Chapter Four

“Damn good to see you, man!” Casey slapped Brett on the back and pumped his hand in greeting. “We got a little worried that it was taking too long. Thought we’d have to break in there and bring you back out. ”

Brett snorted. “No problem, Casey. I was practically on vacation in there. ” Casey, Brett had told Evan, was the battle commander of the North Carolina Dark Hollow Pack. Like most of the wolves he was big and handsome. He laughed out loud at Brett’s swagger. Casey looked to the man Brett held tightly by the hand. “This must be Evan. ” He looked him up and down. “Very nice to meet you, Evan. Welcome to our home. ” He turned and gestured behind him to a smaller man, standing quietly by his side. “This is my mate, Rory. ”

A cute young man with curly brown hair stepped forward. Like the other wolves, he was muscular and well built, but not so tall. He was more human-sized, like Evan. His eyes were kind as he smiled at Evan. “I know this is all new for you. Let us know if we can help you with anything. ”

Evan held out his hand to shake hands with him, but Rory shook his head slightly and stepped back. Brett pulled his hand down. “No, Evan. You don’t touch the other wolves. ”

Evan felt confused. What? No touching? He felt like a child whose hand had been slapped. He flushed when Brett looked back up apologetically to Casey and Rory. “Sorry. ”

Rory waved his hand. “No problem. Brett, would you let him come with me to find him some clothes, or would you feel more comfortable with one of the pets taking care of him?”

Brett shifted his feet uncomfortably. “Uh, he’s still pretty nervous. Maybe. . . ”

Casey laughed out loud at the expression on Brett’s face. “No worries, Brett. I know exactly how you feel. ” He put his arm around Rory’s waist and pulled him to his side. “I didn’t want my mate out of my sight for weeks. ”

Evan was fascinated to see the color rising in Rory’s cheeks. Was he blushing? A wolf?

Brett made a dismissive noise. “It’s not that. I’m tired, that’s all. I want to get a little rest, and then later this afternoon I can deal with his clothes. ”

“Sure, no problem. You can use the guest room until we can make you a new assignment. You can’t very well keep him in the barracks. Rory and I have to go out to the training field, but Marco will be home soon. He took Nicky down to buy art supplies. ” Casey nodded to Evan. “Nice to meet you, Evan. ” He looked back up at Brett. “Very sweet for a Hunter, Brett. You have him almost trained already. ” He waved, taking Rory by the arm and leaving by the front door.

Quietly fuming, Evan pulled Bre

tt around to face him. “Trained? Is he kidding? What a jerk. ”

A melodious voice behind them made Evan whirl around. “He is a big jerk—always has been. He doesn’t mean anything by it, though. He just can’t help himself. Don’t let him bother you. ” Standing near a back entrance was a handsome young blond, his blue eyes twinkling. He was wearing almost sinfully tight black leather pants and a black T-shirt. Next to him, a large wolf, darkly handsome, was loaded down with canvasses and packages.

“Hi, I’m Nicky. I’m the mate of the alpha, Marco. ” The young blond stepped forward, holding out his hand. “You must be Evan. ”

Evan shook his hand hesitantly, glancing up at Brett to see if he reacted to his touching this young man, but he was smiling and greeting the other wolf. What the hell?

Nicky, sensing his confusion, lowered his voice conspiratorially. “It’s because Rory and Casey are both wolves, so pets can’t touch them and vice versa. It’s okay for me, because I’m another pet. Stupid wolf rules. ”

Evan laughed, a little startled by the candidness of the young man. His mate, the alpha of the pack, apparently, stepped up beside him, having put down all the packages. “Nicky, I’m going to want to have a word with you about your attitude this morning, just as soon as I have a chance. ”

He gave the young blond a stern look and Evan watched in fascination as the young man dropped his gaze, looked up through his lashes and said, “Yes, Marco, I’m sorry. ”

The big, handsome wolf turned to Evan. “I’m Marco, Evan, and I see Nicky has already introduced himself. I know this must all be confusing to you, and you both look exhausted. I’m glad to see you both in one piece. I must admit I was worried about this scheme of yours, Brett. ”

Brett smiled. “As you see, we’re fine, and I took my little man here right out from under their noses. ”

As Marco and Brettlaughed, Evan and Nicky exchanged glances over the “little man” remark. Nicky’s rolled eyes and look of disgust when the two wolves weren’t looking had Evan trying desperately to hold back his laughter. Nicky looked Evan up and down and drew him off to the side while Brett was still conversing with Marco. “You look ready to drop. Make him give you some real food to eat, and I’ll send up some clothes for you. We have jeans and leathers— whichever you prefer. I think Brett is pretty old school so he may want you in leathers. ” He looked down at his wrist. It didn’t hurt anymore, but Evan still held it at an odd angle next to his chest. “What’s wrong with your wrist?”

“Brett hurtit. ”

At Nicky’s look of outrage, Evan smiled again. “It was my fault, really. I pulled a knife on him, and he was trying to knock it out of my hand. He forgot his own strength—he didn’t mean to do it. ”

Nicky turned around and addressed Marco. “Evan needs to see the doctor, Marco. His wrist may bebroken. ” He looked pointedly at Brett. “Seems Evan didn’t quite get out in one piece after all. ”

Brett tightened his lips. “Sorry, Evan, of course you need to see the doctor right away, but it’s not broken. Just bruised. ” He looked pointedly at Nicky until again, Nicky dropped his gaze. “I’ve apologized over and over for it. ” Brett said, takingEvan’s arm and nodding to Marco. “We’ll see you later this afternoon, sir. If you’ll excuse us, I need to get Evan downstairs. ”

“Of course. ”

“I’ll take him,” Nicky said. “I promise I’ll bring him right back to your room, Brett, after the doctor looks at it. ”

He took Evan’s other arm, and Brett looked for a moment like he might get into a tug of war withthe alpha’s pet, but finally he dropped his hand and smiled tightly. “Thank you, Nicky. Very nice of you. ”