“Then how??


“Keep it more private. Ian has already agreed to let me fight beside him if the time comes. He said he wants me by his side so he can protect me. What about Marco? Will he let you fight alongsidehim?”

“Ha!” Nicky scoffed. “He has a plan to put me in one of the safe rooms downstairs, along with all the other pets—Brett will put you there too, Evan—and then we’ll wait there till they defeat the Hunters and come for us. If they were to lose, then the guards they’ll put in there with us have orders for no one to be taken alive. ”

“My God,” Evan said quietly. “We’d be sitting ducks—helpless. ”

“Right,” Nicky said bitterly. “I’d rather go out fighting any day. How can I get Marco to change his mind and let me stay near him?”

“Make a wager with him—he won’t be able to resist, especially if you make it worth his while,” Logan suggested.

“A wager? Like what?”

“Likeif he wins, you’ll do something for him—something submissive that he’d love. But if he loses, he’ll have to let you stay near him if the fight ever comes to us. Then make damn sure you win. ”

Nicky looked skeptical. “Marco outweighs me by forty pounds of pure muscle. What the heck can I bet with him?”

“Bet him you can beat him in a wrestling match in your bedroom. ”

Nicky looked at Logan as if he’d lost his mind. “What part of ‘forty pounds of muscle’ do you not understand?”

“Remember what I told the pets the first day—if you already think he’s going to win, then you’re already defeated. ”

“I’m not going to try to gouge Marco’s eyes or knee him in the balls. I don’t want to try to hurt him. ”

Evan nodded. “Yeah, I’m not willing to try that on Brett either. ”

“So don’t—just put them on the floor. That’s all you have to do. A little martial arts move. I can show you how it’s done,“ Logan said with a little smirk.

“Wait a minute,” Nicky said. “You said Ian had agreed to let you fight alongside him. Did you do that to Ian?” A slow grin spread over his face. “You did, didn’t you?”

Logan shrugged. “Maybe. We may have had a private little wager going on. Maybe with an extra little something to sweeten the pot. ”

“Like what?” Nicky asked, fascinated.

“You remember when they found us at the cave? When I woke up, Ian was so furious and crazy he told me I was going to spend thirty days naked in bed. Of course, he backed off that later, but it never quite sat right with me. So I wagered that if I put him on the ground, he’d spend an entire weekend naked in bed, and I could have my wicked way with him as often as I wanted to. If he won, I’d do it. ”

“Oh, my God,” Nicky said. “You fucked him?You did, didn’t you? Wait a minute—didn’t Ian have a stomach virus a couple of weekends ago—we didn’t see him for two days. ”

Logan just smiled wickedlywhile Nicky’s mouth dropped. “Was that it?” Nicky laughed so hard he had to lean against Evan for support. “Oh my God, I’d like to do that to Marco. Especially the topping thing. You really think I could?”

“I think you can, Nicky, and I think you should. Just be sure you’re ready when you do. ”

Nicky got a wicked little smile on his face. “Oh yeah. I can definitely handle this. Logan, I think you need to show me some moves. ”

Chapter Five

“Nicky, I really don’t want to discuss this anymore,” Marco said irritably. It was just after dinner and Nicky had been relentless the whole time he was eating. Nicky could exasperate Marcomore than anyone he’d ever met. He loved the young man so much it frightened him sometimes, but he could also get under Marco’s skin like nobody he’d ever met.

“You don’t want to discuss it because you know I’m right, and you don’t have a good answer. ”

“You’re not fighting the Hunters, either by my side or not. It’s ridiculous and out of the question. ”

“Ridiculous?” Nicky narrowed his eyes and cocked his head. “How do you mean that, Marco? Do you mean that it’s ridiculous to suppose that I could defend my home and my family? Do you think so little of me?”

“Of course not, Nicky, you know what I mean. I’m not about to let you get yourself hurt or worse fighting trained soldiers. With guns! You can get mad all you want and call me all the namesyou want, but I’m not going to allow it. ”