“Now jerk yourself off for me, baby. You say you love me, so you need to show me. Get hard for me again. C’mon dirty dancer, let’s see what you got.”

Gabe whimpered as he put his hand around his half-hard cock and pulled at it. Zack knew it was always painful for Gabe to have stimulation after he’d come, but Gabe stroking himself was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. “That’s right, baby, you’re doing just fine. That’s so hot, sweetheart. Get yourself ready for me again, and then I’ll to fuck you so hard you’ll feel me for a week.” He bent over and teased his nipple with his tongue, making Gabe whimper. “You like that, baby?” He bent over and bit the other nipple, causing Gabe to stop jacking himself and shudder.

Zack helped him by putting his hand over Gabe’s and helping him to move his hand up and down over his cock again. “Don’t stop, baby, get yourself ready for me. Show me how much you love me.” Gabe started up again and this time, Zack nipped at his thighs and his balls until he was almost crying with need. By this time, Gabe’s cock was hard and weeping with pre-cum. Zack rolled him over and pushed up his legs. “Sweet, baby, very sweet.” Gabe started arching his ass back at him and Zack laughed. “You need something? You need my cock up your little ass?”

He bent and licked his way up Gabe’s crease, stopping to thoroughly lick around his puckered hole.

“Please, Zack…please…”

“Please what, baby? Do this? Or this?” He licked up his crease again, driving Gabe cra

zy, just the way he wanted him. He bent down and nipped at his ass cheeks, making him cry out. He bit all over his ass, sinking his teeth in a bit, then licking the bite until Gabe was almost sobbing. “Keep stroking baby. You’re doing so well.” Zack used his tongue to lick all the way up the crease in his ass again, then lapped at it to moisten it and get him ready.

“Please, Zack!”

“First you got to tell me how much you love me. Tell me, baby, or I won’t let you come for a long, long time.”

“I love you Zack! Only you!”

“That’s right, and whose little ass is this?”

“Yours,” he whimpered.

Finally he lined up his cock and thrust inside Gabe, gently at first and then harder, holding his hand to Gabe’s stomach so he couldn’t move away. Within minutes, they both came in an explosive orgasm that rocked Zack to his core.

Zack stayed deep inside him even as he softened, kissing him on the back of the neck before gently pulling out. Gabe cuddled back into him, breathing hard, not wanting to move. Zack rolled to his back, pulling Gabe with him, enjoying the feel of his mate stretched out across his body. He looked up at the blue sky, listening to Gabe’s little snoring sounds and gently rubbing his back.

Because of the gentle, steady breeze blowing away from them, Zack wasn’t even aware of being watched from the bushes behind him on the bank of the stream. And he never heard so much as the crackle of a twig breaking as the watcher backed slowly and carefully away to head back up the trail.

* * * *

Marco sat across from Cade and Zack in his office and stared at Zack when he apologized to him.

“Nicky was way out of line,” he said, sighing. “I probably would have reacted the same way—I think any of us would have, though just for future reference—the next time you threaten my mate, I’ll clean the floor with your ass, no matter how close we are.”

“Fair enough,” Zack said, one shoulder lifting in a shrug. “I’m still sorry for the unpleasantness and for ruining the dinner party. I would hate this to come between us.”

Marco sighed and shook his head. “It won’t. Nicky was sorry about it too. I think all this has been too hard on him. The lines between what he was before and what he is now are blurry and confusing for him. He loves Gabe as a friend, that’s all. But he was inappropriate, I’ll admit, and I know he’d want me to apologize.”

“Let’s forget it, okay? Chalk it up to a misunderstanding.”

Marco nodded and sat back despondently in his chair. His entire demeanor changed as his shoulders drooped. “I wish that was all it was.”

Cade and Zack glanced at each other and then back at Marco. Cade leaned forward. “What is it, Marco? What’s going on, really?”

Cade thought for a moment that he wouldn’t answer, but then he sighed and rubbed his forehead. “It’s Nicky. He is confused and having a hard time, but I honestly don’t know how to help him. His wolf is…out of control. It’s like it’s not even a part of him, but something alien, or, hell, maybe even psychotic. I’m afraid that bastard Tate put a monster inside of him, and I don’t know what to do.” He dashed angrily at the moisture in his eyes and looked back up at the other wolves. “Damn it. I lost him once, and I can’t lose him again. I won’t.”

“What can we do to help, Marco?” Cade stood up and came around the desk to perch beside him. He was Marco’s first cousin and when they were younger, they’d been the closest of friends too. It was Marco he’d turned to when he had to leave Louisiana and Marco had offered him land to build on above his own lodge. All the pack members were interrelated and bore a striking resemblance to each other, but with Cade and Marco, it was particularly strong. Cade hated to see Marco so upset, and he knew he’d probably feel the same way if it were Jax, his own young mate.

“I don’t know, Cade. Maybe nothing. I tried making him shift like you said, and he shifted for a few minutes, but then he attacked me and retreated back inside Nicky.”

“He attacked you?”

“His wolf did, yes. Nicky said he doesn’t recognize me as his mate when he’s in his wolf, but it’s only me that he seems to hate. He shifted with Ian and once with Rory, too, and he didn’t particularly like them, but he didn’t attack them. Nicky told me it was like two different minds inhabiting the same body. He knew what his wolf was doing, but he couldn’t stop it.”

“What did this wolf do, exactly?” Zack asked, looking concerned.

“He leaped at me, tried to fight. He was smaller, so I subdued him and tried not to hurt him. When my wolf clamped down on his snout, he whined and shifted back, and suddenly I was staring down at Nicky in his human form. It’s a wonder I didn’t injure him accidentally.”