Page 103 of Private Deceptions

"Sure, I have a bottle of Zinfandel. You want some?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"What do you —" she looked confused. "Oooohh! You want some?" Felicia got up to get the wine. "Nick, you can have all you want of this. As much as you want of this."

She returned with two glasses and sat down next to me. "Here you go baby. You look tired."

"I really haven’t slept in a couple of days." Felicia looked sad. "Smile, Felicia. I ain’t ever that tired." She smiled and sipped her wine.

"What happened with the police?"

"I’m out on bond. But Wanda thinks they’ll be willing to accept that my killin’ Chilly was self defense."

"That’s good. What about the rest of them?"

"I think they’ll probably drop the whole thing on Chilly and call it day. He was responsible for all of it anyway." I finished my wine. "Felicia, do you mind if I take a shower?"

"Not at all." She popped up from the couch and held out her hand. "Come with me. Let me get you some towels,"

"Thank you. A nice hot shower is what I need," I said as Felicia turned on the light in the bathroom. "It will help me relax."

She turned on the shower and started to undress me. "Not too relaxed that you pass out on me."

I shook my head no.


"I could use a shower too. You want some company in there?" She asked as she removed the last of my clothes.

"Is that a trick question?" And I got in the shower.

Felicia bathed me, then we made love in the shower, and again once we made our way to the bed. I enjoyed making love to her. In spite of her tough cop exterior, Felicia was an extremely sensual and highly sexual woman. While we made love, I had to ask myself the question. Was I in love with her? And would it make things any different?

As advertised, I waited until after we made love to pass out. When I woke up, Felicia was gone. "Felicia!"

"I’m in the kitchen. Don’t get up, I’m fixing you breakfast." She stuck her head in the room. "How does breakfast in bed sound to you?"

"Great. You’re all right, you know that?"

"I’m more than all right, but I’m breakin’ it on you slowly. I wouldn’t want you to feel overwhelmed. I know how you men are."

Felicia went back to the kitchen while I got up and went to the bathroom. I took care of matters in the bathroom, got back in the bed, and waited for Felicia. She came in carrying a tray with a flower in a vase. She made Spanish omelets, hash browns with link sausages. "Toast, coffee, and a Mamosa."

"All this for me?" I said, trying my best to look surprised and honored all at once. "Will you be joining me?"

"Of course. I’ll be right back." She came back with her food and got in bed next to me. She was a good breakfast cook. I’d be interested to see if that translated to being a good cook period. We ate and talked; sausages inspired sexual innuendo, mostly. I told her about Monika and Jett, she cried a few tears for me.

Man I was diggin’ her.

When we finished eating, Felicia took the trays back to the kitchen. She came in the room and got back in bed and snuggled up close to me. Felicia told me she had an appointment with her professor the next day to talk about her getting back into law school. "Now that it’s over, I want to try to get my life back."

"That’s good that you’re gettin’ your life back. But there’s something that always has bothered me."

"What’s that?"

"Why did you leave?"

"I told you, I was afraid."