Page 11 of Kiss and Tell

Dipping his fingers into her, he moaned at how wet she was as she surrounded his digits. Lifting her leg, she bent it at the knee, giving him better access to her body.

Seth removed his fingers from her pussy and positioned his hard cock at her dripping entrance. With one hard thrust he was buried completely inside her. His eyes closed and rolled up slightly at just how wonderful she felt wrapped around him. How perfectly they fit together.

“Gods, sweetheart, you’re so wet, so tight…” He nibbled on her shoulder. It was a struggle to keep his teeth from lengthening once again. The sane part of his brain warned that to drink from her again this soon would endanger her life. No matter how tempted he was to make her his permanent companion at the moment, he refused to be selfish. Several times in the past he’d been tempted to change a lover, but in the end had been glad he refrained. And for so

me reason, he didn’t want to change her without her knowledge—or consent. But now was not the time to dwell on those thoughts.

Willow moaned again as he began to thrust inside of her, stopping any more thoughts from entering his mind. She reached one hand behind her to dig her nails into his hip, encouraging him.

He continued thrusting with deep, patient strokes he knew were driving her wild. He moved one hand to tease her breast for a moment before lowering it and playing with her clit, rubbing tight circles around it as he enjoyed the increase in her moans.

Still stroking her, he increased the speed of his thrusts to match the rhythm of his fingers. Willow’s breath caught, and she let out a deep moan. He gave in to temptation. Gently biting the curve of her shoulder, he was careful not to allow his teeth to lengthen.

Her body tightened around him and he pinched her clit, tugging it between his thumb and forefinger, sending her over the edge. She shouted out his name and God’s as her entire body trembled around him. Growling into her flesh, he was helpless as her pussy’s milking contractions again tore away his control.

He held her in his tight embrace, still buried deep within her until she was fast asleep. Leaving her only long enough to grab the blankets and wrap them up, he returned to her, pulling her back into his arms.

Settling down, Seth rested his face close to her hair and breathed deeply, memorizing the smell of her. As he fell into the deep sleep of his kind, he was certain that she would rest until later that night without any “help” from him. Especially since he had fed off her a second time.

Chapter Four

Cracking her eyes open, Willow couldn’t see much of anything around her. The room was cloaked completely in darkness. For a few moments, she felt disoriented. The sheets surrounding her didn’t feel like the cotton set she’d put on her bed before she went to the bar with Roxy. They felt smooth and silky and she knew she didn’t have any sheets like that. For a second she couldn’t remember where she was. As her memory, and all the things she’d done with Seth, returned, her face began to flame.

“Good evening. I was beginning to worry. How do you feel?” The bed shifted slightly as Seth sat beside her.

“I’m fine, I think. A bit sore, but that’s alright. And I’m starving.” She chuckled as her stomach started to growl noisily. “What time is it?” She struggled to sit up in the bed, almost forgetting at first that she was naked under the sheets.

“Almost midnight. What would you like to eat?” With a click, Seth turned on a lamp located on one of the nightstands.

Her eyes closed instantly as the room suddenly became brighter. Cracking her eyes again, she let them adjust to the change before opening them fully. He sat patiently, a smile on his face, looking delicious in his casual attire. Once again she couldn’t believe her luck. Had she really gotten to spend all night—and day—in his arms? Despite the slight distance separating them, she could practically feel the heat from his naked body as he pressed her deeper into the mattress when his hips thrust into her.

“I don’t care, I’m pretty easy,” she said absently, growing lost in her lustful thoughts. When she realized what she’d said, her embarrassment grew. “What I mean—what I meant to say is that I—I like just about every… Anything would be fine, thank you,” she finally stammered out.

“How’s pizza?” He smiled.

“That would be great.”

“What would you like on it?”

“Mushrooms, pepperoni and tomatoes. Thank you.” Seth began to stand. “Wait.” She reached for him before he could move from the bed. Clinging to the sheet so it covered her naked flesh, she added, “Would you order some breadsticks for me too?”

“Sure. I’ll be back in just a moment.” Moving fluidly, Seth stood and exited the room.

Willow took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She wasn’t in high school anymore, but for some reason he made her feel like she was. Not in a bad way, but in the good, anxious to see him, nervous and hoping he wouldn’t realize what a geek she was kind of way. Taking another deep breath, part of her was glad he didn’t have a phone in his bedroom. She couldn’t imagine how horrible it would have been if the ringing had interrupted them. But on the other hand, if he did, his friend could have called before just busting in and interrupting them. Her hand moved to her neck. Her eyes closed dreamily as she remembered the feeling of him sucking on her. And of course, she was sorry he’d had to leave the room to order her food. She wouldn’t have minded being able to watch him, to listen to him talk a little longer.

Falling back against the bed, Willow couldn’t believe how weak she felt. Of course, she reasoned, having had fabulous sex and sleeping for twenty-four hours with no food in between would probably do that to a girl. Especially when that man is Seth! She was still amazed at how energetic a lover he’d been. More than any other lover she’d ever had before him. He’d mastered her body, made her scream and beg for more. Never before had she ever had so much sex that her entire body felt stiff. But most importantly, she didn’t care. She was still somehow ready for more. No matter how sore she was, it didn’t stop the cravings to feel him over her, beneath her, behind her. In any position so long as his cock was buried within her.

Seth came back into the room, as though conjured by her thoughts. When he sat on the bed beside her once again, Willow’s limbs felt even weaker by his nearness.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t realize you were hungry earlier,” he apologized.

“It’s alright,” she assured him. And she meant it. I would gladly trade food for another day and night filled with wild, hot sex with you anytime. Her stomach growled with hunger as her body starved for another taste of him. Is he addictive?

Who cares, that’s one addiction I could definitely get used to!

Seth chuckled and the sound made her wet instantly.

“What’s so funny?” She tried to control her body’s desire, tried to keep herself from simply tackling him and having her way with him yet again.