Marco gave Nicky a quick kiss as he stood and let Nicky slide down into his chair. He addressed the others at the table. “I thought our mates could have a little talk together tonight over dinner. Nicky, in particular, has some insights he can share with Logan about the necessity for feedings. And Rory has some experience as a new mate who had some difficulty settling in. Nicky and I would like to invite you all over for dinner tonight. ”

Ian smiled and nodded, as did Casey, and that seemed to be that, leaving Logan full of resentment. What if he didn’t want to have dinner tonight with these two seriously gorgeous guys, one of whom Ian seemed to be more than a little interested in?Didn’t matter apparently. It seemed to be a done deal.

As they left, Ian took Logan’s hand and led him down the hallway and up the stairs to their apartment. “I have some exciting news, Logan. Marco has agreed with our plan. He’s made a few changes, like he and Casey want to goalong, but he’s agreed to let me take you with us. ”

“Yeah, good. ” Logan’s voice was low and uninterested.

Entering their rooms, Ian turned to face him. “What’s the matter, honey?Don’t you feel well?I thought you’d be excited by the news. ” “Why did you agree to dinner tonight with all of them? I have no interest in getting to know Nicky and Rory. ”

“Why, Logan?They’re both very nice and can help you a lot. Nicky in particular, is—”

Logan broke in, throwing himself down on the sofa. “Is what?Oh, I’m sure you think he’s just great. Nicky is perfect, isn’t he? I saw how you were looking at him. I’ve noticed how your face lights up whenever you talk about him. You probably wish he was yours, don’t you? All that curly blond hair, all that hanging all over his master like a dog begging for attention. ”

Ian laughed out loud. “It’s obvious you don’t know Nicky very well if you think he considers Marco his master. ”

Logan frowned. “Yeah, but he belongs to your alpha, so there’s not much you can do about your obvious attraction to him, is there?Guess that’s why you settled for me. It’s not like I’m your blood match, after all. But hey, any old port in a storm, right?”

Ian’s jaw dropped. He sat beside Logan on the sofa, twisting to face him. “Are you crazy?Is that what’s wrong, Logan? You’ve lost your mind all of a sudden?”

Logan crossed his arms over his chest and turned his head away. “I saw how you looked at him. You don’t have to pretend. ”

Ian threw back his head and laughed. “Oh my God, you’re jealous! You’re jealous of Nicky!”

Logan pressed his lips together and shot him a dark look. “Of course not, don’t be silly. I’ve never been jealous of anyone in my life. Certainly not another man!”

“So you wouldn’t mind if I sat next to Nicky tonight at dinner?”

Logan gave him an evil look. “If you want to have to sleep with one eye open, go right ahead. ”

Still laughing, Ian lifted Logan over into his lap, and wrapped his arms around him to make him stay there. “Not jealous, huh? Settle down, please! Let me talk to you. ”

Logan still tried to push away. “I’m not jealous! If you like Nicky and his girly blond curls, go ahead. Makes no difference to me. ”

Ian forced his head around and kissed him to shut him up. Logan fought, but Ian held him effortlessly until Logan was out of breath and gave up. Only then did Ian relax his hold and trail kisses down his throat and onto his chest. “Why would I want a blond when I’ve got a sultry, sexy brunet? Do you ever look in the mirror, baby?You’re gorgeous!”

“Then why did you look at Nicky with that expression on your face?”

“What expression?”

“Like you wished it was you Nicky was draped all over!I saw your face, so don’t try to deny it!” Logan almost spat the words in his anger.

Ian shook his head sadly. “It wasn’t like that, baby. It wasn’t Nicky I wanted. It was to have that kind of relationship with you. ”

Logan shot up and walked into the kitchen. “I can’t be that kind of man, Ian. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. ”

“I know. ”

“Do you?” he said, turning around to look at Ian. “Do you, really?Because you don’t sound like you know. ”

“I know you have strong feelings for me, Logan, but—”

“But what, damn it?”

“Logan, we’re not a blood match. You have feelings for me because of the chemistry from the mating bite. It had to be that way. For me, it was different. I wanted you from the first minute I saw you. It’s a love match for me. I hope that one day—”

Logan yelled at Ian, shaking with fury. “So now you’re telling me how I feel? You think I would let you—do the things you do, if I didn’t—damn it!I’m not attracted to any man except you. I never have been. I don’t want you looking at anybody else. Anybody else, you got that?”

“I got it. ” Ian held out his hand, but Logan pointedly ignored it and flopped in the chair opposite Ian. He kept his arms folded, but he unbent a little.