“Good shooting, Jackie,” Black said.

“Now get down here and cover the back,” Rain said as she and Black moved quickly to drag Antoine and Malik’s bodies out of sight.

With that task out of the way, Rain went right to work planting explosives on the garage door and the main entrance to the building.

“If anybody tries to leave through either of those doors, it will blow,” Rain said.

“Leaving them with only one exit,” Black said and then he and Rain went around to the back to the door that opened into the garage.

“What’s your status, Carla?” Rain asked as they walked.

“I am in control of their security system; they are seeing what I want them to see. Standing by to execute on your command.”

“Acknowledged, Carla. I'll let you know when we’re set,” Rain said as she and Black arrived at the back of the building where Bobby and Carter were waiting.

“You know if Monika were here we’d be all alpha to omega and shit,” Black said, and they all laughed. “Is everybody ready?”

“Let’s do it,” Bobby said, and Carter nodded.

With Carla in control of the cameras, and the motion sensors disabled, Black and Rain were able to approach the building undetected, and they took up positions on either side of the door.

“Ready?” Rain asked Black.


th his gun in his left hand, Black reached for the door handle. “Ready.”

“Execute,” Rain said.

“Biometric locks disabled,” Carla said.

When Black grabbed the door handle and jerked open the door, Rain stepped in front of the door and tossed two M67 grenades into the garage.

The sudden opening of the door caught Cameron and Jayden off-guard and they froze for a split second as the grenades rolled toward them.

“Look out!” Jayden finally yelled, and both men dove for cover just before the grenades exploded. When they did, Bobby stepped in the doorway and opened fire, and Carter followed him in.

Upstairs in the office, Barnes and Hawkins were looking on as Cornia and Dallan worked with the product when the grenades exploded.

“What the fuck was that?” Cornia asked.

“I don’t know,” Hawkins said.

“Why don’t you go see,” Barnes said and Cornia and Dallan got up and they went to see what the noise was.

“You know what the fuck that is,” Hawkins began. “It’s them mutha fuckas.”

“Don’t you think I know that,” Barnes said and began gathering up the product. “Why you think I sent them two dumb-asses to go see? We need to get as much of this shit as we can and get the fuck outta here.”

Hawkins got up and began helping. “And I think it’s time we think seriously about breaking ties with that bitch before she gets us killed.”

“Don’t you think I know that,” Barnes said.

Downstairs in the garage, Cameron and Jayden got to their feet after the explosion, took cover behind a truck and fired at Bobby and Carter. The two men blanketed the garage with semi-automatic weapons fire. Bobby dove for the ground and stayed there until Cameron and Jayden stopped to reload. He quickly got up and opened fire. Carter came up blasting and they got Cameron and Jayden in a crossfire.

Carter fired and hit Jayden in the chest, he was dead. Seeing his man down, Cameron fired a couple of shots that ricocheted harmlessly off the wall as he ran for the garage door. When he tried to open the door, it set off an explosion that knocked him off his feet. Bobby walked up on him and fired one shot to the head and one to the chest.

When Black and Rain entered the building, they immediately engaged Caleb and Tyler. The two men opened fire with semi-automatic weapons and began firing at them. Black and Rain ducked for cover and Rain fired back wildly at them. Black returned fire and one of his shots hit its target and Caleb went down. Rain took cover and fired at Tyler as he ran into the garage. Rain followed him in, firing shots as she ran. He stopped, turned and fired a few shots before he hit the back door and ran out of the building. The second he stepped out; Jackie blew him away.