“Do you think that she’ll see us?” Geno asked as the men approached Valencia.

“I will take you there personally,” Napoleon said as Valencia stood up. “Yes, my friend, I certainly see what you like.” He shook his head. “That’s the kind of woman that makes a man do stupid shit,” he said softly.

“Valencia DeVerão, I’d like you to meet my friend and associate, Napoleon Wade.”

“Nice to meet you Napoleon.”

He bowed at the waist and kissed her hand. “My dear, the pleasure is all mine.”

“I explained your situation to Napoleon, and he said that we need to go to Nassau.”

“Nassau?” Valencia asked.

“Come, my dear,” Napoleon extended his hand to her. “We leave now.”

On the way to Grand Bahama International Airport, Geno explained why they were going to Nassau and who Jada West was. When they arrived, Valencia had a question.

“What time is our flight to Nassau?”

“Now,” Napoleon said, as the car pulled into a hanger where a crew prepared a Phenom 300 for takeoff.

“You have your own jet?” Geno asked.

“The boss and Ms. West own a fleet of them, so I have one at my disposal,” Napoleon said as the car stopped and one of his men opened the door for Valencia.

“So, yeah, you got your own jet,” Geno said.

“Yeah,” Napoleon said, and he got out of the car.

When they arrived at Paraíso, Geno and Valencia were escorted to the bar and told to wait there. It wasn’t long before Napoleon rejoined them in the bar.

“What’s up?” Geno asked.

“I have spoken with Caprice to let her know that we are here. And she will come fetch us when Ms. West is available to speak with us. Until then, we wait.”

The wait wasn’t long, once again, Valencia was told to wait while Caprice escorted Napoleon and Geno to Jada’s office. When they got there, Caprice told Geno to have a seat outside the office while Napoleon went in to talk to Jada alone.

After making Napoleon a cocktail, Jada sat behind her desk and listened intently as he explained why he had come to see her.

“Does Mr. Black have any knowledge of this?” was Jada’s first question.

“Seeing that the boss is retired, Mr. Crocker thought it best not to involve him and came directly to me.”

“I see,” Jada paused. “I am aware of Mr. Simmonds, The Comodoro Cartel, and their interest in Freeport. Mr. Simmonds approached Johnny several months ago, and he brought the matter to me. I told him that I have no interest in meeting Mr. Simmonds for any purpose and believed, incorrectly it seems, that the matter was closed.”

“Apparently they felt the n

eed to go directly to the boss.”

“I have no need to speak with Mr. Crocker or Ms. DeVerão, because it is a closed matter.”

Napoleon stood up. “Understood, Ms. West.” He bowed at the waist. “And thank you so much for taking the time to see me.”

“Get out, Napoleon,” Jada giggled and stood up to escort him out.

Napoleon finished his drink. “Do I need to mention this to the boss?”

Jada looped her arm in his and escorted him to the door. “No, I will speak with Mr. Black about this matter personally. As much as I hate to admit it, I have a feeling that this is going to require his attention to resolve the matter. Especially since it involves Mrs. Black.”