Page 16 of Kiss and Tell

Thankfully the second shirt he’d given her that night ended mid-thigh instead of barely below her pussy. Still, the knowledge that she wasn’t wearing any underwear und

erneath made her tingle with anticipation, with pleasure, knowing that she was doing something naughty.

Not for the first time since she’d climbed off his lap, she cursed her body. She’d love nothing more than to continue the sex-a-thon they’d been having back at his apartment, but she had to face facts. And the simple fact was she’d had more sex with him in the last two nights than she’d had in the last six months. And the night wasn’t finished yet. Her body was pleasantly sore all over. And with every step she took she was aware of the mark he had put on her upper thigh, in the crease of her leg. She still didn’t understand why he put one there. But I won’t press him about it. Not that it would do any good, she thought grumpily.

When it was their turn, Willow ordered popcorn with extra butter and a large soda. She really shouldn’t be hungry after all the pizza she had eaten, but for some reason she couldn’t seem to feel quite full. Maybe it was the unexpected sex on his couch that brought her appetite back.

When the clerk asked what he wanted, Seth replied, “Nothing, thank you,” then paid for Willow’s refreshments.

She waited until they were seated near the back of the theater before she asked him about it. “Why didn’t you get anything?”

Blood rushed to her face when he gave an appreciative look at the long expanse of thigh revealed as the shirt rose when she sat, almost exposing the golden curls covering her mound. Thankfully he sat to her right and the wall was to her left. They were in the back of the theater and were attending a late enough show that she didn’t believe anyone would be so close to them that they would notice her nakedness. She was just about to comment on his glance when a couple walked down the row toward them.

Once the girlfriend got a look at her though, she tugged her man backward until they were as far from Willow as possible. Neither she nor Seth tried to suppress their laughter.

“Would you like to share my popcorn?” She asked the question just to have something to say.

“I don’t snack much.”

“Oh come on, you can’t come to the movies and not eat popcorn. Besides, for some reason it tastes really good tonight. Just the right amount of extra butter and salt…” She picked a piece of popcorn up and presented it to him.

Seth lowered his head and took her offering, a shiver of delight racing down her back and straight to her pussy as he made certain to suck the butter from her fingertip.

“Delicious,” he commented. She was almost positive he wasn’t talking about the popcorn.

The theater grew darker and the few people scattered through the room grew quiet, waiting for the show. As the previews began, Seth laid his hand on her leg, near her knee. She ached for him to touch her more, wishing for just a moment that she could make up her mind. Either she wanted to be his sex toy, or she wanted something similar to a normal date, even if it hadn’t been called one. The constant swinging back and forth was making her grumpy, but at the moment she decided she wouldn’t question it. However long she had with him, she was determined to enjoy every moment of it. And that included feeling the not unpleasant ache that said her body had been well sated several times.

Feeling wonderfully young and wicked, Willow decided she wanted to play. She had always been good in public. She was the only girl she knew who had never made out at the movies. This was too good a chance to pass up. After all, how many times in my life will I be out with a drop-dead gorgeous man, wearing only his shirt?

Seth had already done amazing things to her, things she hadn’t believed possible. Just being around him made her want to try new things—experiences that had never appealed to her before. He made her bold, adventurous. But would he go along with it? There was only one way to find out.

She shifted, opening her legs slightly and, laying her hand on top his, nudged it a little higher. She moved it until it rested about halfway up her thigh. She took it as a good sign when he didn’t pull his hand away after a couple of previews. Unfortunately, he hadn’t taken the hint either.

Gathering her courage, Willow nudged his hand higher still, to the edge of the shirt, no more than an inch away from her mound, which now seemed to be begging for his touch. Again, she waited to see how he would react and once again he left his hand exactly where she had placed it.

It’s now or never, she told herself as the theater darkened more and the movie began. Closing the distance between his hand and her sensitive clit, she smiled at how wet she already was, just from the thought of being naughty in public with him, where they could be caught at any minute. Moving her hand off his once it was in position, she placed it on the growing bulge in his jeans, stroking his cock through the material.

Beside her, Seth shifted slightly and she felt disappointed that he wasn’t feeling adventurous at the moment. He removed her hand from his hard cock and gathered up the light jacket he’d loaned her for the ride over from the seat beside him. With care he arranged it on her lap, as though she were cold. Turning to ask him about it, she quieted when he slid his hand beneath the covering, nudging her thighs apart. She willingly spread them, allowing his hand better access to her dripping pussy.

Willow bit her lip as he stroked his fingers up and down her folds, before parting them to play with her clit. Much more of his torture and anyone who entered the theater after they left would believe the previous occupant had had an “accident” in the seat.

Squirming, she chanced a look at him. His face was impassive as he watched the movie, giving no indication of exactly what he was doing to her. Looking at her, he gave a mischievous wink, a smile tilting his lips a second before he leaned in to give her a lingering kiss. His talented fingers brought her close to orgasm time and again, always stopping just short, winding the tension in her body tighter and tighter.

Halfway through the movie, Seth huffed, shaking his head. Grunting and mumbling something about the movie that she couldn’t quite understand, he left his seat. Before she could move, he spread her legs wider, kneeling between them. One minute she was looking down at him in confusion, the next his head was covered by the jacket, his tongue replacing the finger on her clit.

Moaning, Willow shoved her knuckle inside her mouth when someone turned their head and heatedly whispered “shhhh”. She pretended to watch the screen along with everyone else.

At his urging, she shifted in her seat, slouching lower, her pussy sliding to the edge of the seat. Beneath the jacket, he draped her legs over his shoulders, rewarding her cooperation by sliding a finger into her dripping hole. Again she bit down on her knuckle to prevent herself from making a sound.

As the climactic fight in the movie unfolded, he added another finger and sped up his thrusting as he suckled her clit. Her body seemed to tune in with the movie. The closer it got to the end of the scene, the closer her orgasm approached. Unable to fight it any longer, Willow clenched her legs together. Her thighs gripped his head, her ankles pressed into his back as she allowed one hand beneath the jacket to grip a handful of his hair. She urged him closer, grinding her hips harder against his face. His tongue entered her, and she felt him lapping at the cream flowing freely from her body.

Her legs were trembling with the force of her orgasm as Willow bit down on her finger so hard she soon had the coppery taste of her own blood in her mouth to keep from screaming out.

Seth waited for her body to stop clenching, her thighs to relax before he discreetly returned to his seat, a grin of pure masculine pride on his face as he licked the corners of his mouth. As she watched, he grabbed one of the napkins she’d gotten for the popcorn and wiped his chin.

They remained seated as the credits rolled and the lights were raised, waiting for their fellow audience members to leave and her limbs to be strong enough to carry her weight. When she was ready, he gathered the jacket and helped her put it back on. His arm curved around her waist, and with his help, she managed to step away without stumbling. Though she was curious, Willow refused to look back at her seat. She didn’t want her face to redden or show any signs of guilt at how large the wet spot she’d left had to be.

Climbing carefully onto his motorcycle behind him, Willow was reminded again of her near nakedness. In front of her, Seth’s ass pressed intimately against her. The motor vibrated beneath her, making her thankful that she’d just had such a strong orgasm. Otherwise—after all the teasing he had done to her—they would never have made it back to his home in one piece. The hum of the engine against her body would have had her stroking him, enticing him to satisfy her rather than concentrate on the road.