“You knew he’d do something like that to you?” Nicky exclaimed.

Logan shrugged slightly. “As far as he was concerned, I was as bad as a wolf. I tried to ignore or justify the things he was doing, but I knew, Nicky. There wasn’t any reason as far as he was concerned not to do the same things to me. I’m less than human in his eyes now, and God knows being his son meant nothing to him. ” He asked Dawson, “He’s given that honor to you, hasn’t he? You’re the one to take his place?”

“He knew you weren’t strong enough to do what needed to be done. Why do you think you never took part in the interrogations?”

“The tortures,” Logan corrected in a mild tone, belying the emotions roiling inside him.

“Yeah,” Dawson said with a laugh. “That’s exactly what I meant. You were a weak excuse for a man before. Now you’re worse than the wolves—both of you. You let those animals fuck you just to save your pitiful lives. ” Dawson’s gaze shifted to Nicky. “Now we’ll have two of you to experiment on. The fact that he’s the alpha’s pet will be icing on the cake. ”

Logan swung his arm up with a punch that caught Dawson right in his mouth, knocking him down on his ass with an almost comical expression of surprise. He yelled over his shoulder to Nicky,“Run!”

Nicky turned to run, but one of the other men caught him by the arm and held him long enough for a second man to jump him. Nicky pulled back his fist to strike the first, but took a hard blow to the chin, knocking him down. Logan jumped to defend his friend. Three men took him down. When he started up even with the weight of three on him, a hard blow from behind crashed down on his head and put out the lights.

Logan came back to consciousness slowly, on his back, hands tied in front of him. His head ached and swam with dizziness. He opened his eyes to Nicky beside him, leaning over him. Like Logan, his hands were tied securely in front of him.

“Are you all right?” Nicky whispered fiercely. “You scared me to death. ”

“I think so. Was I out long?”

“It’s just been a few minutesor so. ”

“God, I’m sorry, Nicky. I told you I could get us out of here and now look. ”

Dawson and one other man stood a few feet from them, holding their rifles on them.

“You couldn’t know they’d recognize me. ” He tipped his head toward Dawson. “As soon as they hit us, they heard something from those bushes over there. Three of them went out to investigate. ”

Logan sat up, wincing at the pain in his head. “What’s the matter, Dawson?” Logan taunted. “Does every little noise you hear, scare the shit out of you? Getting cowardly in your old age?”

“You’re a fine one to talk about fear. How long did it take you to turn coward and take getting fucked up the ass to save yourself?”

Logan smiled mockinglyat him. “Jealous? God knowsyou’re stupid. Werekin means just what it says, kin to them. It can be from a bite or born into it. Dear old Daddy needs to get that part straight. Being turned to Werekin doesn’t mean having sex, asshole, mating does, and they only mate with permission. ”

“Logan,” Nicky warned.

Logan shook his head, telling at Nicky. “I just realized, after the Werekin bite when Ian asked my permission to mate with me, he never once told me I had to agree to save my life. ” Logan remembered something else too. When he came to after that first bite, three gorgeous men stood in front of him. His cock ached and his hips wouldn’t hold still, yet all that desire didn’t take direction until he saw Ian. Was it the bite, or was his mind telling him something? Food for thought, but he didn’t have time at the moment.

“Permission?” Dawson exclaimed. “Are you saying he didn’t even have to rape you? You gave yourself to him?”

“Yeah, he asked my permission, and it wasn’t until after the mating bite that I had to have blood. ” Logan grinned at him. “And any wolf’s blood would do. I don’t have to have only his. ”

“Logan,” Nicky said in warning.

“They take care of their people too. Not one of them would leave one of their own to be tortured, just like they came after Ian and me. They share their wealth too. They’ve got mines, you know, sapphires and rubies. ”

“Logan,” Nicky exclaimed in horror.

“No, keep talking. The general will be real interested in what you’ve learned. ”

“Don’t worry, Nicky. He won’t repeat anything I say. ”

“Yeah, and what makes you think a stupid thing like that?” Dawson taunted.

“BecauseI’m going to kill you. ”

Dawson laughed, glancing over at the man with him. Logan didn’t give Dawson any warning, or Nicky either. He launched up and threw himself at both men, slamming his body into Dawson and kicking his feet into the other man. “Run, Nicky,” he shouted.

Landing in a three-man heap, Logan had a double-handed hold of Dawson’s rifle with his bound hands. When the other man tried to get up, he kicked him in the jaw so hard he snapped his neck. Nicky ran, but not away as Logan meant. He ran to the two struggling men to help.