Nicky smirked. “Yeah, right. Have you been drinking the Kool-aid along with all that blood?”

Rory flushed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “You’re always such a smartass when it comes to the wolves. I see that still hasn’t changed a bit. You’d think that since you’re supposed to be changing into a wolf you would show a little more respect.”

Nicky gave Rory a long, narrow look. “I’m not supposed to changing, Rory. I have changed. And into an alpha at that, so maybe you’re the one who needs to show a little respect.” Nicky gave him a long hard look and was astonished to see Rory flush even more deeply and then lower his gaze.

“Sorry,” he muttered, almost under his breath. Rory was a gamma, and it wasn’t surprising that he’d back down in the face of a more dominant wolf. It was a pack hierarchy thing, and if Nicky was ever to gain the wolves’ respect, he had to start somewhere. The wolves respected strength, after all, and pack rank meant everything. Still, it felt like a cheap shot.

Rory had been Nicky’s first antagonist when he’d come to Mountainwood, but also his first friend. He loved him like a brother, and like brothers, they’d always bickered back and forth. Up to now, that’s all it had ever been.

“It’s okay,” Nicky said softly. “I have to go see Ian. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

Rory murmured something he didn’t quite catch and took off up the stairs. Nicky stared after him and sighed. This seemed to be his day for burning bridges. He just hoped he wouldn’t need to cross one of them again anytime soon.

Moving on down the stairs, he passed a few pack members in the lounge area, and each of them nodded to him, and he even got a few tentative smiles, but as soon as he’d passed he heard the whispers start up behind him. The others were nervous around him now, not completely understanding the changes in him. Hell, who did? He kept going, heading outside to find Ian.

With a pack the size of Marco’s there was always work to be done, whether it was the new construction that usually seemed to be going on somewhere, maintaining the grounds, or working on the equipment. With many of the wolves on perimeter duty since the attack, guarding the sprawling boundaries of Marco’s property, Nicky knew there must be something he could do. He saw Ian near one of the vehicle barns, bent over a small tractor and headed for him. As he came close, he saw Ian straighten up and sniff the air. When he saw Nicky, he visibly tensed.

“Nicky. What can I do for you? Are you looking for Marco?”

“No, actually I was looking for you. I was wondering if there isn’t some work detail you could assign me to? I need something to do.”

Ian looked him up and down uneasily. “Well, I don’t know, Nicky. Did you speak to Marco about this? He hasn’t said anything.”

Nicky blew out a frustrated breath. “No, I haven’t. Is that a problem?”

“Nicky, you know that since the attack, Marco wants you to stay close to the lodge.”

“Well, hell, Ian, I wasn’t proposing a mountain hike. I was thinking of cutting the grass or something.”

Ian looked down at the freshly mown lawn and then back up at Nicky. “That crew has already been assigned. Maybe I can find you something inside the lodge to do.”

“Like what? Dust the furniture? Wash dishes with the other wives? Maybe I can scrub a few toilets.”

Ian crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s all work that needs to be done, Nicky. If work is what you really want.”

“Why don’t you tell me what it is you think I really want?”

Ian sighed and shook his head. “I don’t want to argue with you, Nicky. I don’t have anything for you to do on the grounds.”

“Then give me something to do off the grounds.”

“Marco said…”

“Fuck what Marco said.”

Ian tightened his lips and stared hard at Nicky. Nicky stared right back at him and after a moment or two, the beta shifted his gaze to the side uneasily. Nicky could feel his wolf move restlessly inside him.

“Look, Nicky, why don’t you talk to Marco?”

“Why can’t I talk to you? We used to be friends, Ian.”

Ian glanced back at Nicky in surprise. “We still are. But…”

“But what?”

“You’re different now, Nicky, in a lot of ways. You’re not just the alpha’s pet anymore. Your scent is even…there’s something off about it. Something not right. It makes the others uneasy, especially since you’re so…”
