What now?" CeCe said.

"Get the phone from Kevon’s pocket. Jamaica’s number is programmed. Call him and tell him to come get us."

"That could take a while, especially in this weather," CeCe said.

"You got a better idea now’s the time," Black said to CeCe and they waited for Jamaica to come with a doctor to save his life.

Maybe Bobby was right, this was just the natural order of things. It was the same in both of his worlds. People will do anything to get what they want, even if they have to kill to accomplish their goals.


Black looked out the window as Bobby drove to Luke’s house, and his mind drifted to Kevon. He thought about Jiang, one of the Chinese businessmen. After he was shot in Freeport, they talked at Kevon’s funeral. "How are you feeling my friend?" Jiang asked.

"Much better."

"That is good to hear."

"I am sorry about Chang, Mei Ai Bao and Xiang Yong," Black said.

"They will be missed. Chang was like a brother to me. I will feel his loss for many years."

"I hate to ask at a time like this, but how is Chang’s death going to affect our business with the Cubans?"

"I’m sorry to say that without Chang, there is no business with the Cubans. The contacts were his; contacts he spent years developing. With Chang dead, the Cubans will most assuredly turn to Cristóbal to do business."

"Cristóbal knew that, and that’s why he killed Chang."

"I agree."

"Where is Cristóbal now?"

"I know what you are thinking, my friend, but Cristóbal also killed Clemente Eustaquio."

"I know. He told Chang that before he shot him."

"He has consolidated power in a town called El Peronil and has a small army protecting him, which makes him almost impossible to get to."

"Nobody is impossible to get to."

"This is true. However, now is not the time. Now is the time for patience. But I assure you, this act of dishonor will not go unpunished. In time, we will have our revenge," Jiang shook Black’s hand and walked away.

"Fuck Bruce Lee," Bobby said. "When we going down there?"

"Jiang is right. If he is protected like that, gettin’ his ass is gonna take time and planning. And I know the perfect person to set it in motion." Black looked at Bobby and smiled as Monika walked up.

For the next two weeks, Black remained in the Freeport, recovering from his wounds and enjoying being with Michelle and CeCe. When he felt that he was well enough to travel, Black and CeCe went to his new house in Nassau. But after a few days they both agreed that they missed being with Michelle. The next morning Black got up and left early and came back that night with Michelle. Over the next three months, Black enjoyed his life with his girls until a visitor arrived.