“No one knows. Anyway, I have to tell you I was pissed at first. Now don’t get upset again, but I didn’t want a human and especially not a Hunter. I actually struggled against it—that was before Imet you. ” He had to stop and drop a kiss on Evan’s face because of the hurt look that had lodged there. “Once I met you, I was totally hooked. ”

“We met in the prison. ”

“Right. I went back to Brevardto try to find you, but you’d moved inside the complex and rarely came out. I got inside. . . ” He stopped again at Evan’s look. “Yeah, we can get in the barracks if we need to. It’s not so heavily guarded, and people are always leaving the back entrance unlocked. Very careless. Since Logan joined the pack. . . let’s just say we know more now. I went to your roomand looked around. ”

“That’s where the smell in my room came from! It was you!” Evan had a slightly accusing look as he realized why his clothing and underwear and even his bed smelled like Brett.

Brettblushed. “Yeah, it was me. I lay on your bed, sat at your computer, sniffed at your clothes. The more I saw you and smelled your scent, the more I had to be near you. The blood mate thing is a bitch, baby. It drives you crazy!”

Evan smiled a little, seeming to be fascinated by the story as Brett continued.

“I live with the North Carolina wolf pack. They have a big lodge called Mountainwood. I’m sure you know about it. We’re the largest pack. Sometimes we’re called the Mountain Pack, and we’ve had a lot of Hunter attacks. ”

Evan nodded. “Yes, we know exactly where it is. ”

“Right. So anyway, Dr. Cornsilk had alerted us to the latest harebrained scheme of Elias Winters. Wintersdoesn’t really give a shit about Logan, you know. He’s just pissed because he’s ashamed to have a son mated to a male wolf—a powerful beta, at that. Marco, our alpha, called a meeting and I sat in as one of the gammas. That’s when I came up with this plan. ”

“Was that after you saw me in Brevard?”

“A couple of days after, yeah. I got an idea to use their own plan against them. I convinced the alpha to get Dr. Cornsilk to suggest you for the experiment, and I allowed myself to be picked up outside the compound. ”

“How did you know they’d pick me?”

“I told you I was in your rooms, honey. I saw your internet browser. That’s when I knew you were gay. Cornsilk used that to help get you chosen. To Winters, you were more expendable than a straight Hunter. ”

“Oh my God!”

“Sorry, baby, but it’s true. That’s the kind of shitoutfit you joined up with. ”

“It was so dangerous for you to be captured like that. And they beat you!Wasn’t there some other way?”

“Probably, but it was also a chance to see the inside of this operation and claim my mate right under their noses. Too good not to go for it. ”

“Pretty damn arrogant. ” He looked upinto Brett’s eyes. . “So you actuallythink I’m your…bloodmate?”

“I don’t just think it, I know it. AndI have to tell you, it’s forever. I’ll never let you go once we’re mated. ”

“What? What do you mean you’ll never let me go? I just agreed to let you fuck me, that’s all. ”

“No,” Brett pulled his body tight against his possessively. “You’re mine, Evan. Get used to it. Everything you knew is about to change. ”

“Change? W-What do you mean? The major told me some stuff and so did Dr. Cornsilk. Is it all true?”


—you’ll be stronger and faster and even more gorgeous. You’ll have to. . . uh. . . drink my blood. ”

“No, I won’t do that!It’s like a vampire. ” He struggled to get up again and move away, but Brett held him down again until he collapsed with a defeated sigh and a dirty look at Brett. “Damn it, let me go!”

“No. Not until you listen. The blood drinking is only once every couple of weeks once you settle in, and it will tastegood to you, I promise. ”

“What do you mean, settle in? You mean, like forever?That’s bullshit! I don’t even know you! You even saidyou don’t much like humans. I’m just something this blood match thing forced on you. Go find someone else. ”

“Just because I’m hooked doesn’t mean I don’t like it. We both still have free will to reject each other if we wanted to. ”

“Well, I want to!” Evan cried out, pushing against Brett’s chest.

“Hush. It would make you miserable. We could do it, but I promise you that you’ll be sorry. You were all I thought about in my cell once I met you. I spent most of my time thinking about you, wondering when you’d be back, hoping you’d come soon. ”