“Do you want me, Kevin? If you want this, all you have to do is nod. Just tilt your head up and back down. ” He blew softly in his ear. “That’s all it takes. ”

“No! I don’t want any of this. I didn’t want you kissing me, and I don’t want your hand on me either!”

“Really?” Richard leaned forward, his own breathing fast and hot in Kevin’s ear. “Is that why you were moaning in my mouth just now? Is that why you’re so hard?”

Kevin’s legs were trembling. Why couldn’t he just tell him to fuck off? Strangely, he wasn’t frightened of him, even though he was holding him so tightly. Kevin had a feeling he wouldn’t hurt him. He raised his eyes to Richard’s and caught his steady gaze. Richard’s lips curved up in a beautiful smile. “That’s right. Look at me. Can you see how much I want you? You’re so goddamned beautiful. All you have to do is ask me to pleasure you. ”

Kevin took a deep, shaky breath. God knew he wanted it. It had been a long time since he’d been so attracted to anyone, since anyone’s hand had felt so good. Holding Richard’s gaze, he nodded his head slowly up and down.

Richard smiled at him in triumph and slowly pumped his dick in his hand, never taking his eyes off him. “Feel good?” he whispered, leaning down to lick the corner of his mouth.

Kevin flicked his gaze up at him, and Richard responded by holding that gaze, his grip on Kevin incredibly firm and hot. Kevin heard himself whimper as the hand sped up, the pressure increasing. He pumped him slowly up and down, only gradually increasing the speed and the tempo. His thumb grazed over the leaking tip of Kevin’s cock and he smeared the pre-cum over the sensitive head.

Kevin was so close he thought he was about to embarrass himself by coming so soon. He slammed his head back against the wall to distract himself, but Richard followed him and took his mouth again, pressing those warm, full lips against his, his tongue flicking out to lick at the corners of his mouth. Then without warning, he flicked his thumb down into the sensitive slit and squeezed. Kevin threw back his head and his orgasm raced through him, the hot cum pulsing from his body in long streams. He was coming in Richard’s hand, helpless to prevent it, and the man smiled down at him, capturing his groans in his mouth.

“That’s right, come on. ” Richard continued to milk his cock for every drop until his grip became painful and Kevin was sagging. Only then did he release him and catch him around the waist when he would have fallen. He put him back on the side of the bed. “Sit still,” he said softly.

He disappeared through one of the two doors in the room and when turned on the light, Kevin could see it was a bathroom. Kevin heard the water running. He came back in only a few minutes with a cloth, while Kevin was still trying to catch his breath. Kevin reached for the cloth, but Richard shook his head and pushed his hand away, cleaning Kevin himself. He made him spread his legs while he washed him thoroughly, to Kevin’s hot embarrassment and then draped the sheet back over his lap, looking into Kevin’s eyes.

“Sweet boy,” he said, and moved his hands so they were trailing across Kevin’s shoulders. Finally, he let him go and crossed back over to the window.

When the silence dragged out to the point where it became excruciating, Richard finally spoke. “I’m sorry I shoved you before. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I don’t why you make me so…” he stopped in mid-sentence, looking up at the ceiling as if to find an answer there. Finally he started again. “Did I hurt you?”

Kevin shook his head, still unwilling to look at him.

“What you said about me and Tucker…it’s not true. Tucker is my…Tucker is a relative. A close relative and what you said made me…”

“I was just popping off. I didn’t really believe it,” he said grudgingly.

Richard stood for another few moments, and Kevin could almost feel the restlessness radiating off him. Finally he spoke. “I have to go, but Tucker will be in to bring you something to eat, and I’ll be back later. You’ll be seeing a lot of me until…” Kevin darted a glance up at him, and he smiled, shaking his head. “Relax for now. Try to get

some rest, and Tucker will be in soon. ” He strode toward the door, not even glancing back at him once before he left the room.

Kevin looked down at his traitorous cock, “A fat lot of help you were…” he muttered, wishing he’d never come on this crazy rescue mission, wishing he could just close his eyes and fade away, escaping this room, this situation and the crazy attraction he was feeling for a man who could so easily eat him alive.

Chapter Three

He was still sitting on the side of the bed a few minutes later when a soft knock came at the door and it opened slowly. Tucker came in alone, holding some clothes folded in his hand. He stood just inside the door for a long moment, as if unsure of his welcome. He seemed nervous and uneasy.

Kevin sighed. “If those are for me, give them to me. It’s cold in here, and I’m freezing. ”

Tucker looked concerned and turned first to the controls on the wall, giving them a turn. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize. ” He brought the clothes over to him. “I didn’t have any pants that would fit you, but I brought some shorts, and a shirt. You’re a little bigger than me, but I think they’ll fit. ”

“What about my things? I saw him bring in my suitcase. ”

“Oh. Well, they’ve been taken away, Kevin. You know, in case there was any kind of tracking device or anything. ”

“In my clothes? God, I’m not James Bond. ”

“I know, but they’re being really cautious. ” He stuck his hands down in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels nervously. “I, uh…I guess you’re pretty pissed off at me. ”

“Shouldn’t I be?” Kevin stood up, letting the sheet fall and noticed how Tucker averted his gaze. That was new. He’d never been hesitant to look at him before in the locker room at the gym or the couple of times they’d gone swimming in the nude late at night on the beach outside his parents’ condo. He pulled on the clothes Tucker had brought him quickly, half afraid Richard might come back in the room.

“I hoped you’d understand,” Tucker said. “I’m sorry I tricked you, Bry. The more we talked, and the things you were saying…I knew you had to come with us. I thought if you came on your own, it would be easier on you, that’s all. ”

“Who is that guy, anyway? He acts like he has the right to boss you around. ”

Tucker lowered his gaze and pressed his bottom lip between his teeth before he spoke. “Yeah, he kind of does have the right. In a way. I don’t always pay attention, though,” he said, a wry smile tilting up the corners of his mouth.