At this moment the door was quickly flung open, and Captain Audley came into the room. He looked straight across at his brother, and said without preamble: ‘Are you at liberty, Julian? Miss Taverner is here, and wishes to see you – on a matter of grave importance.’

The Earl turned, and their eyes met for an instant. ‘Miss Taverner wishes to see me?’ repeated the Earl, a slight inflection of surprise in his voice.

‘Urgently,’ said Captain Audley.

‘Then pray bring her in,’ said the Earl calmly. He walked to the door. ‘My dear Miss Taverner, will you not come in? I do not know what Charles is about to leave you standing in the hall.’

Judith came swiftly towards him. She was dressed in her driving-habit, and she looked unusually pale. ‘Lord Worth, something has happened to Perry!’ she said. ‘I have come at once to you.’

He drew her into the saloon, and shut the door behind her. ‘Indeed! I am extremely sorry to hear it. What is it? Has he overturned his curricle?’

Her eyes alighted on Brummell, who had risen at her entrance and was regarding her with an expression of civil concern. ‘I beg your pardon. I thought you were alone. You must forgive me for breaking in on you so abruptly, but I hardly know what I am about. I have just learned that Perry did not go to Worthing yesterday!’

The Earl raised his brows. ‘From whom have you learned this? Are you quite sure?’

‘Oh yes, there can be no mistake. I have spoken with Lady Fairford. She and Miss Fairford have come over to Brighton to make some purchases. I was driving up East Street when I saw them. I stopped, and before I could speak Lady Fairford had asked me whether Peregrine was indisposed that he had not kept his engagement with them yesterday.’ She paused, and lifted her hand to her cheek. ‘Perhaps you will think I am needlessly alarmed – there may be a dozen simple explanations! I tell myself so, but – I cannot believe it! Lord Worth, Perry left me yesterday afternoon, and he is not back!’

One of Mr Brummell’s mobile brows went up. He glanced from Worth to Charles Audley, but said nothing.

The Earl drew a chair forward. ‘Yes, I think there might be several explanations,’ he said. ‘Will you not be seated? Charles, pour out a glass of wine for Miss Taverner.’

She made a gesture of refusal. ‘Thank you, thank you, I do not want anything. What explanation can there be? All I can think is that some accident has befallen him, but even that will not do, for how is it possible that I should not have heard of it by now? He was not alone; his groom was with him. Lord Worth, what has happened to Perry?’

‘I am afraid I can scarcely answer that question,’ replied the Earl. ‘But since he was accompanied by his groom, it seems safe to assume that he has not met with an accident. The more probable explanation is that he has gone off to see a cock-fight, or something of that sort, and did not wish you to know of it.’

‘Oh,’ she said eagerly, ‘do you think that might be so? It is quite true that he would not wish me to know. But the Fairfords – oh no, he would not have made so positive an engagement – he was to accompany them to an Assembly – if he had not meant to keep it!’

‘Well, let us suppose that he did mean to keep it,’ said the Earl. ‘From my knowledge of him I should not imagine that if, at the last moment, some acquaintance desired him to go off to see a mill, or some cocking, he would find him very hard to persuade.’

‘No, perhaps not,’ she conceded doubtfully. ‘But would he not have returned by now?’

‘Apparently not,’ said the Earl.

The matter-of-fact way he spoke had its effect on her. She tried to smile, and said with a faint blush: ‘You make my fears sound ridiculous. Of course something of the kind must have occurred. Ten to one I shall find him at home when I get there. Only – Lord Worth, do you indeed think that? You do not see any need for anxiety?’

‘Not yet, at all events,’ he replied. ‘If you have no news of him by dinner-time, send me word, and I will come round to discuss what is best to be done. Meanwhile, I will certainly make inquiries on the Worthing road. I think, if I were you, I would not mention the matter to anyone. If Peregrine were to return and find the whole town talking of his escapade, he might not be best pleased.’


?You are very right. I shall say nothing. Of course, there must be some very simple reason for his disappearing.’ She got up. ‘I must not stay. Mrs Scattergood will be wondering what has become of me.’

Captain Audley, who had retired to the window, stepped forward. ‘You will allow me to accompany you?’ he said.

She smiled. ‘Yes, indeed, I should be glad. I daresay we shall find Perry in Marine Parade after all. Mr Brummell, I wish you had not been here, for I am aware how I must have sunk in your estimation! You told me once never to betray emotion, and here I am, on the high road to hysterics! No, no, do not come out with me, Lord Worth! Captain Audley has me in charge.’

The Earl, however, accompanied her to her phaeton, handed her up into it, and saw her drive off. When he returned to the saloon he found Mr Brummell standing where he had left him, sipping a glass of Madeira. Mr Brummell said in his pensive way: ‘It occurs to me, Julian, that though I might not be so well informed, the news of a mill to be fought in the district must have reached your ears.’

‘You would think so,’ replied the Earl shortly.

Mr Brummell looked at him over the rim of his wine-glass. ‘Well, do you know, I do think so,’ he said. ‘The cocking was a better notion, and if you are satisfied with it, it would be absurd for me to cavil.’

‘I am not in the least satisfied with it,’ said the Earl. ‘But something had to be said. If you have any suggestion to offer I shall be glad to hear it. What is in your mind, George?’

‘Who,’ asked Mr Brummell, ‘is the heir to Peregrine’s fortune?’

‘To a great extent, his sister.’

Mr Brummell shook his head. ‘I cannot feel that Miss Taverner would be guilty of the impropriety of murdering her brother.’