“Settle down before you hurt yourself. I’ll release you in a moment, but first we need to get a few things straight between us. ”

“I have nothing to say to you, asshole. Do you have any idea how much shit you’re going to bring down on your heads by attacking me and holding me like this? I’m an officer of the law—do you really think you can get away with it?”

Richard lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “We already have, Kevin. And I don’t think you told anyone where you were going when you decided to come up here on your little rescue mission, because you didn’t want anyone to know in case Tucker turned you down. You’re here on your own because you couldn’t stand to let him go. ”

“You’re full of shit. ” Kevin glared at him, putting everything he felt, all the anger and frustration, even a little of the fear and desperation at the situation he found himself in—everything—into that look. He saw something move on Richard’s face and it softened, just the slightest bit as he came toward him.

“I’ll let you go, so long as you remember you’re a prisoner here. You can stop making threats, because none of this is under your control anymore. Understand?”

Kevin glared up

at him silently, feeling cold fury, his gaze promising retribution.

Richard met his gaze unflinchingly. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, damn it. I understand. ”

Richard pulled a key from his pocket and released him from the cuff. He stepped back as Kevin sat up, rubbing his wrist, and swung his bare legs over the side of the bed. He was careful to keep the sheet over his lap, and he could feel another flush slowly rising over his cheekbones. He resisted the urge to put his hands over his cock, instead meeting his captor’s gaze with a steady stare.

“So now what happens? You try to brainwash me too?”

Again, an odd look passed over Richard’s face but he sat down in the armchair next to the bed and leaned forward. “For the next day or so, nothing much happens. I’ll let you talk to Tucker, and you’ll mostly stay here until we can make preparations. ”

“Preparations for what, damn it?”

Richard shrugged, and Kevin made a sound of anger and impatience.

“If it hadn’t been for Tucker, you’d be waking up in a cell down in the basement right now, so count yourself lucky. ” Richard said sternly. “This is a private group, Kevin. We don’t appreciate outsiders coming to spy on us and threaten us, and we protect our family. ”

“Family?” Kevin snorted. “Save the bullshit, Richard, I’m not drinking your kool-aid. If you let me go and take Tucker with me, I’ll tell the police you cooperated and maybe they’ll go easy on you. It’s your best chance. ”

Richard raised one eyebrow. “No, actually, I don’t think it is. We have something different in mind for you. ”

“Like what? I’m warning you, asshole…” Kevin stood up, clenching his fists around the sheet to keep it around his hips. He hated this, hated the smug bastard in front of him, hated the fact that he’d allowed himself to walk right into their trap. He wanted to smash his face in, make him feel as frustrated and furious as he did right that moment.

Aggressively, he took a step toward him. “Who the hell are you anyway? Are you fucking Tucker too? Is that it? Are you guys in some kind of three-way?”

Richard’s reaction was immediate. He jumped up from the chair, his face dull red, his mouth open in surprise. His hands shot out and shoved Kevin hard on his chest, knocking him back on the bed.

Kevin scrambled back to his feet, throwing the sheet down in his fury. He took a step forward and shoved back, putting everything he had into it, all his fear and his rage. Richard stumbled backward, his big body mostly absorbing the shock, but Kevin was gratified to see he’d surprised him.

Richard stood still for a moment, seeming to gather himself, taking in deep breaths and clenching his fists. In seconds, his face was smooth and calm again, and Kevin could see that he’d mastered the flash of anger his words had caused. Suddenly, he didn’t want Richard to be so in charge of his feelings anymore. He wanted him to experience the same savage passion and rage he was feeling. He sneered at him, taunting him deliberately. “What’s the matter, Richard? Afraid your little secret will get out? Doesn’t Gavin know about you and Tucker? Are you two sneaking around behind his back? How does it feel to have your cock up that sweet little ass? Or does he put his dick up yours? Is that what you like?”

“Shut your mouth!” He reached for Kevin, who put his hands up defensively, expecting to be hit in the face. Richard grabbed his wrists instead, and they struggled, each determined to get the upper hand. As they scuffled back and forth, Kevin trying his best to break Richard’s incredibly strong hold on his wrists, Kevin was slammed back into the wall by the bed, and Richard forced his hands above his head.

They were almost nose to nose, and once again, he was almost overwhelmed by Richard’s scent, which was teasing him and making him foggy with desire.

“Don’t talk shit you don’t know anything about! What you’re saying is disgusting!” Richard yelled.

“Why? Because Tucker is a man? You’re not into men, is that it? Or you just think you’re not? It wouldn’t be the first time a straight guy wanted to have a little something on the side. Tucker’s pretty sweet, isn’t he?”

“Shut up!” Richard kept his tight hold on his wrists, and bent to take Kevin’s mouth in a punishing kiss. At first he practically ground his lips against Kevin’s, but when Kevin reacted instinctively and parted his lips, he stopped his rough assault, just holding his lips against his, breathing hard into his mouth. The next second, Kevin heard a low growling sound coming from his throat, and he was licking gently at his lips. Kevin opened his own mouth farther and tentatively pushed out the tip of his tongue to meet Richard’s. Richard swept his tongue over Kevin’s and thrust inside his mouth.

Kevin let out a low moan as his body betrayed him. He could no longer concentrate on anything except the man’s tongue sweeping over the inside of his mouth, the heat making his balls draw up and his cock thicken. He couldn’t catch his breath and the bastard holding him wasn’t letting up. He thrashed his head from side to side, trying to escape, but Richard only laughed and put up one hand to hold his chin, while the other hand effortlessly held both of Kevin’s wrists against the wall. His laugh was a low, throaty rumble that made Kevin’s balls tighten to the point of pain. He kissed him until Kevin’s lips felt raw and only when he sensed Kevin’s surrender did he slowly withdraw, giving his lips a final little lick. It was scary how easily he controlled him, and Kevin slowly became aware of how very naked he was.

He froze when Richard’s large hand grasped his cock. For a long moment they simply stared at each other, the intimacy of standing so close with Kevin’s cock in this virtual stranger’s grip made his knees almost collapse. When Kevin glanced down to stare at the hand wrapped tightly around him, Richard’s voice rasped at him. “Look at me. ”

Kevin obeyed, feeling almost compelled.