his mouth in one move. Tarr made a surprised, gasping sound, coming halfway up off the

ground, but Larsson pushed him back down and continued sucking his cock down, starting with

a soft, steady suction that he slowly increased as he moved one of his free hands to Tarr’s balls,

softly massaging the hot flesh in his hands. He began to add his teeth ever so gently to the

pressure on his cock, slowly skimming them up the shaft, deliberately manipulating his balls,

waiting for Tarr’s moans of pleasure.

He didn’t have long to wait. Tarr thrashed beneath him, his whole body rippling with need,

his hands buried now in Larsson’s hair. Probably afraid he’d hurt himself, Larsson pulled off and

gentled him with one hand on his stomach, soothing him until he quieted under his warm hand. He lowered his head again, once Tarr managed to calm back down, and hummed around

Tarr’s shaft as he pulled his rough tongue slowly up the length of it. When he came back up to

the head of Tarr’s cock and thrust his long tongue down into the slit, Tarr raised his hips off the

ground again and hoarsely yelled out Larsson’s name. He thrust his tongue into Tarr’s slit again

and again until Tarr came with another hoarse shout, and his spurts of cum sprayed into

Larsson’s mouth.

Larsson kept his cock in his mouth, gently sucking down his cum and then continuing to

suck on it until it began to become painful. He must have noticed Tarr wincing and shifting

under him because herelented with a grin, pushing up Tarr’s shirt and kissing his way up to his

chest, gently sucking at each nipple in turn. Finally, he pulled his shirt back down, tugged up

Tarr’s pants as he lay splayed out on the ground and fell down beside him, wrapping a leg over

him and pulling the blanket back up over both of them.

“There,” he whispered in Tarr’s ear. “That should warm you up and settle you down. Now

stop fidgeting and go back to sleep. Tomorrowwe’re going to find you someplace to shift. ” Totally spent, Tarr huffed out a breath before closing his eyes and allowing himself to enjoy

being close to Larsson like this, without all the tension and anger between them. Taz had this all

the time with his nobyo. What would it be like to have Larsson belong to him? He slanted his

eyes over at his prickly little mate. All in good time, he thought as he drifted off to sleep. All in

good time.

Chapter Three

Larsson woke early the next morning, stiff and achy, both from his night on the ground and as a result of the crash the day before. If he felt this bad, he could only imagine how Tarr would be feeling. He was still sleeping at the moment, so Larsson eased himself out from under the blanket and looked around for something that would hold water. Larsson stoked the fire and looked back around the lean-to. His eyes lighted on the metal first aid kit, and he quickly emptied it on the ground and went over to the river to fill it.

Since he had no idea what kind of alien microorganisms could be floating in the water, the best notion he could come up with was to boil the water before they drank any of it, even though the water was fast moving and certainly seemed clear enough. He carried his water back to the fire and set it on the coals near the edge, then went for another armload of wood.

When he got back with the wood, Taz was sitting up, looking miserable. “Okay, time for you to shift, Tarr. You’re no good to me injured like this, and it’s going to take both of us to hunt up something to eat and keep this fire going.