“But the way we saw it, you were making us compete against each other.”

“Did you think that I didn't love you, Carmen?”

“I know you loved me. And I guess Dez knew it, too. But I remember us having fun with Daddy. I've had more fun talking to you in the last week, then I ever did when you were my mother.”

“I did what I thought was right.”

“But you were always our mother and never our friend. I'm glad I've gotten to know you as a friend. I was just telling Marcus that you're actually kind of funny.” Carmen turned off the computer.

Dominique wiped the tears from her eyes and allowed a smile to peek through. “So when am I going to get to meet Mr. Marcus Douglas?”

“Maybe I'll bring him by the house to meet you and daddy next time he's in town.”

“Is there something going on between the two of you?” Carmen smiled the type of smile that answered Dominique's question without words. “I guess the answer would be yes. I haven't seen that many of your teeth since that stupid photographer said you had a cavity.”

“I remember that day,” Carmen smiled excitedly. “You made him show you, because you insisted that your daughter did not have a cavity.”

“I was right, wasn't I? It was just a piece of that black licorice I told you not to eat.”

“You were right, but you gotta admit, you were a trip those days.”

Dominique smiled. “I was a trip, wasn't I?”


After having dinner at Oscar's in College Park, Carmen and Dominique talked over cocktails. While they sorted out some of the issues between them, they got to know each other and were starting to enjoy one another's company. They both had to laugh when Dominique asked, “You told Desireé that she would hate her life being married to Roland?”

“I sure did.”

“That girl,” Dominique said shaking her head. “She told me that you were all for it.”

Carmen's face contorted. “No,” she declared. “I told her Roland seems nice, but he was too old for her. She told me that you absolutely loved Roland and you were all for it.”

Dominique's face contorted. “No,” she declared emphatically. “Now, Carmen, does that sound like me?”

“Well, no, it doesn't.”

“Desireé marrying that man went against everything I ever tried to teach you girls about self reliance.” Dominique took a sip of her drink. “But I guess she knew we'd never talk about it, so why not.”

Once she dropped Dominique off at the house, Carmen drove straight to Marcus's house. She thought about calling first.


It was after ten when she arrived at the house. As she approached the house, Carmen could hear music playing. As she got closer, Carmen stopped. “No he ain't bumpin' 2Pac.” Carmen smiled, because, “Quiet as it's kept, I like me some Pac, too.” She rang the doorbell.

When Marcus opened the door, Carmen stepped inside and immediately began to undress. “I didn't think you were the type that would listen to 2Pac.”

“Maybe it's the thug in me,” Marcus said and folded his arms around his chest. “But, ah, what are you doing?”

“You did say you wanted to get started early on our nocturnal activities?”

“I did say that, didn’t I?” and Marcus began taking off his clothes, too.

In the morning, Carmen told Marcus about the letters she'd read the day before about Desireé believing that Suzanne's death had something to do with Frank.

“In this letter, Dez wrote that Suzanne didn't like pain. So the rough sex theory the police had is out. She was murdered. We need to find out what Frank was into, Marcus.”

“I agree with you, Carmen. Do you have any ideas on how we can do that, now that Mondrya is dead?”