From all appearances, the warehouse looked no different from any of the others in the area. And when you went inside, at first glance, DP’s warehouse appeared to be a legitimate business. The building was used to house the paper products that were used in the fish and chicken restaurants. There was armed security at the door controlling access to the warehouse floor where the products were stored, along with four offices on the outside walls. On the second level, there was a long hall that was lined with eight rooms on each side where the women worked. DP’s office was at the end of the hall.

The elaborately decorated office had a bar on one wall, while another wall was lined with sixteen masturbating women, each woman on sixteen forty-inch screens

“It will be all right,” Sterling said without taking his eyes off the screens.

“I hope so.”

“Look, nigga, why don’t you just go on and tell me what’s on your mind.” Sterling laughed. “You know you want to. What, you waitin’ for me to ask? Well, this me askin’. What’s up?”

DP chuckled. “You remember I was telling you about me and Rain Robinson and how I was thinking about, you know, trying to take over her shit, right?”

Sterling laughed, but he still hadn’t looked away from the screens. “Yeah, I remember you telling me that dumb shit.”

“Since you wasn’t down with it, I got with Kwame Coleman and we went at her.”

Sterling laughed, still looking at the screens. “I thought you said you went at Rain Robinson.”

“You did.”

“Did what?”

“Heard me say that I went hard at Rain Robinson.”

Sterling finally looked away. “Hold up,” he said with his hand in the air. “That was you and Kwame?”

DP nodded his head. “That was us,” he said and sipped his drink.

“Ballsy. Stupid as fuck.” Sterling pointed at DP. “But ballsy. What the fuck was you thinking?”

DP took his time and told Sterling in detail his plan on how he was going to kill Rain and take over The Family.

“Sounds like you had them on the run, and maybe if you had actually killed Rain … maybe that shit woulda worked.”

DP shook his head. “No, dude. Even if she was dead, them mutha fuckas were on to us and turned that shit around on us so fast it was ridiculous.” DP laughed. “They killed everybody and burned Pops shit to the ground.”


“Kwame’s people just weren’t up to the task.” DP finished his drink and got up. “You want another drink?”

Sterling finished his and handed DP the glass.

“What your Pop say about all this?”

“Nothing.” DP laughed. “When the shit got thick, he left the country,” he said as he poured. “Right now, he’s somewhere in Venezuela.”

“That’s fucked up.” DP handed Sterling his drink. “So, what now?”

“Right now, everything is everything. Cops think the trafficking business is shut down, so that takes sexy ass Carmen Taylor off my ass.”

“Did you get to meet her?” Sterling asked excitedly.

“No, and it’s a good thing I didn’t, or I’d be in jail sharing a cell with Walter. Kwame is dead, so as long as they didn’t tie him to my father, I’m good and its business as usual.”

“And if they did.”

“Then I need to think about whether I’m gonna stay here and keep doing business or leave the country.”

“Leave now.” Sterling drained his glass and stood up. “I still can’t believe that you was stupid enough to try them mutha fuckas after I told you how stupid it was.” Sterling looked at one of the women on screen that was sucking her nipple while she masturbated for a second or two. “’Cause if you killed Rain, all that would have done was bring Mike Black back from wherever he is, and that was the last thing you wanted. When somebody shot Bobby Ray, that nigga came outta nowhere killin’ mutha fuckas until he found and killed the niggas that did it.”