Nicky looked up at Logan. “Damn Brett!He’s been feeding him too much. Probably fucking him half to death too, the asshole. Look over in that drawer for a key to this cuff. ” Logan opened a few drawers until he found another cuff and a key. He used the key to unlock Evan and he chafed his reddened wrist in his hands, while Nicky sat fuming. “This is bullshit, Logan. I’m getting him out of here. ”

“Nicky, calm down. He’s not hurt, and yeah, it looks like Brett’s been feeding him too much, probably to keep him calm. We may just need to stay out of this. ”

“No, I won’t stay out of it. Look at those marks on him. This is what Marco did to me when I first came. He used to feed me too much blood to make me sleep all the time, and he locked me in cuffs a couple of times. The wolves used to claim it calmed pets down to be ‘controlled’ and put in restraints. I hated it then and I hate it now. It’s why Marco and

I almost broke up, and I thought I’d managed to put a stop to this kind of thing. ”

“At least go get Marco and tell him about it. If he’s really changed the laws, then he’ll back you up. You don’t need to get between a wolf and his mate without Marco’s support. ” Nicky set his jaw firmly. “I’ll tell Marco, just as soon as I get Evan out of here. Help me with him, Logan. I’m taking him home with me. ”

Brett stood in front of Marco, anxious and tense about Evan. He wondered where he was and if he was okay. What was Evan thinking? Did he hate him now? Was he asking to leave? He finally became aware that Marco had asked him a question.

“What? Uh. . sir? I didn’t hear you. ”

“I asked you if you put hands on him, Brett? Did you hit him?”

“No!” Brett replied indignantly. “I would never hurt Evan! I-uh-I took his clothes off. He didn’t like that too much. ” He shifted his feet. “And I made him drink blood, but I never hit him at all. Did he say I hit him?” His tone was incredulous, and Marco shook his head. “No, but I wanted to ask you to make sure he wasn’t trying to protect you. ” Marco sat back in his chair and gazed at him sternly. “He did have bite marks on his neck. He said you’d been having a lot of sex with him too. ”

Brett could feel a flush come over his whole body. It was true he’d gotten a little possessive and carried away the last couple of days. Okay, a lot carried away, and he’d planned on coming home that afternoon after work and releasing Evan and trying to patch things up between them. He’d always heard from the older wolves that feeding the human pets would calm them, and Evan had needed a lot of calming down after he stripped his clothes off him the other night. They said to tie him up or put him in cuffs and it would help him to regain his temper. Boy, they’d been wrong about that. When he’d tied Evan up the night before,he’d practically tried to claw his eyes out and kicked him off the bedbefore he’d managed to subdue him. After he’d cuffed him that morning, he’d had to feed him again just so he could leave for work.

Marco was speaking to him and he tried hard to focus. “I used to feel the same way you do, Brett. I almost lost Nicky a couple of times because I was too stubborn to really hear what he was saying to me. I tried to just bluster my way through an argument. Hell, I still do from time to time. I used the fact that I was bigger and stronger than he is to try to make him do what I wanted him to do. It didn’t work, Brett, and it won’t work with Evan. ”

Brett looked down at his feet for a long moment and then back up at the alpha. “Can I see him?I won’t—I mean I don’t have to touch him. I just need to see him, Marco. I need to see if he hates me for what I did. ”

Marco sighed. “I don’t think he hates you, Brett, but I don’t think he’ll come home right away, either. I’ve already spoken to both Nicky and Logan for their parts in this. Both of them are independent and strongwilled, and they’re veterans by now at fighting with their mates. They never should have allowed Evan to get so involved, as new as he is to Werekin life, and as new as your relationship is. ” He took a deep breath and stood up. “There was no excuse for it, but no excuse for your behavior,either. ”

“I know, Alpha. I’m sorry. ” Marco gestured to him. “Come on. I’ll let you see him and talk to him. He’s still a little confused. I’m afraid you’ll face punishment for your treatment of him, Brett. It’s time for the older wolves and for some of the younger ones, too, to realize that things have changed. They can no longer hide behind tradition to make excuses for abusive behavior. I’ll talk to Ian and decide on a fitting punishment for your actions. In the meantime, I don’t suppose it would hurt for you to see Evan for a few minutes, if he agrees. ” He left the council room and led him down the hall to his quarters.

