
“Natasha and whatever his name is.”

“Him and her are cool. But I get the impression that she doesn’t like the way he treats her.”

“How does he treat her?”

“Like he doesn’t respect her.”

I looked at him. He looked weak. “She looks like she is definitely more woman than he can handle.”

“But he’s paid.”

“What’s his name?”

“Lloyd Parker.”

“Sounds weak.”

“He is weak, Victor,” Paul said, like he was stating the obvious. “But like I said, he’s paid.”

“You think that’s what she’s all about?”

“No, she really is cool people; and she makes good money, too. But he sets it out for her. She says most men are intimidated by her ’cause she’s so fine.”

“That what she said?” I asked, glancing back over my shoulder to look at her.

“She referred to herself as attractive.”

“She is that.” I said, still looking back in her direction. Natasha was still watching me. “She got a good team, Paul, but she needs a new coach. Introduce me to her, Paul.” I started walking toward the table.

“Slow down, man Don’t be so obvious.”

Paul was able to slow me down long enough to introduce me to his boss Ralph, and his wife, Adrianna. In addition to working at Leimert Beckford Marketing, Ralph had a few other business interests he was pursuing. We talked awhile about me doing some freelance work for him. Ralph said it would be a couple of months before they would be ready to move. We exchanged cards, and Ralph asked me to give him a call in September. I looked at Natasha; she was still watching me. I quickly agreed, accepted his card, and promised to call in September.

Once I got finished talking with Ralph, Paul was nowhere in sight; so I begged Vanessa to walk me over to her beautiful friend. Since she had promised a group of her coworkers that Paul had plenty of single cousins for them to dance with, she willingly agreed.

“On one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You really gotta dance with them.”

I looked at the single ladies at the table and then at Natasha. My heart beat just that much harder. “Deal,” I agreed—because at this point, I was desperate for an excuse to get close to her— and we headed for the table.

Not wanting to disrespect Lloyd when we got to the table, Vanessa introduced me to everybody at the table. With eyes focused on Natasha, I politely spoke to everyone, taking my eyes off her only briefly. Finally, Vanessa got to her.

“Natasha, Lloyd, this is Paul’s cousin, Victor. Victor, this is Lloyd Parker.”

I shook Lloyd’s hand. His handshake was as weak as I thought it would be.

“Nice to meet you, Lloyd,” I said with my eyes still focused on Natasha.

Once Vanessa had introduced us, Lloyd went back to talking to the man sitting next to him, so he couldn’t see the way I was looking at his woman. And more importantly, the way his woman was looking at me.

“Victor, this is Natasha Edwards.”

I reached for Natasha’s hand; it felt soft and warm. I bowed at the waist and kissed it. Our eyes locked and it was like the world stopped. For a second or two, it seemed that she and I were all that mattered in the world.