“What, baby? Speak up. I want to know about this love stuff. You love me, huh? Really love me?Isn’t that what you said? Oh and something about me being a wonderful lover? Yeah, I want to hear all those wordsagain. ”

“Well…” Gabe lay on his back, looking intimidated as hell as Zack prowled toward him.

Zack bent over and engulfed his dick in his mouth, held him down with his weight and showed him no mercy. He took him in all the way to the root of his shaft, and he tasted so damn sweet. Gabe arched his back and moaned, but Zack pushed him back down and held on to his hips. He moved up and down on his cock until he had him writhing under him, releasing him for Gabe to pump his hips in a screaming orgasm. Zack sucked down every drop and licked up any remainders before leaning up on one elbow and smiling down at him.

“Jerk yourself off for me while I watch, baby. You say you love me. You need to show me. Get hard for me again. C’mon, hot stuff. Let’s see what you got. ”

Gabe whimpered as he put his hand around his half-hard cock and pulled at it. Zack knew it must be almost painful for him as hard as he’d come, but watching him was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. “That’s right, pump it for me, baby. You’re doing just fine. It’s so hot, darlin’. Get yourself ready for me again, cause I’m about to fuck you hard. ” He bent over and teased Gabe’s nipple, ring and all, with his tongue, making Gabe whimper. “You like that, baby?” He bit the other nipple, causing Gabe to stop stroking himself, shuddering. Covering Gabe’s hand, Zack moved it up and down his cock again. “Don’t stop, baby. Get yourself ready for me. Show me how much you love me. ”

Gabe came up again. Zack nipped at his thighs and his balls until Gabe almost cried with need, his cock hard and weeping with pre-cum. “Sweet, baby, very sweet. ” Gabe arched his ass back at him, and Zack laughed. “You need something? You need my cock up your little ass?”

“Please, Zack…please…”

Zack rolled him over and rubbed a finger over his pre-cum covered slit for lube. He put his finger inside his sweet, teasing hole, and crooked it, finding his prostate, enjoying his groans.

“Please what, baby? Do this?” Sweeping his finger over his sweet spot, teasing and playing with it, he drove Gabe crazy, just like he wanted him, crazy with need. He nipped at his ass, making him cry out. “Or this?” He bit him all over the insides of his thighs, biting hard and licking the bite until Gabe sobbed. “Keep stroking,baby. You’re doing so good. ” Zack licked all the way up the crease in his ass, lapped to moisten it and get him ready.

“Please, Zack!”

“First you got to tell me how much you love me. Tell me, baby, or I won’t let you come for a long, long time. ”

“Oh God, I love you, Zack!I love you!”

“Good boy and whose ass is this,darlin’?”

“Yours,” he whimpered.

“Damn straight! I love you too, baby, and this is all mine. ”

He lined up his cock and drove balls deep into Gabe’s sweet ass, pumping him and rocking him hard, the bed groaning in protest. He pounded him, holding Gabe by the hips so he couldn’t move away. They both came in an explosive orgasm, rocking Zack to his core.

Zack stayed deep inside him even as he softened, kissing him on the back of the neck before gently pulling out. Gabe cuddled back into him, breathing hard. Zack bent over his ear. “Say it again, sweetheart. I can’t get enough of it. Tell me how much you love me. ”

Gabe turned his head, not even bothering to open his eyes. “Love you so much. Always have from the first time. ”

“You did?” Zack murmured, delighted with his answer, kissing him on the back of the neck.

“Mm-hmm. Smell good—like burnt sugar. ”

Zack laughed softly. “Honey, that’s how you smell to me too. God, I love you, darlin’. ” Zack wrapped his arms tight around him and put his nose up into his soft hair. Within minutes, he was asleep.

Something nudged Zack on his leg, insistent, demanding, something hard and sharp. Zack looked up and froze with fear. Standing beside the bed, holding Gabe against his chest, stood his cousin, Tim, a long, wicked-looking knife in the other hand. “Move and he’s dead, Zack. I swear to God, I’ll finish him this time. ”

“W -what have you done to him?” Gabe was completely limp, his naked body slumped in Tim’s hold, lookingsmall next to Tim’s bulk. Zack was immediately terrified. “Give him to me!”

“Relax. He’s not dead—yet—but I’ll kill him if you attack me. ”

“What are you doing, Tim?” Zack fought against every instinct he

had to leap up and tear Tim’s throat out .

“I’m taking what’s mine. He’s been mine for over a year, long before you ever saw him. ” “What the hell are you talking about?” Zack snarled.

“I’m the one who changed him. Me! It was my bite that made him Werekin. I’m claiming

what’s mine. You’ve taken everything else away from me, but you’re not taking him! I knew him for mine from the moment you brought him here. Hissmell almost drove me crazy!” He laughed shortly. “I even tried to put floral scent in his bath to drown out the smell, but it didn’t help. If you hadn’t come in when you did, I’d have taken him and finished what I started back at thatrest stop. ”

“My God, Tim, what are you saying?You’re the one who raped him? Who murdered his mother?”