Page 75 of Changed Man

“I understand.”

“Good. Now have some of this stuffed eggplant, Mikey. It’s delicious.”


Mike Black will return.



12 Days in December

Roy Glenn

Escapism Entertainment

© Copyright 2018 Roy Glenn

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead or to real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

Chapter One

December 13

“I'm fucked up.”

That was the last thing I remember saying before I passed out. But at least this morning I knew where I was and more importantly, who these two women are, and trust me, that hasn’t always been the case this month. It was December, me and Bobby's birthday month, and we’ve been celebrating since Thanksgiving and the celebration won’t end until after New Year’s.

Now, some of you may have noticed that I didn’t mention us celebrating Christmas. That’s because we don’t. I mean Bobby is better about it than I am, but even though it was twelve days away, I barely acknowledge that my birthday and Christmas exist in the same month. Like everything, it stems from childhood. It comes from year after year of that birthday Christmas present shit. There, I fuckin’ said it and now I’ll leave it alone, but people that were born in December, you know what I’m talking about.

Anyway, the day began with somebody banging on my front door and Lo-Lo elbowing me.

“It’s Bobby at the door. You don’t hear him banging?” a groggy sounding Lo-Lo asked and elbowed me again.

“I do now.”

“I do, too,” Anya said, pulling the pillow over her head and moving closer to Lo-Lo.

I got outta bed wondering why he doesn’t just use his key. I grabbed my pants from the floor, put them on and went to let Bobby in.

“Happy birthday,” he said when I walked out of the bedroom. I guess he decided to use his key after all that banging.


“Get dressed, we got shit to do,” he said as I plopped down in a chair. “Fuck you sitting down for? We got shit to do,” Bobby said standing over me.

“I’m tired, Bob.”

It was after eleven in the morning, so it wasn’t like it was that early. Bobby had dropped me off at Cynt’s after four, but Lo-Lo had a customer that was dropping big cash on her, so me and Anya waited for her. Thinking that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, he kept feeding her cash until it was after six and he was just about broke.

Now, Lo-Lo is one bad sexy chocolate mutha fucka, so watching her dance had me and Anya feeling her, but instead of going into our private room and releasing some of that pressure while we waited, we decided to wait, and watch, “and we be absolutely insane for her sexy fuckin’ ass when we get to her,” Anya suggested and that is exactly what happened during the cab ride home and we exploded when we came through the door. So, yeah, I was tired and shit, it was my fuckin’ birthday.

“Fuck that. You can sleep in January.” Bobby laughed. “Ain’t that what you told me?”

“It was funny when I said it to you. Now…not so much.”