Gabe gave him a wicked little smile. “Uh-huh. I wondered how long it would take Scott to call you. He didn’t for the longest time. ”

“You knew Scott was watching you?”

“Well, duh. It’s pretty hard to hide a wolf. You’re all pretty damned big. I figured when I got up to dance on the bar he’d call you. ”

“Why you little…” Zack pulled him up in his arms, and Gabe wrapped his legs around Zack’s waist, his arms around his neck, cuddling his face into his neck. With both hands on Gabe’s ass, Zackmassaged the cheeks slowly and sensuously. “I really should punish you again for your little stunt and for drinking so much. ”

“Mmm…with the flogger? Yes, please. I really have been bad. ”

Zack put back his head and laughed. “Yes, you certainly have. What am I going to do with you?” He dropped him down a bit, rubbing their cocks together and nibbled at his neck.

“Make love to me again?”

Zack smiled and kissed his nose. “Try and stop me. ”

Gabe stretched luxuriously and reached over for Zack, but he was already gone. Pouting a little, he rolled over in bed and smiled over the delicious sting on his butt. Their lovemaking the night before had been hot and wild. Gabe had talked Zack into using some of the other sex toys Zack told him he’d made a special trip to town to buy. Gabe was determined to try each and every one of them out. He’d thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. He wondered idly what else he could do to get Zack mad enough to give him a little more of his undivided attention.

He heard a knock at the door and got up to answer, pulling on his pants and smoothing down his hair.

Scott looked frantic. “Gabe, you’d better come quickly. Zack just collapsed downstairs. We carried him to our infirmary, but the doctor hasn’t been able to bring him around yet. ”

The last words were yelled at Gabe’s back as he raced downstairs, his heart racing even faster. Scott caught up with him easily and passed him on the stairs, which was a good thing, since Gabe had no idea where he was going. He followed Scott down into the basement and into a small room set up like a hospital. He stopped in the doorway and stared, clutching himself around the waist. Zack was still and white on his back on the bed, some men standing around him, all looking concerned and upset.

Gabe hesitated only a second in the doorway before he raced across the room and flung himself on top of Zack’s body, wrapping his arms around his waist.

The doctor standing next to him cried out. “No, no, young man, you must get off him! I’m still examining him and running tests. We’ll know more soon, but please control yourself. ”

Scott motioned him gently down to a chair beside Zack’s bed and stood close by to keep him in place. He leaned over to whisper in his ear. “Settle down, Gabe. The doctor knows his stuff, even if he is a tightass. ”

Gabe sat stunned, listening with half an ear to the talk swirling around him. He couldn’t lose Zack—he wouldn’t. The very idea was unthinkable. He stood up and turned to the doctor, his voice steady and firm. “What happened to him?Tell me everything. ”

The doctor looked at him with irritation and spoke instead to Scott. “Will you please keep this pet out of my way?I’m trying to work here. ”

Gabe stepped forward,grabbed a handful of the doctor’s shirtfront, and pushed his face up into his. His voice came out low and menacing. “Listen up, asshole. This is my mate on this bed. You talk to me,or I’ll rip out your throat. ”

The doctor sputtered a few times and looked to the men standing around the bed for help. None of them made a move to stop Gabe. One or two even looked a little impressed at his aggression.

Seeing no help was forthcoming, the doctor put up both hands in a placating gesture. “All right, all right!Please release me and I’ll tell you what I know. ”

Gabe let go of him begrudgingly, but stayed close, glaring at him.

“Uh…well, these men here told me the alpha collapsed at the breakfast table. He clutched his stomach and just fell over. From my examination,even though it seems impossible, I’d say he’s been poisoned. ”

Feeling like he’d been hit in the gut with a fist, Gabe turned to the men standing beside the bed. “Who was with him?” he asked sharply.

Jamie, the beta, spoke up. “I was. ”

Scott nodded. “Me too. ”

“He was fine when he left our room this morning. What was he eating?” Gabe addressed his question to Scott, who shrugged.

“Nothing the rest of us didn’t have. He ate some eggs and toast. A little fruit, I think. We were all having the same thing. He said he had a little headache from staying up too late last night. He took some headache powders. ”

“Headache powders?” Gabe sounded puzzled. “You mean the powdery stuff in those little packets?Where’s the package?”

“Try his pocket. I think I saw him get them out of there. ”