“You’re type is that you don’t have a type. What you have, Victor is a style.” Vanessa paused. “And before you say it, there is a difference.”

“Okay, what’s my style?”

“You like personalities. Not any particular type of personality,

they just have to have one. You like a—how should I say this—” Vanessa paused. “—you like a very feminine, very lady like woman. Like every other man in your family, you’re a gentleman, so you know how to treat a lady.”

“Anything wrong with that?” I asked.

“Worked for me,” Paul said and it required a fist bump.

“Not at all.” Vanessa leaned close and kissed Paul on the cheek. “And it is still working for you. But because you’re a gentleman, Victor, you like a woman who knows how to appreciate it.”

“So far, I can’t argue with you.”

“Because it’s pointless to try,” Paul said, and his new bride took a playful swing at him, but he was right. Vanessa is a force to be reckoned with when she wants to be.

“And you like your very feminine, very ladylike women to be attractive,” Vanessa said; and then she laughed. “But it’s not a disqualifier.”

“I’m glad you said that.” Paul drained his champagne glass. “’Cause you’ve had some very feminine, very ladylike—bats,” he said and laughed.

“They all had personality though, Paul,” she said quickly. Then she tried to stop laughing. “Seriously though, you’re a nice guy, Victor. You just never let anybody get close enough to you to find out.”

“And those are the ones he likes best,” Paul added.

“Who’s that?”

“The ones that don’t try to get to know him. They have—” He looked at Vanessa. “How should I say this?” Paul paused. “They seem to find other purposes for him.”

“Whatever,” I said, more to end the conversation. And that’s when I saw her.

I watched in wide-eyed wonder as she crossed the floor on the way to her table. The way she seemed to glide effortlessly across the floor when she walked. Poise, elegance, grace; she was absolutely phenomenal.

“Who is that?”

“That is Natasha Edwards. And that, cuz, is her man she just sat down next to,” Paul said, putting his arm around me.

“Whose guest is she?” I asked, staring at her.

“Mine,” Vanessa said. “Natasha and I used to work together.”

“What about him?”

“He’s cool,” Vanessa said, and Paul cut his eyes at her. That let me know that I would hear a different story from Paul. “The four of us have gone out a few times.”

The deejay played Always and Forever by Heatwave.

“My wife loves this song. My wife . . . I like the way that sounds.” Paul grabbed his wife’s hand and started to lead Vanessa to the dance floor.

While they danced, I sat there listening to the music and couldn’t take my eyes off of her. The first thing I noticed about her was her eyes. They were exotic; wide and tilted at the corners of her small brown face. Her long, thick lashes framed them perfectly. Then my gaze moved to her berry tinted lips that looked so soft, and ready to be kissed. And we’re not even gonna talk about that body in that black and red dress that draped every curve the way I wanted my hands to. To say she was perfectly formed would have been an understatement, having high, ripe breasts, and a lush-rounded ass. Perfect. Now, if only her personality matched.

I had to meet her.

“She just may be the one.” I laughed out loud. Unlike Desiree; who was definitely not the one.

After Paul and Vanessa left the dance floor, she went to talk to some people while Paul headed back toward the bridal table.

“What’s really up with them?” I asked when he sat down.