And he was working hard at that too. Over lunch with Valencia, she had mentioned to Shy that Black had been cultivating business and personal relationships with members of the Association of Black Businesses. At this point, he could guarantee their endorsement of Martin’s candidacy and their financial support.

“—Or he’s not doing well in the polls.”

They had driven in silence for a mile or two before Shy asked, “Were you able to find out anything else about my case?”

“Yes.” He took her hand in his. “Wanda reached out to our friend at One Penn.”

Their friend at One Penn was Deputy Inspector Cavanaugh. He worked out of the police commissioner’s office and oversaw the management of several precincts. He had also been in Black’s pocket since the old Vicious Black days, when he took over André’s extortion and gambling operations.


“He’s says that the police got video of you going in Ferreira’s office, but the video is blank during the time that you left his office and left the building.”

“You’re kidding me?”

Black shook his head sadly. “No, I’m not. Their theory is that after you went in, somebody—probably you, Chuck, disabled the cameras. So, they’ll probably get around to questioning you too.”

“That’s why the detective kept asking me about the time that I left the office, and what I did after I left there.” Shy paused. “But that doesn’t make any sense. Why wouldn’t I disable the cameras before I went in Ferreira’s office? That way there wouldn’t be any evidence that I was there at all.”

“That’s why they didn’t charge you. They are looking for a motive, something that ties us to The Ferreira’s and The Comodoro Cartel.”

“And that’s why the DEA was trying to push the association with a known drug dealer angle down my throat.”

“You are the last person who was known to be with him, so at this point, you are their only suspect.”

“That is not a comforting thought,” Shy said, as they arrived at the office to see Carla. She was there with Monika and Xavier.

“I need you to find out everything that you can about Valencia DeVerão, Andrade Ferreira, and The Comodoro Cartel,” Black barked as soon as he came through the door.

“Hey, Black; hey, Shy,” Monika said, without looking away from her screen.

“Hey, Mike; hey, Shy,” Carla said.

“Hey,” Shy said.

“I am way ahead of you.”

“As I knew you would be, Carla,” he said, as he and Shy sat down next to Carla.

“Tell him why,” Monika said without looking away from her screen, and Xavier dropped his head.

Carla looked at Shy. “Your girl, Valencia … chick got a lot going on with her.”

“What do you mean?” Shy asked.

“Well, for starters, at least two people that we know of were blackmailing her,” Carla said, and went on to explain what she had learned from Geno. “Two of them are dead, and she is a suspect in one of those murders.”

“What about the other one?” Shy said.

“Edwina took care of that.”

“Where is she now?” Shy asked.

“I don’t know. Her phone has been off since we took care of the second blackmailer.”

“And we’re involved in this why?” Black asked.

“Tell him why we’re involved in this, X,” Monika said, still without looking.