“Then why are you telling me this? I don’t understand. ”

“I’m telling you because I know you’ll never get a chance to tell anyone. I’m taking you out of here with me, Evan. ”

“No!” Evan cried out in alarm and this time he made it all the way to his feet before Brett pulled him back down and across his body.

Brett put a hand to his back and began rubbing gently. “Don’t get scared, honey. I’m right here and nothing is going to hurt you. I did all this for you. ”

Evan straightened up, pushing Brett away. His face registered surprise and skepticism. “I’m not scared, I’m confused! You’re saying you allowed yourself to be captured to be with me?”

“That’s right. First, I guess, you need to know that mostall of what you’ve been told about my people is lies. We’re not monsters. We don’t prey on humans, or go out looking for trouble of any kind. We only want only to be left alone to live our lives. We’ll defend ourselves if attacked, and we protect what’s ours, but I think that’s different from being a monster, don’t you?”

Evan nodded very slightly, but Brett could see that he was listening carefully.

“And this experiment thing is not about what they told you at all. You were set up too, sweetheart. These bastards know just enough about the wolves to be dangerous. They know that once we mate with a human or even bite them, they have to feed from us. From our blood. If that doesn’t happen, they become feral creatures, half wolf, half men. That’s what they had planned for you, sweetheart. ”

Evan’s eyes grew wider and he tried to pull away. “No! I can’t believe it!”

Brett shrugged. “Suit yourself, but it’s the truth. Elias Winters wants to create a new breed of soldier. He thinks he’ll be able to create a squadron of feral Hunters to fight us. He even has a name for the plan—Operation Wolfsbane. You were to be the first. ”

“Why should I believe any of this? You’re lying!”

Brett tightened his grip on Evan’s arm. “Watch your mouth, love. I’m a lot of things, but I’m no liar. I’m a gamma in the Dark Hollow Wolf Pack. That’s sort of like a soldier. Rank and file, you know?It’s pretty large—three branches of the family spread out all over these mountains. That’s what we are, I guess. A family. Many of us are related, and since we have the same ideas about marrying cousins that you humans do, we have always brought in humans to mate with us, if other wolf packs weren’t around or we couldn’t find our mate among them. We don’t force our mates, though, or almost never. The beta of our pack did take a captive Hunter as his mate, but that was so they wouldn’t have to execute him. I understand they’re very happy now. ”

For the first time, Evan looked up and nodded. “He’s still alive? But you’re talking about Logan Winters. He was. . . is the son of our leader and went missing over a year ago. We were told he was dead, murdered by the wolves. “

“A total lie put out by his crazy father. I’ll introduce you to Logan if you want. We hate the Hunters, but we’re not murderers. Besides, he’s the beloved pet of the beta of our pack. Why would we kill him?”

“The beloved what? Wait a minute—you hate Hunters? Do you hate me because of who I am?”

“Absolutely not! Totally different situation, honey. Logan was a soldier, part of a Hunter squad that attacked the alpha and almost killed him. They also shot the mate of the battle commander. As the son of old Elias, Logan was totally brainwashed too. It took our beta a lot of work to get that shit out of his head. No, those Hunters put themselves in a bad situation and they were well armed. ”

“Still, I’m a Hunter. ”

“I know. Luckily you haven’t been one for very long, though I do have to question your judgment in joining up to start with. We’ll have to talk about that little lapse. No, I’m not crazy about the idea of your being a Hunter, but I can’t hate you, honey. Blood match, remember?”

“Why me, Brett?I’m confused! How did you find me? I never saw you before that night they brought you past the guard station!” His voice was becoming a little hysterical, rising higher and higher.

Brett took Evan by the shoulders and gave him a little shake. He calmed down some, though his eyes widened at Brett’s action. He seemed to all at once realize he was half lying across the body of a very aroused wolf, and he squirmed uncomfortably, trying to move away from Brett’s erection. When he licked his lips, the tip of his pink tongue darting out between his luscious lips, Brett was almost done for.

Brett closed his eyes and bit his own lip. “Goddamn, man, you’re going to have to stop squirming around and looking at me likethat. I’m hanging on by a thread as it is. ”

Immediately, Evan stilled, almost holding his breath until Brett got control. “Sorry,” Evan said with a tiny smile. “Didn’t mean to get you all. . . you know. . . aroused. ” Another deep breath and Brett started again.

“You know I was only capturedbecause of you, Evan. ”

He looked startled as his gaze bored into Brett’s eyes. “But how?”

“I first saw you in that little steak place in Brevard. You know the one with the cowboy theme?” At Evan’s nod, he continued. “You were with a group of Hunters, and I could smell you all the way across the room. ”


Brett chuckled. “Not because you stink, honey. To me you smell absolutely delicious. Like something sweet. Have you ever noticed that about me?”

Evan turned his head as he thought about it. “Yes, a couple of times when I came in your cell. I thought I was going crazy. ”

“It will get even more intense after I bite. . . uh, after we mate. That smell is a sign of our blood mate. Some chemical in our blood—somewolves say it’s supernatural—calls to us when we see our blood mate, the one we’re fated to be with forever. Wolves mate for life, and we only get one blood mate. Well, that’s the theory, anyway. For me, it’s you. ”

“Me? No, you must be mistaken!” Evan shook his head in disbelief. “Why me?”