Marco was staring at him, and the worry on his face had only intensified. “What do you mean, detached?”

“It’s almost like when that damned wolf inside me wants to come out. Like someone pushes me aside and takes over.”

“Was it your wolf?”

Nicky shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.”

“I don’t understand this. My wolf is like an extension of me. There’s no difference in the way he and I feel. I may not always have a human mind, but on some levels I know what’s going on and my feelings certainly don’t change.” He smoothed his hands down Nicky’s flanks. “I’d never forget you, for example, no matter what. A wolf always recognizes its mate.”

Nicky shook his head. “It’s not like that for me at all. I told you, my wolf hates you. He’s afraid of you too. That’s why he won’t come out—why he hides inside me. He knows you’re stronger than he is, and I think he despises you for it.”

“That’ll have to change. Your wolf has to recognize me as its mate and stop fixating on others.” Marco blew out a breath and shook his head. “We’ve had enough excitement for one evening. Let’s get some rest, and we’ll start for home early in the morning.”

“I hate to leave things the way they are with Gabe and Zack.”

“Give Zack time to cool down. Cade said he’d talk to him—I really don’t trust myself to speak to him right now.”

“You? It’s me he’s mad at, not you.”

Marco looked at him oddly. “He tried to attack you. You don’t think I’d have stood by and let him hurt you, do you?”

Nicky smiled and pressed his body closer to Marco’s. “I know you always have my back. And I have yours. Despite what that crazy bastard inside of me thinks, I know you’re my mate. Though maybe with all t

hat’s happened tonight, you might want to restake your claim. You know, if you’re interested…”

“I’m interested.” Marco deftly turned Nicky around and started walking him slowly backward toward the bed. “But I think after that little performance of yours tonight, you may have to convince me that it really is me you’re in love with. You might even want to stake your claim.”

“Oh yeah?” Nicky said, flicking his tongue over Marco’s nipples and turning him so that his back was to the bed. “Well, I think that can definitely be arranged.” Nicky pushed Marco down on his back and gestured toward his cock. “As a matter of fact, I have the stake right here.”

* * * *

Gabe had been moody and restless all morning and finally, just after lunch, Zack had suggested they take a walk down to the waterfall close to Cade and Jax’s lodge, just to get some fresh air.

The sun was shining brightly after the storm the night before, and the air had been washed clean and fresh. It was even a little warmer than usual, especially after the short hike halfway down the mountain. The little waterfall wasn’t large or especially impressive, but it was a nice one, and one that was almost hidden from view. The winding little trail ended abruptly beside a wide rushing stream, and from that angle the foliage hid the waterfall from view. It could only be discovered by climbing down some rocks on the bank and onto a big, flat rock jutting out over the stream. From there, a look to the right revealed a torrent of water rushing out from between the rocks to land in the stream some fifteen feet below.

A small natural pool was formed by the rocks below it before the water cascaded down another set of boulders to hurtle downstream. It was a secluded spot and one that Gabe had always loved since Nicky had shown it to him a few years before. Gabe had told him that Nicky said it was one of his favorite places to come and get away from things—to relax and think things through.

Gabe lay on the flat rock beside the stream now, with Zack stretched out beside him. Zack glanced over at him and saw his face clouded with worry.

“What’s the matter, baby?”

Gabe sighed and sat up. “It’s Nicky. Just the thought of what happened last night makes the butterflies in my stomach start up again. I was so happy to see Nicky again, and I tried hard not to show how shocked I was at the changes in him.”

“Try not to think about it, honey.”

“But he’s so different. Still handsome, but quieter and more reserved. Not nearly as outgoing as he’d been before. And his size! He’s almost as tall as you, Zack, though not quite so muscular. He’s gorgeous, but it was the change in his personality that bothered me the most.”

Gabe picked up a little rock and threw it in the water. “I know you don’t like me staying so close to another wolf, but at the time, I thought it was just silly jealousy. I tried to chatter away and keep the conversation going, but I sensed Nicky wasn’t really listening. He did stare at me pretty intensely, though, and it made me nervous. So nervous that I kept patting Nicky’s arm or touching his leg to reassure myself that this was still my friend Nicky and that nothing had really changed. It has, though. Everything’s changed and when Nicky leaned over and-and kissed me, I nearly fainted.”

Zack frowned, knowing he had reacted predictably, and the huge fight started. After that, he honestly didn’t remember much of what happened. He’d wound up taking Gabe back to the guest room, pushing him face down in the covers with his ass in the air, and thoroughly pounding him into the mattress. For once, Gabe hadn’t even teased Zack. Maybe he knew he’d played a big part in what had happened, and that Zack needed to remind him to whom he belonged.

“I can almost hear those little wheels turning in your brain, sweetheart. I brought you out here so you could relax.”

Gabe turned toward his mate and tried to smile. “I know. I’m relaxing. I’m just a little…”

“Worried about me and Nicky?”

“Yes,” Gabe replied in a small voice.