“Hello,” Carmen finally answered.

“Hello, Carmen. This is Marcus, how are you?”

“I'm fine, Marcus. I have got so much to tell you, and so much to show you.”

“I guess you had a good day?”

Carmen thought about the time she had just spent with her mother. “Yes, Marcus.” They hadn't heeled all their wounds, but they made a good start. “I had a good day.”

“Let me take you to dinner and we can talk about what made this day so great,” Marcus said, entering the elevator.

“I'm sorry, Marcus,” Carmen smiled. “I just came back from dinner. My mother and I ate at the Atlanta Grill. Have you eaten there yet?”

“No, I can't say that I have.”

“I'll have to take you there, the food was great.”

“I thought you were going to cook for me?”

“That's part of what I have to tell you. So if you're not too busy this evening, stop by. I have a lot to show you.”

“Okay, Carmen, I'll see you soon. I can just order something from room service,” Marcus said as he got off the elevator and started down the hall.

“Sounds good. I'll see you when you get here,” Carmen said hanging up the phone. She looked around the room. The bed was covered with the letters she had taken from Desireé's room. After reading each one, Carmen separated them into piles. She waved her hand at the bed and started for the bathroom, thinking that she would straighten up later. She was startled by a loud knock at the door.

“Who is it?”

“Marcus.” Carmen opened the door. “Did I take too long?”

“That was quick,” Carmen said smiling as she stepped aside to let Marcus in. Glad to see he has a playful side. “Come on in, Marcus.”

“I was down stairs when I called. I didn't wanna come up unannounced and uninvited. I've been calling you for a while now.”

“I just got here. I haven't had a chance to do anything.”

“I see this,” Marcus said standing over the bed. “I guess this is your spot?” he said pointing to the one blank spot on the bed. “What is all this, anyway?”

“These are the letters I found. Dez had them in the back of one of the bottom drawers in her room.” Marcus started to comment. “Before you ask, quote, Mrs. Ferguson preferred to sleep alone sometimes, unquote.”


“Melissa, the housekeeper.”


“Anyway, I read all of the letters; the big pile is letters and post cards I sent her. But before we get into what's in the rest of them, I want you to read a letter Dez had started to me on the day she was murdered,” Carmen said placing her laptop in fron

t of Marcus. Carmen opened Microsoft Word and opened Hi big sis.doc. Once the document was opened, Carmen looked on as Marcus read the unfinished letter without comment.


Hi big Sis,

I bet you're surprised to be reading a letter from Desireé Marie Taylor, when you talk to her every day. I know I'm just as surprised to be writing it. But I wanted to tell you about some things that have been on my mind, things I don't get a chance to say or can't say because I'm not always alone when we talk. Especially since you're in Europe and we talk at such weird hours. But the main thing I want to tell you is that I miss you. I understand why you live where you live. Your mother is a trip, but I miss my best friend, the only real friend I ever had. Everybody around me is so phony to the point that they make me fell phony. I don't love and my so called friends just use me for money and my body. But you know there's nothing new or unusual about that.

I need you Carmen. I need your strength. I need Carmen the sneak. There's so much I have to tell you, about me and about what's going on around here these days. I think somebody is