Page 77 of Changed Man

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know where he is,” he said, and shook his head before I punched him in the chest.

“That is not what I wanna hear,” I said, and I punched him in the chest and then Bobby punched him in the chest too. “Try again.”

“Ouch! Shit!” Solomon spit out. “I’m serious, Black, I don’t know where he is.”

Bobby punched him in the chest. “You need to do better than that, mutha fucka.”

“We need our money, Solomon,” I said, and I punched him in the chest and then Bobby punched him. “And if I can’t get my money from him—”

“We gonna get that money from you,” Bobby said and punched him.

“Off your dead body if that’s what it takes,” I said and punched him.

I gotta say, the look on Solomon’s face was priceless. I think that he was expecting us to slap him around, ask him where to find Simon Parrish and he would say I don’t know where he is, and we say, okay you can go. Wasn’t happening. He needed to give us something, something we could use.

Bobby took out his gun and put it in Solomon’s eye.

“Come on now, Bobby, you ain’t gotta be like this,” Solomon pleaded.

“Yes, he does,” I said, and got in his face. “Tell me what I wanna know or Bobby will end this discussion, and you.”

“I’m serious, Black, I don’t know where he is.”


“Wait!” Solomon shouted. “I know that he is out of the country and I really don’t know where, Black. I swear fo’ god that I don’t. I can’t even say when he’ll be back.”

“Bad for you,” I said. “But not to worry, we’re not gonna kill you,”

“If we kill you, we’ll never get our money,” Bobby said, and it seemed like Solomon relaxed. “You’ll just be a badly deformed cripple that gotta be fed through a straw, but you’ll be able to get us our money.”

“This is about to get painful,” I said and reached back to punch him.

“Wait!” Solomon shouted and then he took a deep breath. “I can tell you that when he is in the country, he works with a security company called Secure Solutions.”

“That’s who that big Arnold Schwarzenegger looking mutha fucka works for?” Bobby asked.

“Yes — yes. They work out of an office on the lower east side.”

“Not good enough!” I shouted and reached back again to hit him.

“Wait!” he shouted, but it was too late. By the time I got finished swinging, his face was a bloody mess, as were my gloves, and I think his nose was broken.

Bobby leaned forward and got in his face. “You know you could have saved yourself a lot of pain if you had just told the nigga where on the lower east side we can find this office. You know that, right?”

Solomon spit out blood. “Delancey street.”

Now that we had something useful, we untied Solomon, let him get cleaned up, before we let him leave and we headed downtown. Oh, and in case you were wondering, his nose wasn’t broken. Once we looked over the way they were set up, I decided that it required a softer touch to get the information we were looking for and that meant we needed Wanda.

But it was late afternoon, the Secure Solutions office would be closing soon, and shit, it was my birthday and that was when Bobby started talking up going to Sparks. We were told that it was the hot new club on the lower east side. That shit was weak.

Me and Bobby were just about to leave when Toya and Stephanie walked in. Bobby lost his fucking mind when he saw Stephanie. I mean she had come fuck me, Bobby written all over her. Stephanie was a tall beautiful flat chested slimmy with an ass that could stop traffic, so now, we can’t leave.

It didn’t take long before Bobby was on her. They’re talking and laughing and he’s buying her drinks; he even got up a couple of times and did that two-step he calls dancing. Now, let me share something with you: Bobby Ray can pull a woman. Hear him tell it, he can pull any woman, anytime, anywhere.

“I don’t give a fuck if her man is standing right next to her. If I want her, she is mine,” I’ve heard him say hundreds of times. And I’ve seen him do it. I stood next to him and heard him tell a woman, “This thing between you and your man—” He’d shake his head. “It ain’t gonna last.” And before the night was over he’d have her. I’ve also seen that ability backfire when her man objected to Bobby taking his woman.