“Out of the question,” Gavin said firmly.

Tucker whipped his head around to argue, and Richard broke in. “He’s right, Tucker. Best case scenario, he won’t believe you. He’ll think you’ve been brainwashed and keep digging until he learns too much, and we’ve been compromised. Worst case, he’d throw you over his shoulder and haul ass with you tied up in his trunk and put you in some kind of therapy for cult members. I won’t lose you again. ”

Tucker blew out a frustrated breath. “Oh for God’s sake. Okay, then what are we going to do about it? He won’t stop, you know. He’s like a bulldog when he’s after something like this, and he’s very good at what he does. He’ll just keep investigating until he finds out everything he can. He might even go to the state police and try to flush me out that way. ”

Richard looked at Gavin and met his steady, implacable gaze. Tucker glanced from one to the other. “What? What did I say?” A light dawned on his face, and he jumped angrily to his feet. “Oh no! Oh, hell no, you’re not going to hurt him. ” He grabbed Gavin by the shirt front. “I will not stand for you hurting him. I’d go to the state police myself before I let you touch one hair on his head, do I make myself clear?”

Gavin gripped his wrists and pushed him gently away, still keeping hold of him. “Calm yourself, Tucker. Nobody’s going to hurt him. ”

“Tucker, I’m surprised at you,” Richard said. “You know we don’t deliberately hurt humans unless they attack us first. And even then, we’d try not to injure them. Even the Hunters were given a chance to assimilate into our pack last year when we destroyed their compound. Those that gave up were taken care of and found mates within the three branches of the pack. ”

“So then…wait…you want to assimilate him? Is that what you’re trying to say? What the hell does that even mean? You’d force him to become a part of the pack?”

“Oh for God’s sake, Tucker,” Richard said. “It’s not like it’s a fate worse than death…you

seem to be pretty happy. ”

“Yes, but I chose this life for myself, damn it. I wasn’t forced into it. ”

“There would be no question of forcing,” Gavin said in a soothing tone. “If he received a mating bite, he’ll be eager, as a matter of fact. ”

“Oh yeah, that makes it so much better. ” Tucker shook his head. “No, I can’t agree to something like that. ”

“We’re a long way from a decision like that anyway,” Gavin said. “Too many factors are involved. ”

“Like what?”

“Like whether or not he’s already told a lot of people where he was going, or if he has close family members who would come looking for him…that kind of thing. His personality too, would have to be considered. If he became the mate of a wolf, he’d have to have a somewhat submissive nature, and not be resistant to being dominated, especially during…uh…” he cast a glance over at his father-in-law and blushed. “You know. ”

“You mean sex? Good Lord, Gavin, my dad knows we have sex. ”

“Tucker,” Richard said reprovingly.

“Well, you do. ”

“Yes, well, what I may know, and what I like to think about are two different things, son. And this conversation is becoming uncomfortable. What Gavin is trying to tell you is that we do have different methods, depending on the individual. What works for some might not work for others. We’ve been in this area for a long, long time, Tucker, and of course your friend, the detective, is not the first human to get a little too curious about us. When that has happened over the years we’ve had to take steps to mitigate the damage. Not just for ourselves, but for everyone in our pack.

“Like what? Besides assimilation. ”

“We used to keep prisoners inside the compound years ago. ” He held up a hand at the look on Tucker’s face. “But not anymore. It’s cruel, and we’re not interested in becoming jailers. In recent years, some mild brainwashing techniques have been used, though we don’t like that either…too unpredictable and too much chance of the person losing all their memories. ”

“Well, then that’s out. It’s just inhumane. ”

Richard turned his head slightly to regard him. “But we’re not human, Tucker. You seem to forget that. And our first priority has to be the pack. ”

“But there must be other humans who know about you. You said my mother told my grandparents before she died. ”

Richard nodded. “Yes, some family members of the pets do know something about our nature. But we’re careful to decide who is given information. Close family members of the pets have a stake in keeping our secrets. Their children’s happiness is at risk, after all. But we’re very selective in who we tell. We have natural pets who work with us in the police departments and various state agencies to help ensure our privacy. Not much is left to chance, Tucker. ”

“At least let me go see him. Then if I see it’s not working, we can bring him to the lodge and make a decision about what to do. I understand what you’re saying, but I won’t be a party to hurting him in any way. He’s always been a good friend to me. You can go with me to make sure he doesn’t throw me in his trunk or whatever,” he said, with a slight rolling of his eyes. Putting a hand on Gavin’s chest, Tucker leaned into him. He was making his appeal directly to Gavin, who he knew had trouble denying him anything. If Richard hadn’t been so irritated, he might have had a grudging admiration for how manipulative his son could be.

“Okay, honey, you can talk to him,” the alpha said. “But keep in mind that it probably won’t do any good. If he continues to not believe what you tell him or if it looks like he’s going to make trouble, then bring him here and we can decide what to do. ”

“Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it, okay? I think I can talk to him and convince him to go back home and leave us alone. Let me try, anyway. ”

Gavin nodded and pulled Tucker into his arms. Over his shoulder, he gave Richard a significant look. They’d give Tucker his chance, but if this man was as persistent and stubborn as Tucker was, Richard didn’t hold out much hope that it would work.

* * * *