Page 11 of Commit To Violence

"I’m in the middle of something here," Black said and stood over Rawls with the pot of water in his hands.


When Bobby stepped aside, Black started to pour the water slowly in Rawls’ face. Rawls turned his head to one side, trying to keep the water from going in his mouth and up his nose.

"Hold his head, Bobby."

"But I’ll get wet," Bobby laughed.


"All right, all right, you don’t have to yell," Bobby said and kicked Rawls again. Then he got down and grabbed his face with both hands. Black tilted the pot slowly and water began to rush down on Rawls’ face. With Bobby holding his head, he couldn’t avoid the rushing water. When the pot was empty, Bobby stood up and kicked Rawls again.

Black dropped the pot and knelt down next to Rawls. "Where are those papers?"

"In the garage." Rawls thought if she had the papers when his men took her that, that was the only other place that he could think the papers might be. At this point, Rawls was ready to tell them anything they wanted just to get them to stop. "Trunk of my car," he said, still gasping for air and spitting water out of his mouth.

"Thank you," Black said and stood up. "Let’s go," he said to Bobby and they headed for the garage.

"Hey! Wait a minute. You can’t leave me like this," Rawls yelled until he heard the door close.

"Water boarding?" Bobby asked. "That was your big move?"

"Hey, if fuckin’ Dick Cheney can do it, so can I. Besides, it worked, didn’t it?"

Black went around to the back of the car and shot out the lock in the trunk. He picked up the briefcase and opened it. Black quickly flipped through the papers until he found the one he was looking for. He started to leave. "Wait a minute, Mike."


"You just gonna leave him in there?"

"Yeah. He’ll bleed to death, and that’ll be that."

"Yeah, but suppose somebody comes lookin’ for him?"

"You’re right," Black said, took out his gun and went back in the house. He walked over to Rawls and stood over him.

"Thank you," Rawls mumbled.

Black raised his gun and shot Rawls twice in the head. "You’re welcome."

When they arrived in the house where Ebony Washington was being held, Bobby parked the car in front of the house and turned to Black. "So what’s your plan?"

"I been thinkin’ about that. Thinkin’ what would Monika do?"

"Shit, sexy one-eye would blow the place up and tell Martin that we couldn’t save his ho."

"I thought about that too. I mean, we got the important shit and that was the memo."


"But I promised Martin that I’d bring her back alive. He’s in love with her," Black said and got out of the car.

"Since I ain’t plannin’ on dyin’ for love, what you gonna do? You just gonna open the gate, walk up the steps, ring the bell and ask them to send her out?"

"Something like that. Come on," Black said and opened the gate. On the way up the steps, both Black and Bobby took out their guns and put their silencers on. Black rang the bell and they stepped to either side of the door.

"Who is it?" a voice came back.