“Stay here and I’ll see if he’ll agree to see you. ” Brett stood in the hallway, feeling miserable and torn. On the one hand, he needed to see Evan almost as much as he needed air to breathe. On the other, he was ashamed and afraid. What if Evan didn’t want to see him? Or worse, what if he told him he hated him and rejected him as his mate?

Marco came back to the door and gestured for him to come in. Heaving a sigh, he stepped inside the door. Evan was reclining on the sofa, covered by a blanket, and Nicky had been reading in a chair next to him. Nicky scowled at Brett when he walked in, but Brett’s attention was focused on Evan. He had scooted to a sitting position and was picking at little pieces of lint on the blanket, looking down to avoid eye contact with Brett.

Marco motioned for Nicky to come with him, and they both stepped outside to give the couple some privacy. Brett noticed right away how nervous Evan seemed. He perched himself on the arm of the sofa to give him some space.

For a moment, neither of them said a word. Brett reached out cautiously to touch Evan’s foot under the blanket, but he pulled it away sharply. Brett pulled back his hand, literally at a loss for words. He gave a little ragged sigh.

“What do you want to do?” For a moment he thought Evan wasn’t going to answer. Still looking down, Evansaid, “I don’t know. I don’t want to come back, though. ”

Even though he knew he was going to say those words, they still speared right through him. “Okay, I understand. ” He stood up—he had to get out of there before he did something stupid, like fall to his knees and beg him. “If-if you need me for anything, just tell Marco. ”

“I won’t,” Evan said shortly, ripping his heart out with those two little words.

“Oh. Okay. . . well. . . ” He backed toward the door, afraid to say another word in case he started crying. He could feel the tears clogging up the back of his throat now, threatening to burst out and embarrass him completely. He had to ask the question though that was uppermost in his mind. He swallowed down the tears and forced the words out.

“Do you. . . have you rejected me, Evan?”

There was a long silence and Brett allowed himself to feel a bit of hope that Evanhadn’t said yes immediately. His next words dashed that hope.

“Not yet. Not officially, but I don’t think we have any future, Brett. You never really wanted a human mate in the first place. You told me so several times. You need someone who will let you boss them around,and I need someone who will respect me. ”

Brett turned blindly toward the door, incapable of saying anything more. Evan was his life. He couldn’t live without his mate. He couldn’t live without his soul. He fumbled for the door handle when he heard Evan speak softly behind him. “Aren’t you even going to say you’re sorry?”

He turned back to face him, but he couldn’t speak. If he did, the sobs would burst from his throat. “Sorry,” he finally choked out, then turned and took off through the door and ran down the hall, passing Nicky and Marco on the way but unable to even speak to them. He saw Marco’s face filled with concern and then he was back inside the council room, slamming the door behind him. He couldn’t stand to face anyone right now.

He wished he was outside in the woods. He could pull his clothes off and shift to his wolf. He wanted only to get away. There was no way he could stay, knowing how much he’d hurt his mate—how he’d ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him. He’d lost him for good, it seemed. He put back his head and howled with the pain, the disappointment and the shame, and then he slumped down at the council table. He knew Marco was coming to mete out his punishment. He hoped he would be banished, sent far away. He couldn’t stay and watch as Evan took up with someone else. It would, quite literally, kill him. He’d rather be banished, and stay in his wolf form. He wouldn’t feel the pain quite so keenly then. He closed his eyes and let the pain crash down on him.

Nicky leaned over Marco’s shoulder as he read his email from the inside contacts at the Hunter complex. Marco had forwarded the picture of Tim that Zack had sent him to several of these contacts over the last few days and almost all of them recognized him as a young wolf who had been held captive at the prison complex for over six months. None of them were in a position to know what was done to him, but atleast they’d confirmed his presence. It was a part of the puzzle of what had happened to Tim to turn him into a rapist and murderer.

“Have you told Zack yet?” Nicky asked.