Desperately, Nicky repositioned himself, pushed again on Marco’s chest as hard as he could while sticking his hand between his legs and grabbing his belt. Marco stood solidly still, staring down at him curiously.

“Is something supposed to be happening?” Marco asked.

Nicky straightened back up and glared at Marco. “You’re supposed to fall down on your back, damn it!”

“Oh,” he said, smiling. “Should I do that for you now, baby? Will you come with me?”

He pulled Nicky in his arms and sat down on the floor, then lay on his back with him still tightly wrapped in his arms. Nicky tried to pull away and finally sagged against his chest. “No, damn it. I was supposed to be on my feet with you on your back. ” He pouted a little. “I was going to fuck you tonight. ”

Marco raised his eyebrows with interest. “Oh? Okay. ”

“You mean you’d let me?”

“Sure. Sounds good to me, sweetheart. ”

“But-but Logan says Ian hates it and Loganmakes him do it anyway. ”

Marco put back his head and laughed. “Well, that’s fine for Ian, but I like you any way I can get you. Sounds pretty sexy to me. ” He leaned up and kissed Nicky. “Hey, did you want me to dislike it? I can resist and everything, if you want me to. ”


sp; Nicky laughed. “Idiot! Okay, yes, I want to fuck you very much. Pull those pants off, buddy, and I’ll go get the lube. ”

He jumped up and ran to the bedroom and just when he found it and was on his way back, Marco called out, “Oh and Nicky? I think I’ll have bacon and eggs tomorrow, baby. Eggs over easy, please. ”

Nicky stalked back into the room and glared down at him.

Marco smiled back up at him, unable to resist teasing him. “Did you think I forgot our bet, baby? No way. I’m going to enjoy every minute of this. ”

“So it didn’t work at all?” Evan asked.

“Hell no!” Nicky looked up sullenly at Logan and Evan, who was having a hard time trying to look totally supportive and not smile at all. “The big gorilla. I did exactly like you told me, Logan. It was like trying to push over a damn tree. ”

“Well, did he at least let you top him?”

“Oh, sure. If you can call it that. He was just full of helpful little hints and directions. Talk about a backseat driver. ”

Evan put a companionable arm around Nicky’s shoulders. “I’m sorry you didn’t have any fun, Nicky. ”

“Now I didn’t say all that. Sex with Marco is always fun. Hell, it’s fantastic. It wasn’t so great, though, when I had to get up this morning at five-thirty to fix his breakfast. Oh, and he rubbed it in too. ‘Can you bring me some juice, Nicky? Next time don’t cook my eggs quite so long, Nicky. Can you make pancakes, Nicky?I think I’d like some sausage tomorrow too, Nicky,’” Nicky said in a mocking, sing-song voice. “He’s such an asshole!”

Evan smiled. “Well, he did win the bet. . . ”

“Not helpful, Evan,” Nicky said.

Nicky looked down at his watch and frowned. ”It’s almost nine o’clock. You guys please come help me. Marco decided to get cute and invite over his council for a breakfast meeting at nine. He wants me to cook. ”

“Seriously?” Evan looked shocked. “He wants youto cook?”

“Yeah, and I kind of volunteered you two as waiters. C’mon, Logan, don’t look at me like that. You got me into this mess with your ‘Ah, go ahead Nicky, you can do it. If you think you’re defeated, you alreadyare,’ bullshit. ”

Logan laughed. “Okay, I’ll help. You coming, Evan?”

“Oh,yeah, I want to make sure Nicky doesn’t poison all of them. I’m still kind of partial to mywolf. ”

An hour later, Nicky was still making pancakes, pushing his curly hair off his hot face and shooting dark glances at Marco every chance he got. Evan and Logan were doing all they could to help by serving and washing up, but if looks could kill, Marco and the entire council would already be laid out dead on the floor, Evan thought with amusement. Around the table sat Marco, Ian, Casey, Rory and Brett. Evanhad just finished pouring coffee in everyone’s cups, and was now leaning against Brett, who was there in his new role as Lead Gamma. Rory had recently given up the post to help Casey in his job as Battle Commander. Logan had already started on the mountain of dishes while Nicky was at the stove, finishing up another batch of pancakes for Marco. Somehow, Evan didn’t think this new job of Nicky’s would last much longer after today, no matter what the bet had been.

Ian pushed back his chair and took a big sip of his coffee. “Thank you, Nicky, that was delicious. ” The distinct growling sound that came from Nicky’s direction seemed to surprise even Marco.