“I will, baby. But you don’t need to come just yet. Not until my knot is inside. ” He began to work it slowly in, stretching Evan’s hole. He reached for more lube with one hand and worked it around his gland. Evan screamed and tried to pull away, but Brett held him tightly to him and pushed him from the front back onto his cock.

Then, with a sudden plop, it was in and Evan screamed again. “I can’t! I’m tearing!”

“No,you’re not. Be still and push out. ” He licked the back of Evan’s neck and bit down hard, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh. Instantly Evan relaxed, and Brett knew he was experiencing the rush of pleasure the bite brought to mates. Evan moaned in ecstasy and pushed out and back onto his cock, his ass now seated against Brett’s groin. Brett held the bite for a long time, and then pulled away, leaving a mark that would be a permanent scar on the back of Evan’s neck. He licked at it to sweep away the blood and help the pain, then held tightly to his mate for the orgasms that would by now be slowly building in his body.

The bulbus glandis brought on extremely intense multiple orgasms, bathing the prostate in chemicals and creating a steady pressure against it. Most mates didn’t stay conscious for all of the orgasms, and once Evan’s started, they were so extreme, Brett thought he would soon pass out.

He screamed and clawed at the bed, trying to alternately get away from Brett and then to reach back to him for comfort. Brett held on as tightly as he could, crooning to him and kissing him, unable to pull out until he was finished. Once inside, the gland had swelled even more and wouldn’t release for a long time yet. All Brett could do for his mate was comfort him. After about the fourth or fifth intense orgasm, Evan slumped in his arms. Brett checked his pulse and kissed him tenderly, but there was nothing else he could do. He was tied inside his mate and couldn’t pull out without injuring them both. He checked Evan’s cock and it was still rigid and straining, though no more semen remained in his balls to pump out. Even in his unconscious state, his hips still jerked and thrust. Finally after almost thirty minutes, the thrusts slowed and Brett could feel a softening in his gland.

Evan was awake and had been for some time, too exhausted to move or do much more than moan occas

ionally. Brett pulled and his cock came out with a plop. Immediately, he rolled Evan over and saw his eyelids fluttering. He bit his wrist and held it to his lips. “Drink, baby. Drink as much as you can. It will help you. ”

At first the blood ran down his chin and onto his chest, but finally he latched on and sucked. His eyelids fluttered and once he looked up into Brett’s eyes. He was so beautiful with his red lips and blue eyes it almost took Brett’s breath away.

Once Brettwas sure he’d fed enough, he pulled his wrist away and turned Evan over on his side, pushing down his still reaching arms, and spooning him. Once Evan stopped moaning and trying to turn back over to get to him, he finally let the exhaustion overtake him and fell into a deep sleep.

Brett felt almost too exhausted to sleep, the ordeal of the past few days still keying him up with adrenalin. Eventually, the soft snores of his mate and the comfort of his soft, warm body in his arms relaxed him and he drifted down into dreams of running under the moon, howling with his brothers. He didn’t know how long he slept, but he came instantly awake as Evan was pulled roughly from his arms.

Chapter Three

Groggy with sleep, Brett sat up rubbing his eyes. He saw two men wearing the green uniforms of the Hunters pulling an unconscious Evan from the bed and dragging him to the door. He roared in anger and tried to leap from the bed when a huge net was thrown over him, making him claw and growl as he felt himself shifting into his wolf.

Dr. Cornsilk stepped into his line of vision, holding up his hands. “Stop, Brett. No one is hurting him. I’ll be with him every minute, and I promise you we’ll bring him right back. ” He turned and hurried for the door to follow Evan.

Some of what the doctor said filtered through to Brett ’s brain, but hewasn’t able to completely stop his shift. He felt his claws ripping at the net, shredding it so he could leap free and hurl himself against the locked door over and over. The heavy steel door sustained a few dents, but held against his onslaught. Slowly, he came back to himself and his claws and hair retreated back to his body. He was furious and restless though, pacing up and down in front of the door. He’d known they would do this, take Evan away to test him like this, but he hadn’t been prepared for how it would feel. It was agonizing.

