“I’d give you my pants too, but these boys of Jex’s have been on a long v oyage. I don’t want to distract them. After all, the Tygerians are known for their manly beauty. ”

Larsson rolled his eyes, but couldn’t hold back a fond smile. His mate was so full of shit. He wondered briefly if he’d ever get used to his strange sense of humor. Probably not, but no one could ever say that life with Tarr would be dull.

> Epilogue

Larsson sat in the galley of Jex’s ship, nursing a mug of tea and staring out a porthole into the blackness of space. Larsson had talked to people who didn’t travel in space who thought the view would be that of spectacular stars surrounding them on all sides. In reality, while there was some light reflected from planets or other bodies around, most of the so-called sky was just black. Light arrived at the observer’s position without being scattered by any kind of atmosphere, so mostly it was just endlessly dark.

He was bored and waiting for Tarr to come down from the comm deck. Not that he had any business up there, but the man had to have his hand in everything. Larsson could only hope Jex would keep him away from any unfamiliar controls.

The door to the galley opened and Tarr came in, looking nervous. It was such an unusual look on him that Larsson was instantly alarmed. “Oh shit, what did you do?” he asked.

Tarr looked surprised and a little wounded. “What? I didn’t do anything. I just needed to talk to you. ”

“Oh,” Larsson said, wondering what this was about. They’d had almost no time alone together since they’d left the Ravnian moon, and so far they’d both been so exhausted from their ordeal they fell into bed at night, usually awakening sometime in the night with their limbs wrapped around each other, but too worn out to do much more.

Actually, it was past time for Larsson to claim his mate, and his wolf had been restless. He watched Tarr restlessly now as he poured himself a cup of some Nilanium brew that Larsson thought both smelled and tasted terrible. The clothes Jex had given him to wear were tight on him, just the way he liked, and Larsson was having a hard time not staring at the muscular chest revealed by the thin, tight shirt he was wearing. He stirred his tea a little impatiently, waiting to see what Tarr wanted.

He sighed as he sat down and smiled over at Larsson. “There’s no easy way to say this, so I guess I’ll just tell you. I know I…um…mated you when we were on Ravnia, just before we were captured, and you gave me the bite. But I won’t hold you to it. ”

“Oh,really?” Larsson said softly.

Tarr glanced up into Larsson’s strangely colored eyes and then quickly back down at his cup. “I know I’m not much of a bargain for a person like you, and considering the price the Alliance has on my head, it’s probably only a matter of time before I get caught anyway. I-I decided while we were on Ravnia that I don’t want to traffic in love slaves anymore. Even the ones who choose the life. After seeing…after talking to Jaxper and…well, I-I can’t do it anymore, I think. Which means I don’t have a job anymore, really. I can’t be a proper mate and take care of you, you see. ” He glanced up at Larsson for his reaction, but Larsson just continued to stare at him.

“Don’t look at me that way, baby. II’m sorry, but this was just never going to work out. I have a lot to figure out, and I won’t saddle you with it all. Do you understand?”

“Understand?” Larsson knew his voice sounded dull and deadly quiet, but he was too angry to do anything about it. “I understand you think you’re trying to dump me. Is that what you mean?”

Tarr stole another quick, surprised look at his face and flinched at whatever he saw there. “Nobyo…I mean, Larsson, please…”

“Please what? Listen to more of this shit? Tell me what you see when you look at me, Tygerian. Do I look weak to you?I know you’re a little taller, but do you see me as some kind of half-assed wife? Because this little wifey can mop up the floor with you if I wanted to, and right now I really want to. ”

“No, Larsson, you don’t…”

“I don’t what? Understand?I know exactly what you’re saying and you need to shut the fuck up. Do you really think I need you to take care of me? Or that the Alliance or anybody else is going to keep me away from youafter all I’ve been through with you? Fuck the Alliance and fuck you. As a matter of fact, that sounds like a fine idea right now. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stand up and drop those trousers and bend yourself over the nearest table, before I do it for you. ”

Tarr looked startled for a moment and then a slow grin came over his face. “Yes, nobyo,” he said, and got to his feet, unsnapping his pants. He was a little too slow for Larsson’s wolf, so Larssonjerked the trousers down around Tarr’s ankles and pushed him backward so he sat down hard on the table. His fat cock bounced in front of him, slapping his stomach and Larsson licked his lips. “That,” he said, pointing down to Tarr’s cock, “is only for me. You got that?”

“Yes, nobyo,” Tarr said, obviously enjoying this side of Larsson. “What…uh…what are you going to do?What if someone walks in on us?”

“Then they can either watch me fuck you or turn back around and walk out. I’m about to claim my mate, Tarr, and it’s been too long in coming. I’ve allowed you far too much leeway, and it’s caused nothing but trouble. It’s time to remind you who the alpha is in this relationship. ”

Tarr looked up at him, beginning to get a little nervous. “Larsson, baby, you know I’ve never…”

Larsson wrapped a hand around his cock and stroked slowly up the shaft, making Tarr’s eyes roll back in his head a bit. “I know that. ” Larsson pulled a small vial of oil from his pocket. “And I came prepared. ”

Tarr’s eyes grew round as Larsson continued stroking him. A glistening drop of pre-cum appeared on the tip of Tarr’s beautiful cock and Larsson bent to catch it with his tongue. Tarr groaned aloud and Larsson bent to envelop his cock in his mouth. He managed to take most of it, swallowing him down as Tarr gasped and floundered on the table like a fish out of water. He pulled his rough tongue slowly up his shaft until he reached the head. He gave it a swirling lick as he fondled Tarr’s heavy balls and watched him with satisfaction. “Turn over, Tygerian,” Larsson said in a growly voice. Tarr slowly obeyed him, trembling as he looked over his shoulder at him. “Larsson, nobyo, I…”

“Hush,” Larsson said, and opened the vial of oil, spreading it overTarr’s crease and his very tight hole, already clenching and unclenching as he pushed his cock onto the table.

“Be still,” he ordered as he slapped each of his pretty ass cheeks and then ran his hand down his crease, rubbing in the oil. “Open up for me. Relax. ”

“I’m trying,” Tarr said, his voice sounding high-pitched and scared to death.

Larsson bent over him and soothed him, kissing up the side of his face and licking at his neck. He eased one well-oiled finger up inside him, stretching him gently. Tarr grimaced at the burn, and held his breath until Larsson made him gasp by putting his tongue in his ear. “Breathe, Tarr. Relax. I want to make this good for you. ”

“I-I’m trying…”

Larsson pushed his finger in farther and crooked it up to find what he hoped would be his prostate. He’d never studied Tygerian anatomy, but he thought it should be approximately…there.