Page 69 of The Masqueraders

She inspected him critically, and rearranged the loose curls as best she might. ‘It will serve. Do we come up with your lady?’

Robin frowned. ‘There’s a risk, of course, but I don’t care to leave her to travel with Markham’s body. I suppose they will take him up.’ He glanced at her. ‘I had rather keep you out of this, child.’

‘Fiddle!’ said Prudence. ‘We’ve been to visit friends. Who’s to suspect? We must escort Miss Letty home. Lord, what a mad piece it is!’

Robin slipped the gold ring from his finger and tossed it to Prudence. ‘Pocket that: she’s not to know. Egad, if this comes to your mountain’s ears I’m like to be sped.’

‘I’ll protect you,’ promised his sister. ‘I daresay he might guess the truth.’

Robin watched John climb on to the box and gather up the reins. ‘It’s a most suspicious mind, alack. Well, en avant !’ He jumped up into the coach, and Prudence swung herself into the saddle again.

Proceeding at a fair pace they came very soon upon the scene of the late duel. Contrary to Robin’s expectations the coach still stood in the road, though it had been turned to face towards London. Obviously much time had been wasted in discussion and argument. Miss Letty stood by the door; two of the men were carrying Markham’s body, covered by a cloak, to the coach.

Prudence spurred forward, and came up to the group. ‘Good gad, what’s toward?’ she cried. ‘Upon my soul – Miss Grayson!’

‘Mr Merriot!’ Letty’s voice held a sob of relief. ‘Oh, Mr Merriot, please help me!’ She ran forward to Prudence’s knee.

Prudence was all wonder. ‘But what a’ God’s name has happened? How do you come to be here at this hour o’ night? Who is with you? And what the plague have you there?’ Her riding whip pointed to the two men’s burden.

‘I can’t tell you;

I can’t tell you; it’s all so dreadful!’ Letty shuddered. ‘Gregory Markham’s dead, and oh dear! I can’t travel all the way back with him beside me. I can’t!’

The light chaise pulled up with them; Miss Merriot’s face appeared at the window. ‘What’s this, my Peter? ’Pon rep, not you, Letty? Why, child, how comes this? Where’s your aunt?’

‘Kate!’ Miss Letty ran forward. ‘Oh, take me in with you! Mr Markham has been killed by highwaymen, and I don’t know what to do!’

‘Good God, child!’ Miss Merriot was aghast. ‘Markham? Highwaymen? But what have you to do with all this?’

‘I cannot tell you,’ Letty said hopelessly. ‘Please do not ask me!’

Prudence gave a sharp order. One of Mr Markham’s men came to let down the steps of Robin’s coach. Letty was up to them in a twinkling, and had cast herself into the arms of Miss Merriot.

Prudence began to ask questions, and received a multitude of answers. One man swore to two enormous ruffians; another described one small villain, and one huge one and the third man had no very clear idea of anything save that Miss Grayson’s pearls had been torn from her neck by a fellow who held a pistol to her head. There was some argument over this: not one of the braves could agree with another’s version. Prudence let them run on awhile, but silenced all soon with a curt word. ‘And not one of you to lift a finger? I make you my compliments. Put the body into the coach and drive back to town. You will be required to answer for this.’

Then it seemed that no one could decide where to take Mr Markham’s body: that was the reason of all this delay. Prudence settled it out of hand, and gave orders for its conveyance to Mr Markham’s lodgings. With cool foresight she recommended that the officers of the law should be instantly apprised of this terrible happening. Having seen the post-chaise drawn to one side of the road, she nodded to John, and Miss Merriot’s carriage drove past.

Inside the light town coach Miss Letty clasped Robin’s hand and shivered. Robin had much ado to keep from catching her in his arms. She was shaken and frightened; she had seen death – and violent death at that – for the first time; and she had undergone an eleventh-hour rescue. Robin soothed gently, and when she grew calmer ventured a question or two. ‘Did you say it was highwaymen, child?’ he asked in a puzzled voice.

Miss Letty nodded vigorously. ‘Yes, two of them. They stole my pearls.’

Robin affected surprise. ‘But, my dear, highwaymen don’t offer to fight duels,’ he pointed out.

‘I don’t know anything about that,’ said Miss Letty, ‘but these men were certainly robbers.’

Robin smiled in the darkness, well-pleased. His flighty lady-love could keep a discreet tongue in her head, it seemed. ‘What was the man who fought Markham like to look at?’ he inquired.

There was the tiniest pause. ‘I don’t know,’ said Letty. ‘Just like anybody.’

‘Short or tall?’ Robin pressed.

‘Oh, of medium height – rather tall!’ said Letty, blandly disregarding the truth. ‘And he had brown hair – and – and he was not at all out of the common way.’

There was nothing more to be got out of her. Her unknown hero had imposed silence, and silent she would be. Questioned, she had not the smallest hesitation in lying. If there was to be a hue and cry after the Unknown she would do all that lay in her power to throw dust in the eyes of his pursuers.

It was close on midnight when the chaise drew up at Sir Humphrey Grayson’s door, and no sooner had the steps been let down than both Sir Humphrey and Miss Grayson came hurrying out. There was at once a babel of exclamation.
