Smiling, he led Evan upstairs and then to a long hallway off the large main area. “First door on the left is the guest room. Brett’s probably already in there. If not, have a shower and relax. I’ll have those clothes sent over if Marco hasn’t already taken care of it. See you tonight at dinner. ”

Evan opened the door and went in, seeing Brett stretched out on the bed already, half asleep. He roused when Evan came in and held out a hand to him. Evan went over to sit beside him and Brett took his wrist and gently inspected it. He kissed it and looked up at Evan soberly. “I’m so sorry I hurt your wris

t, sweetheart. Even if you were about to skewer me with that wicked little switchblade of yours. ”

Evan smiled and lowered his head. “I wouldn’t have cut you. I only wanted to make you let me go. ” He reached out and ran a finger along Brett’s bare chest. “I think I’m glad you didn’t. ”

Brett pulled his head down for a kiss. “If you had really wanted to leave, I’d have taken you back. It would have killedme, but I’d have takenyou. ”

“I don’t want to leave you, Brett. Not ever. ” He leaned over and kissed his lips, and sighed. “Can I get my things from the barracks? Like my laptop and my iPod and clothes and stuff? You said you could get in there if you needed to. ”

“Yeah,if we need to, but that’s too great a risk just for your stuff. I’ll buy you some new clothes and a new iPod, and whatever else you want. Ashville’s not too far from here, and we can go up there and get whatever you need, okay? No computers, though. Or cell phones. You can use the computerin the common areas, because they’re censored, but until Winters backs off a little, we’re keeping a low profile online. ”

“But my parents will be worried about me!”

“Write them a letter and I’ll get it sent off right away. ”

“A letter? Snail mail?Why can’t I have my cell phone? Damn it, it’s like the fucking Dark Ages around here. My mom will want to talk to me. . . besides, the Hunters know where your lodge is located. It’s not exactly top secret. ”

“They know where we are, but not our numbers or where we have our traps set up, or what kind of munitions we have, or who our contacts are in Brevard. They try to raid us all the time, but why do you think we’re still here? Because of our safeguards and our rules. They’re in place for a reason. No, I’m sorry, honey, but it’s the best I can do for you right now. When things get a little better, I’ll take you to see your parents if you want, but not for a while. For now, just send the letter and your mom can write you back if she wants. ”

“Damn, I feel like a prisoner. ” He caught an intense gaze from Brett and flushed a bit. “I’m sorry. I love you, and I don’t want to leave. It’s just that it’s all so new and strange. ”

“I know it’s a lot to get used to, honey, but give it a chance. Lie down here beside me and rest until dinnertime. We’ve both been through a lot in the past day or so. You’ll feel better about things once you’ve settled in. ”

Evan allowed himself to be pulled down beside Brett, but he wasn’t too sure about getting used to things and feeling better about them in a few days. As a matter of fact, he already felt a little stir crazy. Brett rolled over and put a heavy leg across his thighs and snuggled his face into Evan’s neck. His lips brushed softly against his throat. A feeling of such passion and love for the man swept over him that it left him a little shaken. Well, damn.

He snuggled in a little closer to Brett, feeling Brett’s large erection brushing his thighs. Maybe he could get used to some of it after all.

“I’m going to help Logan with the self-defense training for the other pets. Please, Brett. Marco has approved the training, and it’s for the good of the pets. I’m going to go crazy sitting around here doing nothing all day. ”

Brett folded his arms over his chest and frowned. “So if you’ve made up your mind, I guess it doesn’t matter what I think about it. ”

Evan stood his ground, glaring back at Brett, only dropping his gaze when it became clear Brett was growing more irritated. “Of course it matters! Please, Brett. I don’t want to fight with you over this, but Idon’t want to sit at home like your little bitch. ”

Brett drew back, astonishment on his face. “I never said that! I never treated you like my bitch, for God’s sake!”

“No? What about how you acted when I got that letterfrom Eric last week?”

Brett pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes, saying nothing.

When Evan sent his mother a letter letting her know he was okay and telling her where he was, he got back two replies, one from his mother and one from his former lover, Eric. Brett had been furious, throwing the letters down on the sofa beside him and glaring down at him.

“Who the fuck is Eric?”

“What?” The name still made him flinch a little, and of course Brett picked up on that immediately.

“Who is he? What is he to you? Where the fuck do you know him from? Why is he writing to you?”

“Wait a minute, Brett, give me a chance to answer!He’s an old boyfriend and I have no idea why he’s writing to me. ”

“Open it. I know you’re dying to find out. ”

“You mean you’re dying to find out. ” He blushed a little when Brett growled low in his throat. “Please calm down. I don’t want to open it with you looming over me. Go sit over there onthe chair and I’ll see why he’s writing. ”

With a long, warning glare in his direction, Brett went over to the chair and plopped down in it, leaning forward a little.

Evan shook his head, by now used to these little displays every time another man so much as looked at him. He’d found it best to try and ignore Brett until he finally realized what an ass he was being and apologized, wanting make-up sex. This was the tactic Evan was using now.