Page 106 of Private Deceptions

"I’m tired and I’m ready to go home. But Bobby wants me to see tonight’s act. What’s he call himself?"

"The One," Freeze said.

"Whatever," Wanda said as she leaned over the desk looking for the message. I’d seen her in a business suit and a big fuzzy robe, but if I had any remaining doubts about how fine Wanda had gotten, the black mini crushed them. Those beautiful legs lead up to a near perfect ass and that slim waist. Felicia Hardy crossed my mind. She jumped back into law school and didn’t seem to have a minute to talk. Or maybe she was tryin’ to tell me something?

"I’ll see what he got," Wanda said. "You two gonna stay and watch the show with me?"

"No, I gotta roll. Doc said some niggas was tryin’ to post up in his spot," Freeze said, before I had a chance to say yes. Wanda looked a little disappointed, but she covered it up.

"Here it is," she said, handing Freeze a piece of paper.

"Derrick Washington?" Freeze said in surprise. "What Curl want?"

"I don’t know. He just said to call him."

"Derrick Washington. I heard that name before," I said.

"You should have, you made him somebody when you killed Chilly," Freeze spit out.

"Chilly’s lieutenant," I had been trying to put all that behind me, but I see that wasn’t happening.

"It’s probably his boyz that’s tryin’ to set up at Doc’s. I’ll be right back, Nick, then we goin’ to Doc’s." Freeze left the office, slamming the door behind him. I looked over at Wanda, who had taken a seat behind Bobby’s desk. I expected her to say something about Chilly, but she didn’t.

"You look tired, Nick."

"Yeah, maybe I need a vacation."

"Everything is taken care of with the police so you might as well."

I laughed out loud. "I can’t remember the last time I sat around somewhere with nothing to do all day."

"They tell me that’s what people do on vacation. Try it, and let me know how it works out," Wanda laughed. "I haven’t taken a vacation in years."

"Why don’t you come with me?"

"Excuse me? Did you just invite me to take a vacation with you?" Wanda smiled. "What are you suggesting?"

"I didn’t mean anything by it, Wanda. I was just sayin’ that since you haven’t taken one in years that you could probably use one, too. I wasn’t suggesting anything." I looked at Wanda, thinking that it wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

"Well, thanks anyway, but I’ve got too much work to do. Where are you thinking about goin’?"

"I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go to the Bahamas, see Black. Meet our new queen." And I regretted it as soon as I said it.

Wanda rolled her eyes. "That’s a good idea. I know Black would like to see you. And when you get back, you and I need to sit down and go over some things."

"Like what?" I smiled and took a seat across from her.

"Business, Nick," Wanda smiled back.


"Just business. I don’t know where your head is." Wanda dropped her head, and quickly looked up. "I mean about what you wanna do now, but I know Black has some things he’d like to talk to you about."

"I’ve been thinkin’ a lot about what I wanna do," I said suggestively.

"And what have you come up with?"

Just then, Freeze burst into the office. "Let’s go, Nick," Freeze barked.