Tarr was inside him, taking him, claiming him, and nothing would ever be the same again. Even though his rational mind told him that this was intolerable, that he couldn’t be claimed like this, another part of him reveled in it, and wanted this more than anything. Tarr was so deeply inside Larsson that his heavy balls rested snugly against his ass. He could feel the throbbing of Tarr’s heartbeat deep inside and he pulled back to gaze into those fierce eyes once more.

“Mine,” Tarr said harshly. “Mine. My nobyo. Say it. ”

When Larsson hesitated, Tarr took his arms and lifted him slightly before pulling him back down hard again on his impalement. “Say it. You’re mine. ”

Larsson winced and nodded, his mind ov

erwhelmed. He’d never seen Tarr so out of control, so primal.

“Yours,” he finally agreed. “But you belong to me, too. ”

Tarr moaned and began to thrust even harder, wild and passionate, his need calling to Larsson’s wolf. At the same time, Tarr’s hand tightened around Larsson’s shaft, dragging a response from him. Larsson’s claws appeared and his incisors dropped down as he fought with Tarr as if they were in a battle. Hegrabbed Tarr’s shoulders to lift himself and then slam himself back down, causing Tarr to grunt in pained pleasure. He lowered his face to Tarr’s neck again, but this time he bit deeply, burying his fangs in his flesh. As he did, Larsson came with a fierce intensity, his cum spurting out in the water between them. Tarr yelled out hoarsely as the venom from Larsson’s bite surged through his veins, and he, too, came with an intensity that was almost frightening.

Only afterward couldhe pull away and lick at the wound on the side of Tarr’s neck, which started to heal as soon as he put his tongue to it. It would heal over but leave a scar, marking Tarr as his mate. Larsson would have preferred the nape of his neck, but this would have to do. The mark would always show that Tarr was owned and off limits to any other lover. Between the mark and the fact that he would make damn sure Tarr would always have his scent all over him, no one would ever be foolish enough to touch his mate again.

Larsson sagged onto Tarr, clinging to him like a survivor of a storm. Larsson could imagine the venom racing through Tarr’s veins, changing him, making him his. He knew his skin must be glowing with fierce pride and triumph. Eventhough Tarr had claimed him thoroughly, he’d claimed Tarr right back, and neither of them would ever be the same again.

After a long time, Tarr raised his head and shook it, trying to clear his mind. Confusion and fever were aftereffects of the bite, and Larsson kissed his lips tenderly, sliding off his lap to sit beside him in the water and put an arm around him.

“Let’s go back—you need to lie down. ”

“What did you do to me?” he muttered, looking at Larsson with an aggrieved expression. “I don’t feel right. ”

Larsson stood up and pulled his mate to his feet, not an easy task considering Tarr’s size but he managed. “Come on. Lie down for a while. Thiswon’t last very long. ”

“But what is it?Why do I feel so lightheaded?”

Larsson wrapped an arm around his waist and led him out of the water. They got back up on shore and collapsed, their limbs tangling together. By this time, Tarr was only about half conscious, another repercussion of the bite. His skin was almost alarmingly warm to the touch. Larrson half-supported, half-carried him to the shelter and got him to lie down, then took the water tin to get cool water to bathe his forehead. He knew that new mates often ran a fever from the venom, but it was still alarming. If anything happened to Tarr, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.

The fever raged for at least an hour, with Larsson staying right by his side, drizzling cool water on his face and neck. Tarr seemed almost out of his head, mumbling nonsense and words in Tygerian that Larsson didn’t understand. Just when Larsson was considering taking him back into the water to cool his body temperature, the fever finally began to ease off, and Tarr slipped into what seemed to Larsson to be a natural sleep. Larsson stretched out beside him protectively and decided to close his eyes for a few minutes too.

Larsson awoke some time later when he felt a hard jab in his ribs.

“Wake up. What did you do to me, damn it? Why am I lying here naked and drenched in sweat?”

Larsson opened his eyes and yawned. “What do you remember?”

“Not much, which is why I’m asking. Whatdid you do?”

Larsson couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face. “Well, I did give you the mating bite…that was just before you fainted. ”

Tarr glared down at him. “I didn’t faint. You did something to me—wait a minute, you gave me the what?”

Larsson put his hands behind his head. “Faint…swoon…whatever. And I said I gave you the mating bite. You started it, you know. I was perfectly happy just to take a bath, but you practically attacked me. ”

Tarr got an affronted look on his face. “I was simply concerned about the bruise on your chest. ”

“Uh-huh. And then you hauled me up on your lap and attacked me. ”

“You didn’t exactly resist. Wait a minute—you bitme. ” He put a hand to the side of his neck and rubbed it, grimacing. “Am I bleeding?”

“Oh for the gods’ sakes, no, you’re not bleeding. Such a baby. ”

Tarr glared at him. “Well, then why do I feel so strange? Did I get a fever or something? Did you infect me?”

Larsson sat up and looked over at him. “In a way. I infected you with the venom from my bite. It’s what makes you my mate. I didn’t think I wanted you for a mate, because of who you are, but it really is kind of satisfyingnow that it’s done. ” He grinned. “You know, realizing that from now on, there won’t be anybody else for you except me. ”

Tarr gave him a sharp look. “What the hells are you talking about? And what do you mean, because of who I am?”