Page 95 of Private Deceptions

"Jake. He went there to put the formula in the safe so you would find it. But you got there first. He thought Chilly sent you so he took off your glove to get your fingerprints on something, so the police would connect you to Chilly."

"How did Jake break his neck?"

"The night that you went to see Lisa Ellison."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"After you left her house, she went to see Chéz to find out what was goin’ on. They argued, but Chéz didn’t tell her anything."

"Chésará was in on it too."

"Of course she was. Lisa told Chéz that she thought she knew where Jake might be and she was goin’ out there in the morning. Chéz called me and I went out there to warn him."


"She didn’t need to know. Lisa is weak. If anybody put pressure on her, she’d give the whole thing up and that would ruin everything. So I went out there to tell Jake she was coming and not to let her know he was there."

"What happened?"

"When I got there, I told Jake that Lisa was coming out there and that he shouldn’t talk to her."

Wednesday July 15; 11:45 PM

"Why not, Gee?"

"Jake, don’t you see how that will ruin everything? If she knows where you are, she’ll give you up the first time somebody asks her any thing. You know how she is, Jake. If Chilly steps to her and says boo, you know she’ll drop the whole thing."


, okay. Anything else I need to know about?"


"What now, Gee?"

"There is something else I have to tell you." I stood up and walked to the window. I didn’t want to be the one to have to tell him, but he needed to know. I took a deep breath and turned to face Jake. "I don’t know how to say this any other way, so I’m just gonna drop it. Jake, LaShawn is dead."

Jake jumped up from the couch. "What?"

"She’s dead, Jake. And so is Pamela."

"What? How?"

"They both OD’d on that stuff you created."

"That’s not possible!"

"I’m sorry, Jake."

Jake ran up the stairs and I went after him. He stopped at the top of the steps. He started to cry. "Why?"

"You said it yourself, everyone who knew about it had to die."

"But Pamela didn’t have anything to do with this. Why did Chilly have to kill her?"

"I don’t know, Jake."

"You didn’t say anything about that. They weren’t supposed die." He was getting hysterical. "That wasn’t part of your great plan, Gee!" He grabbed me by my shoulders and started to shake me. "Why, Gee? Why? Why did they have to die?" Jake screamed.