“Now, you’re gonna tell me where Latavius is, or I will blow a hole out the back of your head.”

“Gun Hill Projects. I don’t know what building.”

“Good girl,” Marvin said and used the last panty hose to gag her. “If he’s not there, we’ll be back to kill you.”

“Make yourself comfortable,” RJ laughed on his way out the door behind Marvin.

When they arrived at Gun Hill Projects, Latavius was outside with one of his crew. Once RJ and Marvin got out of the car and started toward the building, the shooting started. Latavius fired a few shots and then he ran inside. RJ and Marvin drew their weapons and started shooting back as they took cover. There was a man standing in a doorway firing shots at them. Marvin rose up and fired twice. Both hit him in the head as he returned to cover. RJ came up firing and hit one of the men with one shot in the head. At that moment, Latavius came running out the door firing.

“I got him!” Marvin yelled and went after him.

Latavius continued firing as he ran until he was out of bullets. Marvin fired a couple of shots at Latavius, he stumbled and fell but was able to get back up. He started to run, but he had hurt his leg in the fall. He began limping away, but it was too late, Marvin was on top of him. He stopped, took careful aim and fired one shot at Latavius’s good leg, and he went down. Marvin walked up to him slowly and stood over him as RJ caught up.

Marvin kicked him in the face. “Where’s Psych?”

“Fuck you!” Latav

ius shouted.

“Wrong answer,” RJ said and both he and Marvin fired.

“One to the chest.” RJ said.

“One to the dome,” Marvin said as they walked away.

“Make sure he’s gone!” they both said.

As they walked away from the buildings and headed back to their car, they heard somebody coming up behind them. Marvin looked back and saw it was a woman waving her arm.

“Hey … hey! Y’all slow down,” she said and walked a little faster. “Hey … hey! Y’all wanna know where to find Psych,” she said, and RJ and Marvin stopped and walked back to her.

“You know where he is?” RJ asked and leaned back.

“Yeah. I know where he is right now.”

Marvin stepped up. “Where is he?” he demanded to know, and then he stepped back too.

“I’ll tell you for a hundred dollars,” she said.

Marvin and RJ looked at her and then at each other. She was a pretty woman with a nice body, but her hair was matted to her head, her clothes were dirty, and it was obvious that she hadn’t bathed in who knows how long.

Marvin looked at the woman with her hand out and made a tough decision.

“No deal. But if you take me to him right now, I’ll give you two hundred dollars.”

“Or you could let us help you get off that shit,” RJ offered, and she considered it for a second or two.

“I’ll take the two bills.”

“Let’s go,” Marvin said and started walking quickly toward his car.

RJ leaned close to him. “You sure you want her stank-ass in your car, Money?”

“No, I don’t. But I damn sure don’t trust her enough to give her a bill on a promise. We’ll roll down the windows and I’ll take the ride to Chance in the morning, but I’m gettin’ this nigga.” Especially now that it was what Black wants me to do. Because in this Family, you follow orders, he thought, recalling what Nick had told him. And those orders came from the boss of The Family.

“Y’all know I can hear y’all talkin’ about me,” she said as they got to the car. “You could try whispering.”

“I thought I was,” RJ said.