Page 1 of Kiss and Tell

Chapter One

“Who’s up tonight?” Mary asked, scanning the large crowd in the group’s favorite bar, The Grunge.


“Nuh-uh, not me. You do it, Roxy. I told you guys, I’m only here to listen to the Night Crawlers. I am not getting involved in your kinky little game.” The band’s metal beat filled the building, capturing people as the lead singer’s mesmerizing voice half-sang and half-shouted the songs. The crowd surged, jumping from the energy of the music.

“Will.” Roxy gave an exaggerated sigh. “Sometimes it’s hard to remember we’re sisters. Come on, you just got fired, have a little fun, get a little wild. Really, would it kill you to just let loose for once?”

“Probably.” Looking at her sister, Willow knew Roxy wouldn’t stop until she agreed to play this once. “Fine. But only one guy. I mean it.”

“Deal.” Roxy smiled, pouncing on the victory.

The women each had a drink in front of them as they carefully looked over the crowd. The promise of live music had the bar more crowded than usual. With a little luck Willow would be able to pick a guy and get this over with so she could go back to fuming about her asshole ex-boss. Each of the trio looked around, searching all the men they could find for a possible target for Willow.

The band is the only reason worth being here tonight, Willow thought sullenly. She continued scanning the crowd for someone to become her prey, but she wasn’t having much luck. It seemed almost impossible to find a single man—besides a member of the band—with whom she would be interested in playing her friends’ game. She wished she could choose anyone, but she didn’t want to have to risk paying a forfeit to just anyone. By playing the game, she ran the chance of having to kiss her target. And she wasn’t willing to kiss over half the men she’d seen that night.

As she sat facing the bar’s entrance, Willow opened her mouth. She had every intention of promising to take her single “turn” another night and going home. Not even the music from her favorite band seemed to soothe the sting from her earlier meeting with her former boss. Instead of speaking, her lips curved into a smile as two huge biker types walked in, pushing their way through the crowd.

As she watched, she had to correct her thoughts. The first man didn’t walk. He strode through the place as though he owned it, completely at ease with everything around him. Willow felt her interest stirring immediately and sat a little straighter in her chair. He was exactly the type of man she would love to kiss. Hell, he was the kind of man she would love to do even more with.

He looked tall—over six feet if she had to guess—with warm brown hair hanging just past shoulder-length. From her angle, Willow believed most of his hair had been pulled back and secured at his neck. A few strands had escaped confinement, however, and were resting on his wide shoulders. His thick, muscular arms were accentuated by a sleeveless top. Willow’s gaze continued lower. The way his jeans hugged his legs, made her wonder if he had painted them on. Her mouth watered as she thought about finding out just what he had inside of those jeans.

Almost as an afterthought, she glanced at the second man. This one was blond, a little bit shorter than the brunette and appeared to have a smaller build—though not by much. Although he was handsome, her attention constantly strayed back to the brunette.

The two men neared their table and Willow continued to watch them, her eyes narrowing slightly as she tried to see them more clearly since the lighting around them was dim. With every step that brought the handsome stranger closer, her mouth watered more. She knew this was a man she wouldn’t mind getting a taste of, the one she would choose to play her sister’s game with.

As he passed by her position at the small table, he almost brushed against her. Willow had to fight the temptation to simply reach out and grab his ass. Ordinarily, she’d never have to restrain the urge to do something that impulsive. Especially not with a perfect stranger.

The men moved past the table too quickly for her. Turning slightly in her chair so she could continue to watch them, she took solace in the delightful view of his firm ass in those wonderfully tight jeans. She didn’t try to be discreet as she watched them to see which table they sat at. Her smile widened when they chose one not too far from her friends. The sexy stranger’s table was in a wonderfully shadowed corner. It would be perfect for when she swooped in.

Her reluctance to play was forgotten as she focused solely on her target. She even briefly considered thanking her sister for coercing her into the game in the first place.

“I do believe our little Willow’s made her choice.” Mary drew Willow’s attention. “Which one is it? The brunette or the blond?” From her position at the table, Mary was able to watch both men without having to move her chair a single inch.

Looking the two men over once more—only so she didn’t appear too anxious or eager—Willow sighed. As far as she was concerned, there was no contest; the gorgeous brunette would win every time. “The brunette,” she told the women as casually as she could, doing her best to hide her growing excitement.

“Do you remember the rules?” Mary’s glance darted back and forth between Willow and her prey. A knowing smile tilted the corners of her mouth.

Willow nodded.

“We’ll go over them anyway,” Roxy stated. “Rule one…”

Willow sighed again. She didn’t want to waste precious time going over their stupid rules. She wanted to go meet her handsome stranger. “Rule one,” she began in a bored voice. “Make sure he isn’t attached. This is about fun, not starting trouble or intruding on a relationship.”

“Make sure he’s not gay either. What?” Mary looked at Willow innocently when Willow glared at her. “These days you never know. There’s nothing wrong with being gay, but I think it would be a bit embarrassing if Will tried to kiss him and he told her he was.”


agree.” Roxy nodded. “Don’t forget to find out if he’s gay.”

“Gee, that won’t be awkward at all,” Willow said sarcastically.

Her sister ignored her. “On to rule two.”