Kevin clenched his fists. “You go to hell. ”

Richard smiled. “Get down on your hands and knees. Your ass toward me. ”

“Why? So you can bully me?”

“Your choice, baby—the easy way or the hard way?”

Kevin hesitated for a long moment while Richard held his breath. It was a total bluff, not because he couldn’t easily handle the smaller man, but because he didn’t want an unwilling partner. He believed Kevin needed this, and had been asking for it all day, but he had to make sure. Then with only a trace of hesitation, Kevin turned his back and dropped to his knees between the bed and the table.

Just because he’d obeyed didn’t mean he was happy about it. Every muscle in Kevin’s body was tense and resistant, and he glanced back over his shoulder at Richard and literally snarled at him.

Richard smiled, liking the challenge. He sat on the bed for a few more seconds, deciding how to proceed until Kevin growled again. “Damn it, do something. Do you expect me to stay here all night?”

“Only if I tell you to,” he replied. He gave him a hard smack on his ass. “Now shut up like a good boy. ”

Richard stood up and opened his backpack, pulling out a pair of leather cuffs. He walked around to stand in front of Kevin. The second he caught sight of them, he immediately balked, as Richard thought he would. “Hell no, Richard. ”

Richard had already decided he wasn’t about to give him a choice. Kevin needed someone to take his choices away. “Give me your wrists,” Richard said softly.

“Not going to happen. ”

Richard leaned over and slapped his ass again, hard enough to make him jump. “Are you done? Because we can do this all night if you want to. ” Kevin pressed his lips together and looked up at him through a fringe of hair, and the sight of Kevin on his knees in front of him, that sultry, sullen look on his face lit a fire in Richard’s groin. When he lowered his eyes again, Richard knew they were almost there.

Richard pulled Kevin’s wrists up and over toward the table leg. He wrapped the cuffs around the table leg and then attached them to his wrists. Kevin could move up and down the leg, but he wasn’t going anywhere else. The table was old, but heavy, made of solid chunks of wood. He watched while Kevin struggled with the idea for a moment, even trying to lever the table up with his shoulder. He could move it, but couldn’t get it off the floor far enough. When he realized he was securely shackled there until Richard decided to let him go, he pulled hard at the cuffs, getting angry. “Let me go, Richard. ”

“No. ”

Breathing hard, he turned to look at him. “Please. ”

“Begging won’t help, baby. You have some apologies to make and a few lessons to learn first. ”

He came around behind Kevin and jerked him effortlessly to his knees with one hand while the other pushed his shorts down past his knees. He pulled them off all the way, then, leaving him naked below the waist. He took some lube from his back pack and laid it on the floor beside Kevin while he stripped off his own clothes. Still on his knees, Kevin turned to watch him uneasily. “I don’t want this. ”

“Then tell me to stop. One word and it’s over. Is that what you want, baby?”

Kevin turned his head back around, biting on his lower lip. Richard grabbed his chin and turned his face around. “Want me to stop?”

Kevin blew out a long breath. “No. ”

“Then tell me how sorry you are for being such a smartass all day. ”

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

“And for throwing things at me and not even trying to start a fire?”

“Okay. I’m sorry, all right?”

“Now tell me why you did it. ”

He raised his head, a look of confusion on his face. “What? I don’t know…I just…”

“Just what?”

“I was mad, all right?” The sullen, belligerent look was back on his face.

“Because you thought I wasn’t giving you enough of my time? Because you wanted my attention, but you didn’t know how to ask me for it?” He splashed some lube over himself. Putting more on both his hands, he wrapped one hand around Kevin’s dick, slowly stroking it from the base to the head, while the other hand went to his crease.

Kevin cried out with the overload of sensations, and another look of confusion swept over his face. “I…I don’t know. Please. Please, Richard. ”