Page 40 of Kiss and Tell

But does he just feel that way about me? He wouldn’t have made the “stomp all over his heart comment” if I was just a walking buffet, would he?

But won’t a man—vampire—whatever, say anything he needs to if he isn’t ready to die?

Could we just be friends? I could just let him drink from me every few days… We could just become best friends…

Willow couldn’t even convince herself of the plausibility of that last thought. She could never handle watching him smile and flirt with another woman.

Unable to handle her rampant thoughts any longer, Willow lay on her bed. Even terrified Seth would come to her in her dreams again, she’d still felt comfort in being able to sleep. She may have limited how much sleep she allowed herself, but there was a small amount of comfort in the knowledge that there was a chance he would come to her

, that he would hold her.

As she lay in the bed now, Willow couldn’t help but shudder. The thought of sleep no longer comforted her. He’d promised he would never enter her dreams again. Without any chance of seeing him again, sleeping seemed a bleak and hopeless action. She wondered if she could try to find him, if their connection was a two-way deal.

Clinging to that tiny thread of hope, Willow closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep.

* * *

Seth could feel the slight tug on their connection as he stared out his bedroom window. He didn’t see the twinkling lights or traffic, he saw Willow, her body uncovered for him. One minute she was lying tantalizingly on his bed, in a pose that threatened every ounce of self-control he could ever remember possessing. The next, she was straddling his chest, begging him to bite her.

He felt his teeth lengthen as his mouth watered at the view she presented him with. Memories of the show she put on for him had his cock hard and flexing beneath his pants.

How many women would tease their men the way Willow teased me?

Did Willow tease other men the same way?

Seth’s fists clenched and he had to back away from the window to prevent himself from smashing it. Reluctantly he admitted that taking his anger out on the glass would do no good. It won’t make me feel better and it sure as hell won’t bring Willow back. All it will do is make a mess and allow the sun’s rays to enter the room.

Perhaps that would be for the best? If I’m not here, she won’t be tempted to sacrifice any possible happiness she could have simply to keep me alive…

Shaking his head, he forced himself to walk away from the temptation. He would follow the bedtime story his mother told him. He would take a few days to get his possessions in order. He would leave notes for his family, and for Jason. His friend deserved to know why he had chosen the path that he did. Then, just before the hunger became unbearable, he would take the honorable way out. The only way that would guarantee no innocent people would be harmed. He would watch the sun rise.

Comforted by his decision, Seth stripped and climbed into his bed. He took a deep breath, breathing in Willow’s scent as it clung to his sheets, his pillow.

There was another tug on their connection. Turning away from it, he ignored it. He had given his word that he would never terrorize her dreams again, and he would keep his promise. It’s only wishful thinking, he tried to convince himself. Why would she want to see me again? As he closed his eyes, he remembered the monster she had compared him to. He could hear the evil laugh of that horribly scarred man taunting him.

* * *

“Roxy, I’m going out,” Willow called as she tried to hurry from of the door before her sister could stop her.

“Where are you going? You’ve gone out the last three nights straight. What happened to you, Will? First you’re depressed and won’t go leave the apartment, then you disappear and lock yourself in your room for two nights, and when you finally do come out, you spend all night somewhere, not coming home until dawn. Sis, I’m getting worried.”

“I’m fine. At least, I think I am. I just needed to work through something,” Willow told Roxy honestly.

“And now you have?”

“Yes. Now I have.” For two days and nights she’d refused all contact with people, concentrating only on Seth. She’d tried to contact him, tried to figure out what she wanted. Anytime she tried to imagine her life without him, her stomach would clench into knots.

She still wasn’t sure exactly what she felt for him, but she knew she wanted to at least give it—give them—a chance. She had thought and rethought her reasons until she was positive she wasn’t doing anything simply because she felt an obligation to him. But Willow also wanted to make sure she was more than a pet to him. She couldn’t be that. Not even if she were treated as a prized pet and given anything she ever desired in exchange for the blood she provided.

As she tried to make her decision, her thoughts continuously returned to the week she’d spent with Seth. At no time while she was there had he made her feel like anything but a welcome guest. Looking back, now that she knew he’d drank her blood, she still couldn’t detect any difference in how’d he treated her.

“What do you do every night, Will?” Roxy’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts again. “You leave at sunset and don’t come back until nearly dawn. What are you doing?”

“I’m looking for someone.” Willow answered her sister’s question, knowing Roxy wouldn’t give up until she had at least a few answers.

Roxy shot her a disbelieving look. “It doesn’t take that long to find someone.”

“It does when you’re looking for someone specific but you don’t know where to find him. And if you’ll excuse me, I have to go. I’m going to be unbelievably pissed at you if you make me miss my meeting.” Without another word, Willow turned and left the apartment.