The door opened quickly and Evan was shoved inside, still wearing a hospital gown, barely able to stand on his own two feet. Brett caught him in his arms, ripping away the gown and picking him up to carry him to the bed. As Evan rolled his head back and forth on the pillows, whimpering in need, his erection hard and urgent, Brett examined every inch of him. He found the place on his arm where they had drawn his blood and he licked at it to heal it. Satisfied his mate was in good condition, he pulled him back into his arms and took his throbbing cock in hand, pumping it hard and giving him release while he kissed his neck soothingly. Evan came in seconds and once he was spent, he turned toward Brett to throw his arms around his neck and bury his face in Brett’s neck. He held on as tightly as he could, while Brett held him close and rubbed his back.

Over the next few hours he fed him again and made love to him twice. He finally settled him down and was able to snatch a few hours of sleep for himself, dreading the next time they would come for his mate. He couldn’t stay here much longer. As soon as Evan was able to travel, he’d get him out of this place and take him home. At the very least, they could make it to Mountainwood. Once there, Evan could rest and assimilate into his new life.

Late in the evening, a soft knock on the door came, and Dr. Cornsilk opened the door. Brett immediately tightened his hold on the sleeping Evan. “No. He’s been through enough. ”

“I’m not here to take him, Brett. Calm down. ”

Brett pulled the covers over his mate and sat up on the side of the bed, turning to face the doctor. “Sorry, but it’s been hard on him. I’ve had to give him a lot of my blood,and I’m a little lightheaded myself. ”

“I’ll have a tray sent in to you. It will do you good to eat and drink something. I’ll give you some iron supplements too. ” He held up a hand at Brett’s protest. “It can’t hurt, and it’ll make me feel like I’m doing something to help. ”

Brett shrugged. “How were the tests? Do they show anything?”

“Too soon to tell yet, but I don’t think they’ll show a thing. I’ve tested my own blood for years and never found anything. ” The doctor had been mated for the last few years to a female wolf who lived in the Dark Hollow pack. His home was in the mountains, about fifteen miles away from the wolf lodge, and his mate spent most nights with him, careful to sneak in only at night to circumvent any prying into his personal life. They were well respected in the wolf community for sacrificing so much for the good of the pack. After so many years, the Hunters barely bothered checking him anymore, other than routinely, but he was still careful to keep his cover.

He nodded over at Evan. “How is he? Did he have any problems with the knot? Do I need to examine him?”

Brett shook his head. “No, he’s fine. I’ve checked him. The orgasms were pretty bad, so they took a lot out of him. He’s responding well to the blood. By this time tomorrow, I’m getting him out of here. ”

The doctor nodded. “I’m staying at the complex until the experiment is over, so I’ll be around. The guardswill come for him again tomorrow evening around five o’clock. They mean to separate the two of you then. You have to make your move. Be ready for them. ” He glanced over at Evan. “He should be better by morning. ”

Brett nodded and the doctor left. As he sat on the bed, he went over his escape plan in his mind. If everything went according to plan, he’d soon be on his way back to the mountains and away from the hated complex. He lay back down and gathered Evan in his arms. Just a few more hours, baby. Then no one will ever take you away from me again.

The next afternoon, Evan awoke, stretching his arms over his head and reaching for Brett. Brett must have showered earlier that morning as he now sat on the bed next to him, still wearing the same filthy jeans he was captured in.

“Hi, beautiful. Feeling better?” He took Evan in his arms and kissed his neck gently. “Yes, I guess. . . I feel surprisingly good. Sore,” he said, blushing,“but good. What time is it?”

“About three thirty. You need to get up and take a shower, sweetheart. The guards will come soon. ”

Evan looked down at himself for the first time. Crusty bits of dried cum covered his stomach. “Oh God. Yeah, I’d better do that. He went to bounce from the bed and shuddered to a halt as the soreness really hit him. “Damn. I can barely walk. ”