He picked it up with his tongs. “That’s a nice bone. You have a good eye.”

“Yeah, it’s the one I’ve been eyeing,” Victor said, and faked looking dejected.

“I’ve been trying to teach him the trade.” Uncle Willie shook his head like Victor wasn’t quite getting it.

“He’s been trying to get me to take over for years, but I think it’s just his way of having some company, ’cause he knows flipping meat is not for me.”

“Whatever, Victor. It’s a lonely world over this heat. That is, until everyone wants to know how long it’s going to be. Then, and only then, do I get some company.”

We all laughed because he seemed to take it in stride. I think he probably liked things just the way they were, with Victor keeping him company. But what did I know.

“Well, Vic, get on out of here and take this pretty young lady with you. I’ll let you know when these bad boys are ready.”

We started to walk away when I heard a loud clap. I looked back to see Uncle Willie’s hand moving away from Victor’s back. He slapped him on the back! I wanted to laugh, but didn’t. I didn’t know if Victor liked to be teased, so I remained silent as we walked in silence for a while.

“I’m glad you came,” Victor finally said, and then he smiled that smile at me. “Who can pass up some ribs on a Saturday, right?”

“Right,” I said, and fought the urge to slip my hand in his and put my head on his shoulder. It was getting to the point where being with Victor felt as natural and as necessary to me as breathing.

A little ways off there were picnic tables, and I got excited when I saw they had a card game going. As we walked, Victor introduced me to or pointed out his family, who had separated into different groups of folks. Most of them I had seen at Vanessa and Paul’s wedding.

“That’s Aunt Patrice and Uncle Eddie and that’s my cousin Sydney and her brother James.” Victor leaned close to me. “He’s gay, but he’s in the closet and doesn’t think any of us know.”

“Maybe you should be the one to tell him.”

“I tried once, and he acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about.”

“You shouldn’t give up, though.”

I was serious. For me, now more than any other time in my life, being who you really are on the inside-and-out really matters to me. No one should have to fake it.

“I’m not,” I said, and we continued to walk and talk.

“That’s my Uncle B. He’s married to Aunt Anita, and they have twin daughters, Desana and Dior.” Victor looked around. “I don’t see them, but those two are a trip. They were the babies in the family for years, until Uncle Willie got married to Tina and now they have five kids.”

“Grill master, right?”

“Right. Come on, I’ll introduce you to her.”

Victor led me back around to the area where I had first met the two older ladies. But by this time, they had been joined by two other ladies. One of whom looked to be about my age or a little older; she was nursing a baby.

“I see you found him,” curly wig said as we approached.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You’ve met already?”

“Kind of. They were nice enough to tell me where to find you.”

“But we haven’t been properly introduced,” eyebrows said.

“Well then, Natasha, this is my great aunt, Sophie, and my great aunt, Claire.”

“Nice to meet you, Natasha,” Aunt Sophie said to the sound of somebody clearing their throat. Victor turned quickly.

“Aunt Anita, this is my friend, Natasha.”

“Nice to meet you, Natasha,” Aunt Anita said. “You must be somebody special. He usually doesn’t bring anybody to these things,” she said, and took a swallow of her beer.