“Like I just told Marvin and Judah, me and Destiny were at a house party,” Barbara easily lied again, “And we were on our way home and since it was on the way, I told the cab driver to stop so we could check this place out.”

“Yeah, right,” Marvin said.

“Seriously; we weren’t even gonna stay long. We were gonna holla at y’all and go home.”

Pills shook his head. “Wait. Does your father know you’re here?”

“No, Pills, he doesn’t.”

“You’re father’s gonna kill me,” Pills said and dropped his head.

“You need to take them home, Pills,” Judah said.

“Why me?”

“’Cause Mr. Ray likes you and he won’t kill you for bringing her home, Pills,” Judah said.

“He’s right, Pills,” Marvin said.

“Okay,” he said because he knew they were right. Pills turned to Barbara. “Come on. Let’s go find Destiny.”

When Barbara and Pills found Destiny, Barbara insisted that they come back to the office to say goodbye, but it was really just so Destiny could see Judah. Then, three of the Four Kings escorted the young ladies out of their spot.

Once Pills drove off, Marvin and Judah noticed that a car with three men in it, were double-parked a little way up the street. When the car pulled off and began coming toward them with no lights, Marvin called for security and he and Judah prepared themselves.

Just then, a police car drove down the other side of the street. They flashed their headlights at the car with no light. They turned on their lights and drove on.

Chapter Twenty

After seeing that Nesmith got the medical attention that he needed, Jada and Carmen were on their way to J.R.’s to see if she could connect with Rain. And besides, after what just happened to them at Enzo’s Palace, J.R.’s was the safest place for Carmen to be or so you would think. This wasn’t a veiled threat like pointing a gun at her. They were trying to kill her, and would have succeeded had it not been for Nesmith making himself a human shield.

Carmen looked over at Jada. “Go ahead and say it.”

“Say what?”

“Aren’t you going to tell me that I should back off of this? Everybody else has.”

“No,” Jada simply said.

“You’re not?”

“No. You're a big girl now, Carmen Taylor. You certainly don’t need me telling you what you should and shouldn’t be doing. Men tried to kill you tonight, Carmen.” Jada paused. “To me, that means that you know more about … whatever it is you’ve gotten yourself into than you

think you know, or at least they think you do.”


“So, going to Paris isn’t going to stop them. You have to stop them. Your life actually does depend on it.”

Carmen laughed quietly. “Thanks for that.”

“You’re welcome. I thought you needed a reality check,” Jada said as they arrived at J.R.’s. When the driver came around and opened the door, Jada got out and then she looked back at Carmen.

“You go ahead. I got a few calls that I need to make,” Carmen said, and the driver closed the door. Jada walked away from the limo thinking that may have been too direct, but they were words that she needed to hear.

Jada walked toward the club and went straight up to Leo.

“Good evening, Mr. Williams.”