Page 18 of Kiss and Tell

After a few seconds, Willow shook her head. “I’m sorry, I must have drifted off for a minute. What did you say?”

“Nothing important, sweetheart.”

A look of regret washed over her face. “Oh, that’s right, you asked about last night. Honestly, I’m not sure I’d even want to tell you why I walked over there if I could. It’s embarrassing.” She wouldn’t look him in the eye.


“Well, see, I’m not supposed to tell you. And I really shouldn’t, it doesn’t speak well of me…”

“But?” He prompted her. He was trying to remain neutral, trying his best not to pressure her into answering if she really didn’t want to. But he wanted to know what possible game she’d played.

“But I will if you want to know.” She paused, as if waiting for him to say yes or no, still refusing to look him in the eye. After a moment she continued despite his silence. “My friends came up with this game. It’s silly really. They were trying to make me feel better. You pick a guy and go ask him what kind of underwear he wears. If you guessed right, you can give him your number and a kiss. But commando is always rewarded with a full-on French kiss.”

“I take it you guessed incorrectly?” He couldn’t hide the smile in his voice. He hadn’t delved that far into her thoughts and memories. Now he almost wished he had.

“No, I didn’t.” He arched an eyebrow as she continued her explanation. “You didn’t exactly give me a chance to give you my number and leave,” she explained.

“No, I didn’t.” He smiled, not attempting to sound sorry. “So, you only came over because of a game?” His pride was a little wounded when confronted with the fact. But the important thing is that she did come over, not why, he tried to tell himself.

Her blush gave him his answer.

“Oh, Seth, don’t look like that.” She sounded remorseful. “Yes, it’s the reason I came over, but…” Her blush grew. “According to the rules, all I had to do was kiss you. Everything else…everything else was because I wanted to.”

Looking into her eyes, he didn’t need to probe her mind to discover she was telling the truth. Her emotions were right there for him to see. She was an open book.

“To be honest, I’m glad they talked me into playing. I’m not sure I’d have been brave enough to approach you on my own.” Her hand reached up, cupping his cheek. “It was the only time I’ve ever played, and I told my sister I’m not playing again. I only did it because I was having a really bad day and I thought I could use a little fun. I’m really glad I agreed.”

Taking her hand in his, he placed a lingering kiss on her palm. “So am I, sweetheart.”

“What else is there to do so late at night?”

Seth allowed the change of subject. He wanted to take her back into the bedroom and give in to his thirst for her. Both for her body and her blood. No, he scolded himself. I need to get her out in public, where I’ll be able to better control myself.

“We could go out dancing?”

“I’d like that. But are you sure I’m dressed appropriately? Being in a dark theater is one thing, but dancing…” Her voice trailed off.

“Sweetheart, I think you look amazing,” he practically purred. His gaze caressed her scantily clad form and caused Willow to

blush prettily for him.

Chapter Six

Stretching in the luxurious bed, it was hard to believe she’d been at Seth’s home for almost a week now. She was careful to call her sister every few days to prevent the other woman from worrying too badly. She had to call her again that night, but she didn’t want to. They always ended up arguing. Roxy couldn’t understand why she stayed, why Willow wouldn’t come home.

It’s amazing, how used to sleeping all day and staying awake all night one can get. Willow finally climbed out of the bed and walked over to the windows, looking at the beautifully lit skyline.

On their way back to his apartment from the club they’d gone to after their titillating movie experience, she had made a comment that she should get a few things to wear in public if they were going to go out again.

She’d had every intention of going home and packing a few things to use at his home. Instead Seth surprised her the next night by taking her shopping. When she modeled the clothes for him in the store, he’d whispered in her ear how much he enjoyed watching her walk around his home wearing one of his shirts and nothing else. She was still blushing when he paid for the few outfits she had picked out.

After their trip to buy her clothes, he’d taken her to the grocery store, convincing her to fill the cart with foods she liked. She’d been stunned. His thoughtful gestures told her better than words could that he wanted her to stick around. It revealed how much he enjoyed having her in his home. He’d been so generous with her, she felt guilty, almost as though she were taking advantage of him. But any time she mentioned paying him back, he’d pull her into his arms and kiss her until she melted. Then he would smile and nibble on her shoulder.

Walking to where she’d placed her shirt for the night, Willow dressed in his favorite color, burgundy. More amazing to her was the fact that not only did he not care if she went through his closet or drawers to pick something out, he’d even made room for the items she’d begun to accumulate. In his shower, beside his shampoo, he’d surprised her one night when she woke up with her own bottles of shampoo and conditioner. Walking into the bathroom, she smiled at the gradual signs there was now a woman using the room. Her favorite fruit-scented lotion sat on his pristine counter near the brush he’d bought for her. His toothbrush now had a mate as well.

Stretching, she smiled before she began her attempt to tame her hair. Her muscles were getting much more limber, her body less stiff, and she couldn’t be happier. She’d grown used to his daily massages with a wonderful oil, which always seemed to turn into foreplay.

I am definitely becoming spoiled, Willow thought with a smile, thinking back to his tender kisses and caresses. But he wasn’t always gentle. When they fucked, he knew he drove her crazy whenever he pounded into her body, making her scream out in pleasure as she experienced orgasm after orgasm.